I Didn’t, I Trusted God!

How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic?

I Trusted God!
A Focus on Freedom
Hebrews 2:14-15 (NIV®)
He too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

Wouldn’t you like to have a friend who is powerful enough to free you from the Devil’s strongholds in your life? None of your earthly friends will ever be able to do that, but that is exactly why Jesus left Heaven and came to Earth. Sometimes, it’s easier to be focused on the things that can beset us rather than on the One who sets us free. It’s not helpful to live in fear or spend time wringing our hands over what might happen. Jesus came and died for us so that we don’t have to be afraid of illness, evil, or a shaky economy. I’m not saying we will never encounter sickness, hardships, and challenges—because we will. But Jesus invites us to trust Him for deliverance from anything that could hold us captive. He invites us to be spiritually whole and live in the light of His freedom.

Jesus paid the price for our redemption and freedom on the cross. His work is perfect and complete. All we need to do is humbly release ourselves from what diminishes us and receive and walk in His finished work.

Heavenly Father, I yield to You without reservation. Through the cross of Jesus, I have experienced forgiveness, freedom, and deliverance. Set me free from anything that separates me from Your best. I turn away from ungodliness and embrace the truth. In His name, Amen.

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. John 16:7

Do you ever think that being a Christian would be easier if Jesus were living among us, the way He did with His disciples? Well, not according to Jesus. Why? Because after Jesus, came the sustaining and transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus walks as God with us, the Holy Spirit comes to us and God in us. Instead of just witnessing the power of God, we have the blessed joy of living in that power as He works through us.

Thank You, Lord, for the saving grace that You imparted on me through Jesus. And thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Help me to know more of Your power, so that the Spirit may do great things in my life for the glory of Your name and the sake of Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The way we love God is reflected in the way we love the people around us. The Christian life is not a life of selfishness or pickiness, where we choose to stick to ourselves or hang around select people of our liking. There is no room for excluding people when it comes to walking in the love of God. The same way God’s arms were wide open for us when we were sinners, is the same way we are to have our arms stretched out wide open to the people around us. The love of God knows no boundaries when it comes to reaching out to people.

The love of God isn’t for a certain group of people. It is for anyone and everyone and the only way God’s love can reach other people is through us. We are God’s representatives on earth and He expects us to do what He would have done.

When Jesus came to the earth He looked down upon no one. He entertained everyone and accommodated them as best as they can. Even though He had many disputes with the Pharisees over their self-righteousness, Jesus never closed them out. He was open to talk to Nicodemus (John 3:1-21), who was a Pharisee. Jesus still spoke to him, counselled him, and taught him about the Way.

The love of God should move us to overlook all offences in order to minister to other people. This is no easy feat but this is why God is with us. This is why the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to love people past the offense they may have caused us.

Loving the people around us is not an option, dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. It is a commandment.

God is Love. You cannot claim to be of God if you refuse to love the people around you. The love of God overrides all prejudice and forms of exclusion.

God doesn’t expect us to stand on the outside, looking in. He expects us to go in, full speed ahead, loving on anyone we can so that they know that there is a God out here who cares about them deeply.

As children of God, it is our duty to exhibit God’s love through our words and actions. If we fail to do so, how do we expect to lead more people to Christ?

You cannot reach out to  people without the love of God. It is the love of God that compels us to reach out to people to glorify Him, Who loves us.

Something major is going down at the Supreme Court right now. It’s moving lightning fast, and we face looming deadlines.

A federal appeals court overturned Biden’s massive expansion of the abortion pill. This drug kills more babies than any other method of abortion.

Biden and the abortion industry rushed to appeal, and the Supreme Court just heard oral argument last week. We filed several briefs in the case representing pro-life groups. Now we just filed a vital brief in another Supreme Court case – our third filing this term – where the abortion industry is trying to shut down pro-life centers. And we’re taking further legal action later this week.

The abortion giant is reeling. But as we battle the limitless taxpayer-funded resources of Biden and Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court, we need you.

According to the Bible, humans Made In Their  Image According To Their likeness. We made in God’s image. Humans are given special dignity and are made for a relationship with the Creator.

I Don’t!

Creation/Evolution controversy we focus on ourselves. What are human beings? Are we different from animals? Mark Twain said, “Man is the only animal that blushes – and the only animal that needs to!” Professor C.E.M. Joad noted that man is nothing but:

Fat enough for seven bars of soap; Iron enough for one medium-sized nail; Sugar enough for seven cups of tea; Lime enough to whitewash one chicken coop; Phosphorus enough to tip two thousand two hundred matches; Magnesium enough for one dose of salts; Potash enough to explode one toy crane; sulphur enough to rid one dog of fleas.

All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fish, another of birds (1 Corinthians 15:39).

Man is different from all other animals in a number of ways:

1. Analytical Thought

Man can think analytically. He can analyze problems and come up with creative solutions. He is able to reason and philosophize about life. The reasoning powers in animals are limited.

2. True Language

Only man possesses true language and conceptual thought. He can communicate by using abstract symbols. The Bible says one of the first responsibilities given Adam by God was to name the animals (Genesis 2:19-23). Animals have no such capacities.

3. Record History

Another difference is that man can record and determine history. From the beginning of time, man has recorded his deeds for the benefit of future generations. There is no example of any animal recording their deeds for posterity.

4. Economics

Man is an economic being, able to transact complicated business and to administer goods and services under his control. God instructed Adam and Eve to take control of the earth and “subdue” it (Genesis 1:28). Animals do not transact business between each other.

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Don Stewart :: Is There a Difference Between Humans and Animals?
Don Stewart
As we close our section on the creation/evolution controversy we focus on ourselves. What are human beings? Are we different from animals? Mark Twain said, “Man is the only animal that blushes – and the only animal that needs to!” Professor C.E.M. Joad noted that man is nothing but:

Fat enough for seven bars of soap; Iron enough for one medium-sized nail; Sugar enough for seven cups of tea; Lime enough to whitewash one chicken coop; Phosphorus enough to tip two thousand two hundred matches; Magnesium enough for one dose of salts; Potash enough to explode one toy crane; sulphur enough to rid one dog of fleas.

The Bible makes a clear distinction between man and animals:

All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fish, another of birds (1 Corinthians 15:39).

Man is different from all other animals in a number of ways:

1. Analytical Thought

Man can think analytically. He can analyze problems and come up with creative solutions. He is able to reason and philosophize about life. The reasoning powers in animals are limited.

2. True Language

Only man possesses true language and conceptual thought. He can communicate by using abstract symbols. The Bible says one of the first responsibilities given Adam by God was to name the animals (Genesis 2:19-23). Animals have no such capacities.

3. Record History

Another difference is that man can record and determine history. From the beginning of time, man has recorded his deeds for the benefit of future generations. There is no example of any animal recording their deeds for posterity.

4. Economics

Man is an economic being, able to transact complicated business and to administer goods and services under his control. God instructed Adam and Eve to take control of the earth and “subdue” it (Genesis 1:28). Animals do not transact business between each other.

5. Art

Man is an aesthetic being, capable of perceiving and appreciating beauty and intangible values. When animals build things, the process and resulting object serve a functional purpose. Animals do not create objects for the purpose of appreciation.

6. Morality

Man is an ethical being. He can distinguish between right and wrong. He can and does make moral judgments. He has a conscience. Only to man could God speak of “good” and “evil.” Because of mans sense of justice and his ethical orientation, God could fairly punish him for his willful disobedience in the Garden of Eden.

7. Worship

Only man can experience faith. Man alone of all earthly creation can worship his Creator. He alone can put his trust in the guidance and leadership of God.
The above list, though not exhaustive, points out that there are many things that separate man from animals. We could also add such things as: creativity, invention, imagination, abstract reasoning, love (at various levels), a will, and a conscience.

Human Life Is Different

It is important to note the significant difference between humans and other life forms. Not only are humans different from plants, but humans are also different from animals. Only humans, according to the Bible, are made in “Gods image.” Only humans possess the will and self-consciousness that distinguish us so sharply from even the most “advanced” and intelligent animals. Anatomist Kingsley Mortimer discusses that difference:

To the scientist, man is an animal, graciously self-designated as homo sapiens . . . If he is, at least, he is still the only one discussing what kind of animal he is. Few, however, would deny that man, animal or not has features without parallel in any other member of that kingdom. We are quite familiar with the physical evidence that marks out homo sapiens – the erect posture, the grasping thumb, the cerebral hemispheres. These are all acceptable criteria and have been with us for a long time. Few men take pride in them, but rather take them for granted . . . standard equipment. What puts man in the luxury class among all forms of life is his unique capacity for thought, and his possession of free will. He can do as he likes; he can go it alone. By his own choice, he can know the mystery of loneliness and solitary rebellion. Indeed, the very capacity to be rebellious or miserable is the property of man alone. For who ever hears of a miserable rose or a rebellious kangaroo? (Kings wellley Mortimer, “An Anatomists Testimony,” Why I Am Still a Christian, E. M. Blaiklock, editor, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, pp. 138,139).

From the Bible, as well as from observing both man and animals, it can be seen that there is a vast difference between the two. Francis Schaeffer comments:

Secular history can tell us much about our past as a human race, and therefore our own place in it. But no matter how much writing we turn up and translate, no matter how many excavations we make and how many artifacts we study, secular history has not unearthed a clue to help explain the final why of what we find.

All the way back to the dawn of our studies we find man still being man. Wherever we turn – to the caves in the Pyrenees, to the Sumerians, and further back to the Neanderthaler man burying his dead with flower petals – it makes no difference: Everywhere men show by their art and their acts that they observed themselves to be unique. And they are unique, unique as men in the midst of non-men (Francis Schaeffer, Genesis in Space and Time, Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1972, pp. 158,159).

Man – Made In Gods Image

The Bible says man has been made in the image and likeness of God. Man was the climax of Gods creation, having been created on the sixth day. Though last in order he is first in importance:

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Genesis 1:27).

In the day that God created man. He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created (Genesis 5:1,2).

What does it mean that man was created in Gods image? To say that man was made in the image of God means that God and man have many things in common. When God created man He gave him such things as personality, choice, emotions, morality, and creativity.


Both man and God have personality, that is to say, they can both think and communicate as rational beings. They each have personal identity that is separate from other rational beings and from non-living things. Man and God also have the ability to communicate to other rational beings:

And have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him (Colossians 3:10).


A second common trait between man and God is choice. Both God and man are beings who have the ability to choose, though God does not have the ability to choose evil. Neither God nor man is programmed or forced to make any choices. This freedom was given to man by God and man is responsible for the choices he makes.

Both man and God have emotions. For example, each can give love and receive love. God, as well as man, can be angry. Both man and God have the capacity to feel and express emotions.

Man and God both have a moral sense of right and wrong. Each knows and understands the difference between good and evil. The Bible says:

And that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:24).

Another attribute that God and man have in common is creativity. The Bible says God created the universe and everything within it. Man also is a creative being, having been given this ability by God.


Man is different from the animals. Both biblical and scientific evidence demonstrate this. Man alone has the capacity to know and worship God because he has been made in Gods image after Gods likeness.

The Bible makes a clear distinction between man and animals:

Which animal would you compare yourself to and why?

According to the Bible, God created humans in Genesis 1:26–28. The Book of Genesis
tells the story of creation, including the creation of the sea, sky, birds, and animals.
In Genesis 1:27, it says that God created humans male and female. Genesis 1-4 also states that God created humans from dust and breathed life into them. Genesis 2:7 says that humans are created in the image of God and find their origins in the earth’s soil and God’s breath.
Genesis 2 also states that God created humanity through breath, while Genesis 1 states that God created the physical world by speaking.
The Bible describes humans as having peculiar qualities that reflect the nature of God and set them apart from all other created beings. The Bible also claims that the role of humans is to rule alongside God.
The Bible also says that God created animals before he created man, and placed them in the perfect serenity that was then earth. Animals share the sixth day of creation with humans (Gen 1:24–31). In Genesis 2:18–19, animals are not created as resources for Adam, but rather companions with Adam.
The Bible also says that animals should be treated with respect and care, particularly those who work our lands. When it comes to the laws on the Sabbath, not only are humans commanded to rest and not engage in any form of work, but animals, too, are exempt from work as well.

The fact that the creation of man stands as a second act of creation within the sixth day also serves to set humanity apart. There is a command to create the land animals, then another to create humanity. This indicates that human beings are not simply another of the land animals.

Tim: Very clearly humans come from the earth, just like animals come from the earth. They are similar. But there’s also something different in that humans are designated as the divine image. Jon: The divine image, the image of God, the biblical claim the role of humans is to rule alongside God.

According to the Scriptures, humans are not an evolutionary accident but a special creation. Human beings were purposefully produced by God to fulfill a preordained role in His world. They have peculiar qualities that somehow reflect the nature of God Himself and set them apart and above all other created beings

Some people think that the main differences between humans other animal species is our ability of complex reasoning, our use of complex language, our ability to solve difficult problems, and introspection (this means describing your own thoughts and feelings).

The original explanation for the two stories was that the first one happened first, but the woman (made at the same time as the man), later named Lilith, got a bit above herself and thought she was as good as him. God couldn’t have that, of course, so he drove her out and started again in chapter two with Adam and Eve. This is a lie! Eve is the original woman made out of Adam’s rib.

How are the two creation stories different?

In Gen 1 , God creates plants, then animals, and then simultaneously creates man and woman. In Gen 2 , God creates a human, plants, then animals, and later he divides the human into female and male. Additionally, the two stories employ different names for the deity. This is clearly wrong as well! God made the planets, animals, and then man. Adam is clearly a man as a man.

What was the first thing God created?
Genesis 1–2 tells the story of God’s creation of the world. On the first day, God created light in the darkness. On the second, He created the sky. Dry land and plants were created on the third day.

🔯 Jesus’ the Man! 🔯

Describe a man who has positively impacted your life.

🔯 Jesus the Son of the Living God our Father in heaven! 🔯

For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Isaiah 55:12

Jesus The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

“He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another village, where He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty. Then for three years He was an itinerant preacher. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never had a family or a home. He didn’t go to college. He never visited a big city. He never travelled two hundred miles from the place where He was born. He did none of the things that usually accompany greatness. He had no credentials but Himself. He was only thirty-three when the tide of public opinion turned against Him. His friends ran away. One of them denied Him. He was turned over to His enemies and went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. While He was dying, His executioners gambled for His garments, the only property He had on earth. When He was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend. Nineteen centuries have come and gone, and today He is the central figure of the human race. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that one solitary life.”

THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT JESUS Christ is the greatest man who has ever lived in all of history. He changed the world forever. When He was born, He transformed the very way we measure time. He turned aside the river of the ages out of its course and lifted the centuries off their hinges. His birthday, His Incarnation, touched and transformed time. Now the whole world counts time as Before Christ (BC) and AD (Anno Domoni – in the year of our Lord). Jesus Christ is the central figure of history. More books have been written about Jesus Christ than any other person in history.

The world before Christ was a world without hospitals, a world without charity, a world without respect for the sanctity of life. Hospitals were an innovation of Christianity. Hence the healing symbol of a cross represents hospitals. The nursing profession was founded by Christians, such as Florence Nightingale, out of devotion to Christ. One of history’s greatest humanitarian movements, the International Red Cross, was founded by Christians in response to the Scriptural injunctions to care for the sick and the suffering. Christians such as Dr. Louis Pasteur has fuelled some of the greatest practical advances in medicine. Pasteur has probably saved more lives than any other individual in history through his inventions. The whole concept of charity was a Christian innovation. Benevolence to strangers was unknown before Christ.

The teachings and example of Jesus Christ have inspired the greatest acts of generosity, hospitality, self-sacrifice and service to the poor, sick and needy over two thousand years.
Before the advent of Christianity cultures practised slavery and human sacrifice – even the highly esteemed Greek and Roman civilisations. Child sacrifice was common among the pagan religions. The Aztec Empire in Mexico and Inca Empire in Peru engaged in slavery, ritual rapes and mass human sacrifice. Suttee, the burning of widows on the funeral pyres of their husbands, was common practice in Hindu India before the missionary William Carey arrived.
Slavery was eradicated as a result of tireless efforts of Christians such as William Wilberforce and David Livingstone. Respect for life and liberty is a fruit of Christianity. Those promoting abortion, euthanasia and pornography are not offering us progress, but only a return to pre-Christian paganism.
The positive impact of Jesus Christ on the world cannot be overstated. Everything from education to human rights, from public health to economic liberty – the things we cherish most and many of the blessings we take for granted – can be traced to the spiritual and the cultural revolution begun by Jesus Christ.
The irrefutable fact is that Christianity gave birth to modern science. The scientific revolution began with the Protestant Reformation and the Bible played a vital part in the development of scientific discovery. Every major branch of science was developed by a Bible believing Christian. The Bible essentially created science. When we get into a car, start the engine, turn on the lights, drive to a hospital, receive an anaesthetic before an operation, and have an effective operation performed in a germ-free environment, we need to remember that we owe it all to Jesus Christ.
“Every school you see – public or private, religious or secular – is a visible reminder of the religion of Jesus Christ. So is every college and university.” Dr. James Kennedy.
The phenomenon of education for the masses has its roots in Christianity. The pursuit of the knowledge of God in a systematic, philosophical and in-depth way gave rise to the phenomenon of universities all around the world. It was the Christian faith that gave rise to the idea of higher learning.
Most of the languages of the world were first set to writing by Christian missionaries. The first book in most languages of the world has been the Bible. Christianity has been the greatest force for promoting literacy worldwide throughout history.
The Christian missionary movement in the 19th Century pioneered tens of thousands of schools throughout Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands – providing education for countless millions, even in the remotest jungles, giving the gift of literacy to tribes which had never before had a written language.
There is no doubt that Jesus Christ was the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. When He spoke, “They were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority…”

Jesus Christ Within Me Amen

Mark 1:22. The life, teachings and example of Jesus Christ have profoundly influenced the whole development of education worldwide. The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus was to “make disciples of all nations…teaching them…”

Matthew 28:19-20.
From the very beginning Christians were establishing schools. Amongst the many innovations in Christian Education was that these Christian schools taught everybody, including girls and women. Formally educating both sexes was a Christian innovation. The Greeks and Romans before the birth of Christ did not formally educate girls. Only boys from the privileged classes obtained an education. Christianity revolutionised education by making it available to all classes and both genders.
Saint Augustine observed that Christian women were better educated than the pagan male philosophers.
Every branch and level of education was pioneered by Bible-believing Christians. The concept of graded levels of education was first introduced by a German Lutheran, Johan Sturm, in the 16th Century. Another Lutheran, Frederick Froebel, introduced kindergartens.
Education for the deaf was also pioneered by Christians.
Before Jesus Christ, human life in the Greek and Roman world was extremely cheap. Infants born with physical defects such as blindness, were commonly abandoned to die in the wilderness. In Greece, blind babies were cast into the sea. Those who survived their blind infancy, or became blind later in childhood, usually became galley slaves, and blind girls were commonly assigned to a life of prostitution.
However, Jesus Christ showed particular compassion for the blind, healing many blind individuals during His ministry on earth. When the Roman persecution of the Church ended, in the 4th Century, Christians established asylums for the blind. In the 19th Century, Louis Braille, a dedicated Christian who lost his eyesight at age three, developed the world’s first alphabet that enabled blind people to read with their fingers.
Sunday schools were begun by Robert Raikes in 1780 to provide boys and girls from the poorest homes with the gift of literacy and the riches of the Scriptures. The first universities grew out of the monastic missionary centres, which had discipled Europe. The first university lecturers were the missionary monks who had collected books, accumulated libraries, copied manuscripts and were uniquely equipped for advanced academic study. Most universities began as Christian schools, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, Heidelberg and Basel.
The greatest invention in the field of learning, the printing press, by Johannes Gutenberg, was also a fruit of the Christian faith. The first book to be printed was the Bible.
The very name “university” testifies to its Christian origins. University means “One Truth”. Isn’t it time that teachers, lecturers and professors took an in-depth look at the greatest Teacher the world has ever known, the greatest Book ever produced and the Faith which inspired and pioneered every major branch of education and science?.
Just consider some of the everyday things which have been inspired by the Bible. The word “breakfast” comes from the concept of breaking the fast.
The word “restaurant” comes from Jesus’ promise in Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” The first restaurant founded in Paris in 1766 placed that verse from Matthew 11:28 in bold letters outside this first public establishment dedicated to providing meals in a pleasant atmosphere.
The fact that our week consists of seven days is a testimony to the fact of God creating the world in six days, resting on the seventh. The practice of Sunday being a day of rest dates back to the Christian tradition of honouring the first day of the week as the Lord’s Day, a testimony to the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the first day of the week.
Every time a newspaper publishes the date, it is a testimony to the centrality of Christ. When we call this the year 2006, we are acknowledging that Jesus Christ is the central focus of history. This is the year 2006 AD, ‘in the year of our Lord’.
The very word “goodbye” comes from a parting prayer: God be with ye. The word “holiday” comes from holy day.
The Bible, particularly the Ten Commandments, laid the framework and legal foundations of Western civilisation. The very first statute, the first written restriction on the powers of government was the Magna Carta of 1215. It was written by a pastor and thoroughly saturated with Scriptural principles.
The Bible has inspired the greatest literature, the greatest art, the greatest examples of architecture, the age of exploration, world missions, the rule of law, the separation of powers, checks and balances, representative government, the sanctity of life, and so much more that we take for granted.
Christianity introduced a respect for life and liberty that was completely unknown before the coming of Jesus Christ.
In the ancient world, the teachings of Jesus Christ halted infanticide, liberated women, abolished slavery, inspired the first charities and religious organisations, created hospitals, established orphanages and founded schools.
In the medieval times, Christianity built libraries, invented colleges and universities, dignified labour and converted the barbarians.
In the modern era, Christian teaching has advanced science, inspired political, social and economic freedom, promoted justice and provided the greatest inspiration for the most magnificent achievements in art, architecture, music and literature. Christianity has been the most powerful agent in transforming society for the better across 2000 years.
No other religion, philosophy, teaching, nation or movement has changed the world for the better as Christianity has done. Jesus Christ is the greatest Man who has ever lived, and the Bible is the greatest Book ever written.
The Bible is the number one best selling book in all of history. It is estimated that well over 30 million Bibles and 100 million New Testaments are printed every year. The Bible has also been translated into more languages than any other book in history.

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Good News of Great Joy
Luke 2:8-11 (KJV®)
There were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

One of my favorite Christmas movies is A Charlie Brown Christmas. Charlie is confused when his friends are obsessed with getting the presents they want and finding a perfect tree for their Christmas play. In frustration, he raises his hands and asks, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” “Sure, Charlie Brown,” Linus replies. “I can tell you what Christmas is all about.” Linus takes the stage and recites Luke 2:8-14. Linus was wise beyond his years and gave us one of the cornerstones of a biblical worldview: The birth of Jesus is good news of great joy, and it’s a message for everyone.

Find a way to keep the true meaning of Christmas alive all season, even amid busy holiday preparations. You will be enriched, along with all those around you.

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to dwell among us, reveal Your character, and offer Himself as a sacrifice for our redemption to You. May the reality of the Living Christ be made more greatly known in our midst—a reality more powerful than any opposition. Let Jesus be alive within us in a brand-new way. In His name, amen.

The Dems and GOP Are lying Again!

After all, both candidates would like to run against a historically unpopular opponent.

The much maligned and passionately non-partisan public interest group, No Labels, knows what the political parties also know but do not want the average American voter to know, or, at least, not to think about too much.

The Dems and GOP are about to nominate the two candidates with the consistently lowest approval ratings in the history of modern polling for the highest office in the land. And, most importantly, they don’t want you to dwell on that too much, if at all.

But it is true. A compelling review of statistical data from the nation’s most respected polling firms, aggregated and presented by the gurus of polling at Five Thirty Eight, tells a troubling story. Americans are being set up to vote for the two most low-approval political personalities since Herbert Hoover.

President Biden has a low approval rating primarily because he is showing his age. His movements and speech are halting and sometimes troubling; there is no hiding it. And the more he tries, the more evident it becomes. And, of course, his son Hunter has become an albatross with which his candidacy must contend. That’s unfortunate for him. Notwithstanding the embarrassment his son, Hunter, has caused him, he has accomplished more than he is given credit for. By any objective standard, he has had a very credible presidency.

Trump is unpopular with almost everyone outside of his MAGA base primarily because he is the most unpresidential, dishonest, and self-serving candidate in American history and, need I say it, the most (and only) criminally indicted candidate. That said, I’ll hasten to add his Presidency is not without its important positive accomplishments.

Nonetheless, in the 48 months of his Presidency, Donald Trump never achieved a 50% approval rating in these top-rated polls. Not once. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. He never received a majority of the popular vote in his two presidential runs either. It is astounding that the Republican Party is so determined (if not intimidated) to stick with such a popular-vote loser. Hillary Clinton beat him by nearly three million popular votes in 2016, and Joe Biden beat him by seven million popular votes in 2020.

His inability to accept or recognize his chronic popular-vote loser status is unprecedented in American politics. While he beat Hillary Clinton in the electoral college, he claimed, without the remotest substantiation, that illegal votes gave Clinton the popular vote (sound familiar). His inability to accept that he is unpopular with most American voters suggests an inherent personality weakness his bravado can’t camouflage. It is troubling and probably, even dangerous.

Donald Trump began his Presidency in 2017 with less than a 50% approval rating on day one and spent all 48 months of his Presidency thereafter less popular than he was on his first day in office. Biden, however, hasn’t done much better. According to multiple polling data, Biden remained barely above water (positive approval) for about 215 days into his Presidency, then slipped into negative (disapproval) territory, and has remained there ever since.

Looking over polling data for every President since Harry Truman, no one has done as poorly as candidates Trump and Biden. Yet these are the two choices the Democrats and Republicans are locked into, insist we accept, and viciously denigrate any suggestion that the country consider any other options, such as a unity ticket that No Labels strives to offer.

Not for one day of his Presidency has Joe Biden bested even the lowest approval rating of Barack Obama, for whom he served as Vice President. The George W. Bush presidency ran circles around President Biden’s Presidency, with high approval ratings (above 50%) until his last year in office.

Bill Clinton, whose first term was somewhat of a roller coaster, enjoyed periods above 50% approval each year of his first four years in office. Bush 41 was remarkably popular until his last year in office, and Ronald Reagan’s first and fourth years of his first term were solidly above water.

Gerald Ford’s Presidency, which in terms of time served in office is roughly the same as the time President Biden has been in office thus far, had an approval rating approximately the same as President Biden’s, uniformly below 50%.

Democrat John Kennedy and Republican Dwight Eisenhower have been the most popular presidents in the past 80 years. Without belaboring the point, the two presidents with the lowest favorability ratings during their time in office, going back to Harry Truman, are Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Yet, party pros become apoplectic when anyone has the temerity to suggest any consideration of alternatives to either Biden or Trump.

Well, here’s a reality we need to ponder. Young voters have been abandoning the two major parties in droves. So much so that about half the electorate now register as Independent today. In other words, Independents are about the size of our two traditional parties combined. Historically, most so-called Independent voters typically leaned toward and thus voted for either Democrats or Republicans. They were reliably called “leaners” in the polling world.

But here’s the thing. Today, Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) and so-called Gen Z (those born between 1965 and 1980) tend to be among the most ardently independent voters, and, according to the Harvard Institute of Politics, young voters dislike both Trump and Biden. Small wonder, then, that in a recent poll by the Institute, President Biden’s approval rating was under 40%.

In the past, Independents invariably leaned, election after election, toward the Party they felt most comfortable with. While they registered as “Independent,” the political pros pretty much knew how they would vote. Today, that’s far less certain because both parties are about to nominate candidates with historically low approval ratings.

An attractive alternative giving former President Trump and President Biden, both of whom sport historically and consistently low approval ratings, a real run for the money may not be as farfetched as many assume.

Moral questions, and in what ways can they align? This article tries to clarify some of the differences and similarities between Christian ethicists and secular ethicists. However, it is still worth noting that modern ethics is largely a secular discipline, even among those who practice the Christian faith.

When studying Christian ethics, we need to distinguish those who decide to arrange evidence and arguments derived from or supported by distinctly Christian sources of authority (such as biblical texts), from those who do not. Using scripture to support an argument will only be persuasive if the authority of scripture is already, to some extent, accepted by a reader.

It is possible to draw on examples or principles based on these sources, and then attempt to justify it in a way which does not rely on the authority of those sources. Equally, it is possible to develop a positive ethical theory which does rely on the authority of these sources, and yet develop criticisms of other ethical positions which are purely critical – relying on no particular positive stance, perhaps because the criticism points out an internal contradiction. These interventions might have an underlying Christian motivation, but take a very similar form to criticisms that a secular philosopher might make.

JOIN TAC, Support the Constitution and liberty!
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Most people are familiar with the Constitution’s preamble. A lot of people were required to memorize it in school. But while the preamble is arguably the best-known part of the Constitution, it is the least important.

Like so many other parts of the constitution, many people today believe that the preamble authorizes all kinds of federal power it never authorized in the first place.

For all of its poetic beauty and the sweeping principles it highlights, the Constitution’s preamble doesn’t actually do anything. You could cut the preamble completely out of the Constitution and it wouldn’t change the makeup or operation of the federal government one iota. That’s because a preamble doesn’t grant, delegate or restrict any government power.

In a legal document, a preamble does not carry the force of law. Black’s Law Dictionary describes a preamble this way.

“A clause at the beginning of a constitution or statute explanatory of the reasons for its enactment and the objects sought to be accomplished.”

While they do not confer any power or carry legal force, preambles do serve a purpose. They act as “a key to open the mind of the makers.” In other words, the preamble is not a source of substantive rules, but a statement of assumptions and purposes that sheds light on the main body of the document.

In simplest terms, the preambles serve as a guide on how to read a constitution or a statute. They identify the parties to the legal document, recite crucial facts related to the document and explain its purpose. The Constitution’s preamble serves all three of these purposes.

While the preamble reveals the “why” of the Constitution — “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” — it does not tell us how the new governmental structure will accomplish these goals.

And again, I can’t emphasize this enough – while the preamble outlines the broad objectives of the federal government, it does not confer any authority to the government at all.

Article 1

JOIN TAC, Support the Constitution and liberty!
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Most people are familiar with the Constitution’s preamble. A lot of people were required to memorize it in school. But while the preamble is arguably the best-known part of the Constitution, it is the least important.

Like so many other parts of the constitution, many people today believe that the preamble authorizes all kinds of federal power it never authorized in the first place.

For all of its poetic beauty and the sweeping principles it highlights, the Constitution’s preamble doesn’t actually do anything. You could cut the preamble completely out of the Constitution and it wouldn’t change the makeup or operation of the federal government one iota. That’s because a preamble doesn’t grant, delegate or restrict any government power.

In a legal document, a preamble does not carry the force of law. Black’s Law Dictionary describes a preamble this way.

“A clause at the beginning of a constitution or statute explanatory of the reasons for its enactment and the objects sought to be accomplished.”

While they do not confer any power or carry legal force, preambles do serve a purpose. They act as “a key to open the mind of the makers.” In other words, the preamble is not a source of substantive rules, but a statement of assumptions and purposes that sheds light on the main body of the document.

In simplest terms, the preambles serve as a guide on how to read a constitution or a statute. They identify the parties to the legal document, recite crucial facts related to the document and explain its purpose. The Constitution’s preamble serves all three of these purposes.

While the preamble reveals the “why” of the Constitution — “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” — it does not tell us how the new governmental structure will accomplish these goals. 

And again, I can’t emphasize this enough – while the preamble outlines the broad objectives of the federal government, it does not confer any authority to the government at all.Constitution 101: The Preamble
audio and video podcast here

The Preamble is the Least Important Part of the Constitution
read the full article here

The structure of the government and the delegation of powers follow in the various articles of the Constitution. For instance, Article 1 Sec. 8 assigns specific enumerated powers to Congress. Article II delegates specific powers to the president. Article III establishes the authority of the judiciary. Without the delegation of powers that follow, the preamble is nothing but a poetic list of objectives with no mechanism to carry them into effect.

Many Americans don’t understand this. They believe the preamble empowers the federal government to take any action conceivable to achieve the Constitution’s stated objectives. As a result, they point to it to justify all kinds of unconstitutional federal actions. They believe that the federal government can do anything and everything to “provide for the common defense,” to “promote the general welfare,” or to “secure the blessings of liberty.”

Conniving politicians take advantage of this ignorance.

In fact, politicians began abusing the words of the preamble to justify federal actions almost before the ink was dry on the Constitution. Defenders of the Alien and Sedition Acts appealed to the preamble, claiming it supported federal laws that criminalized criticism of the government, ignored due process, and assumed power over immigration that was not delegated. James Madison dispensed with their arguments in the Report of 1800.

“They will waste but little time on the attempt to cover the act by the preamble to the constitution; it being contrary to every acknowledged rule of construction, to set up this part of an instrument, in opposition to the plain meaning, expressed in the body of the instrument. A preamble usually contains the general motives or reasons, for the particular regulations or measures which follow it; and is always understood to be explained and limited by them. In the present instance, a contrary interpretation would have the inadmissible effect, of rendering nugatory or improper, every part of the constitution which succeeds the preamble.” [Emphasis added]

The preamble is like the introduction to a book. It gives you a general idea as to what the book is about. But you would never write a book report just by reading the introduction – that is if you care about getting a decent grade.

Anybody trying to justify this or that federal action through the words of the preamble almost certainly hopes to expand government power beyond its constitutional bounds. The preamble tells us a little, but it doesn’t reveal a lot. People need to keep those well-known words in their proper context.

This is the kind of essential foundational information that we work hard every single day to get out to more and more people. And nothing – absolutely nothing – helps us get that job done more than the financial faith and support of our members.

All donations are used to help to protect our God and our Constitution. Well you can’t take away our God.

“. . . and having done all . . . stand firm.” Eph. 6:13HOMEPODCASTABOUT USWRITERSTIPSDONATE




‘Faith in Jesus Christ Alone’: How Americans Agreed Christianity Is Core to Conservatism

S.A. McCarthy

August 21, 2023

In the years leading up to the birth of the nation we know as America, political discourse was exercised in pubs, in the pages of newspapers, in the town square, and on the steps outside courthouses. The patriots who forged America would define and refine together what liberty means and what responsibilities are carried with it, how men are governed and by what authority, and what a nation is and what it means to be an American.

Today, that same patriotic spirit that burns in the hearts of conservatives articulates itself largely on social media. On Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and even on less mainstream sites like Gab or former President Donald Trump’s Truth Social, conservatives carry on the work of their forefathers and clarify ideologies, debate traditions, and ask what it means to be an American conservative. Just as early American patriots made their voices heard in the streets of Boston, Philadelphia, and Annapolis, so American conservatives made their voices heard on Twitter last week, resoundingly declaring that Christianity is core to conservatism.

Lizzie Marbach, a former Trump 2020 campaign staffer and current Ohio pro-life advocate, tweeted last week, “There’s no hope for any of us outside of having faith in Jesus Christ alone.” The tweet itself garnered a moderate amount of notice and many social media users agreed with Marbach, who was essentially repeating longstanding (and, honestly, pretty basic) Christian doctrine. And then along came Max Miller. The Republican congressman from Ohio and former Trump staffer reposted his fellow former Trump staffer’s tweet with his own derisive commentary, saying, “This is one of the most bigoted tweets I have ever seen. Delete it, Lizzie. Religious freedom in the United States applies to every religion. You have gone too far.” Enjoying news and commentary from a biblical worldview?Stand with us by partnering with FRC.

First of all, it is important to note that Marbach is not a sitting legislator, nor even a government employee. Her tweet did not advocate, endorse, or even remotely suggest the suppression or persecution of any religious group or set of religious beliefs. This makes Miller’s comments all the more infuriatingly ironic: while claiming to support “religious freedom,” a sitting U.S. congressman told an American citizen to delete her profession of one of the most fundamental doctrines of her faith — a faith shared, by the way, by an estimated 70% of Americans.

Miller, who describes himself on Twitter as a “proud Jew,” was instantly ridiculed, shamed, and flatly contradicted by conservatives. Political commentator and podcast host Matt Walsh asked, “Do your constituents know that you consider basic Christian teaching to be ‘bigoted’? They do now I guess. Good luck in the next election!” Journalist Jack Posobiec, senior editor at Human Events, posted a meme reading, “[T]he best time to delete this tweet was immediately after sending it, the second best time is now.” Media personality and former GOP congressional candidate Lauren Witzke quipped, “Mask off moment.” Countless others commented simple variations of “Christ is King.”

Miller went further than merely airing his ignorance, though; he complained to Marbach’s employer, Ohio Right to Life, where his wife is a board member, and she was fired from her position as communications director. Ohio Right to Life stressed that Marbach wasn’t fired due to “any single event,” but even the ol’ post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy might be a bit of a stretch in application to this particular scenario.

In 2020, President Trump famously said, “It’s called ‘we do a little trolling.’” Well, trolling works. After the torrent of purely-digital backlash from Americans, Miller was forced to apologize. He said, “I posted something earlier that conveyed a message I did not intend. I will not try to hide my mistake or run from it. I sincerely apologize to Lizzie and to everyone who read my post.” Now, whether the apology was sincere or simply a PR necessity in the wake of denigrating the beliefs of over two thirds of Americans is not yet clear, though it’s worth noting that Miller did not delete his tweet calling expression of Christian thought “bigoted” and ordering an American Christian to “delete” her tweet, nor has he apologized for his role in having Marbach fired.

In fact, Marbach herself showed Miller just how “bigoted” and threatening Christians are by publicly forgiving him. She tweeted, “Max, I accept your apology 100%. However the truth is that it is not me from whom you need forgiveness, but God himself. I genuinely pray you seek him and find salvation!” She also posted the text of Matthew 18:21-35, in which Christ tells the parable of the unforgiving servant and instructs His disciples to forgive others not just seven times but “seventy-seven times.”

Aside from Miller’s appalling behavior and lackluster attempt at an apology, this episode demonstrates the commitment of conservatives to Christian ideals. Those who do not identify as Christian — atheists and agnostics, even some of Miller’s fellow Jews, were among his detractors — but as conservatives recognize the inherent truth that, without Christianity, there is nothing to conserve. The entirety of the conservative movement is founded upon distinctly Christian principles, traditions, and culture: liberty, order, virtue, duty, sacrifice, and all those noble ideals Americans have fought, bled, and died for over the past 250 years. These ideals were practiced, preached, preserved, clarified, and dogmatized by Christianity.

While nations and empires have risen and fallen, while the Roman republic decayed into tyranny, while kingdoms and races warred across medieval Europe, while European powers pioneered new lands, while the dream called America was realized, while bloody revolutions felled and founded new cultures and governments, while world wars raged, and even now into the present age, Christianity has stood strong, lovingly maintaining the doctrines laid out 2,000 years ago by a Carpenter from Nazareth, Who was also told, “Delete it,” in the parlance of the day, and lost far more than just His job.

Just as American patriots once agreed on what liberty is while sitting around their drinks in pubs, just as they once proclaimed what they knew to be true in the pages of their newspapers and gazettes, just as they once shouted their common beliefs in the streets, so too have today’s American patriots, speaking in today’s town square, agreed that conservatives must not condemn or denigrate Christianity but embrace it.

Hopefully, today’s patriots will continue following in the footsteps of their forefathers and will not be content with pub-table conversations, printed words, and marching in the streets, but will speak at the ballot box too and elect representatives who respect and even share their beliefs, the beliefs that this nation was built upon.


S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.


The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us.

Working Out Salvation

Create an emergency preparedness plan.
Praying Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thy!

Working Out Salvation

Thursday, August 17 | Philippians 2:12–30

Can you have both fear and love? 1 John 4:18 observes, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” Yet in Philippians 2, Paul urges his readers to work out their salvation “in fear and trembling.” What is the difference between these two kinds of fear?The difference is the fear of punishment. Paul does not urge the Philippians to work out their salvation for fear of losing it if they fail to perform well. Neither was Paul urging them to work for their salvation. He assures them, in verse 13, that God was already working in them “to will and to act.” Instead, he is talking about a salvation they have already begun to experience. New Testament scholar H. C. G. Moule describes this sort of fear as “a reverent and wakeful conscience in his holy presence.”To help them with this, Paul hoped to send his protégé Timothy soon to take stock of the situation and bring back a report (vv. 19 23). For now, he was sending them Epaphroditus who had been their connection to Paul. Epaphroditus was probably sent by the church with funds to help Paul’s ministry and to assist in other ways. In verse 25, the apostle calls him a messenger or minister sent to care for Paul’s needs. Paul also calls him a brother, co- worker, and fellow soldier.Working out our salvation is the process God uses to help us fully grasp the reality of a salvation that Jesus Christ has already accomplished for us. God works from within and sends His servants to help us as they work from the outside.>> The wrong kind of fear can be as crippling to spiritual growth as complacency. Don’t freeze up in fear. Instead, draw near to God with a reverent awareness of His presence.

Intend to Grow Today

James 4:13-14 (NLT®)
Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

How many times have you thought about what you will do for God when the next season of life comes along? Less time at the lake, more time at church. Less money on fun, more on Kingdom endeavors. It’s easy to assume we will have a tomorrow when we can do better than we intend to do today, but none of us has been promised that tomorrow. I don’t want to sound grim, but I do think it’s a good idea to live as if tomorrow is not guaranteed. I’m not saying you should live like you’re in a movie where you must finish your to-do list in one day, but I do want you to think about the state of your relationship with Jesus. If you need to make any changes, don’t wait—make them today.

Every day you are alive is another chance to become a more fully devoted follower of Jesus of Nazareth. Do not procrastinate. Following Jesus is the greatest and most rewarding path you can take in life.

Heavenly Father, thank You that “tomorrow” rests in Your watchful care as You are preparing me for an eternity in Your presence. Holy Spirit, help me cooperate with You now to invest every moment I have in God’s Kingdom purposes, laying aside anything that hinders that assignment. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Fight for Hope
Psalm 137:3-6 (NIV®)
Our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!” How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land? If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.

This was written after the Babylonians had destroyed Jerusalem and taken the Hebrews captive. God’s people had watched as the invaders tore down the walls, slaughtered people in the streets, and destroyed the Temple. All they had known was gone, and now, they were living in Babylon—in the first Jewish ghetto. Can you imagine their despair? But I hear something beautiful in the psalm. I hear them fighting for hope. It seemed like their circumstances were about to overwhelm them and wash them away. Yet, they pleaded with the Lord to help them remember. When you feel like you have been taken captive by your circumstances, do as they did, and fight for hope. Remember what God has done for you in the past, and then, trust Him with your future.

Your problems may be physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual—but remember, God sees you and cares. Put your faith, trust, and hope in Him.

Heavenly Father, thank You for all You have done for me. Your grace and mercy, through the cross, have delivered me from all my sins and given me a living hope. No matter my circumstance, I rejoice in the kindness and love You have poured upon my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God’s Loving Spirit!

What positive emotion do you feel most often?

We don’t have a moment to waste.

A federal appeals court just struck down Biden’s abortion pill expansion this week. It could deliver a blistering defeat to the abortion industry and literally save untold numbers of innocent babies. But this case is destined for the Supreme Court, which has already signaled they are likely to hear the case.

Our legal team is already preparing our Supreme Court brief – our fifth in this case – as it moves at a lightning-fast pace.

Next week is also Planned Parenthood’s deadline to respond to our case at the Supreme Court. It’s a big week for life, but we face a major challenge.

As we take on Biden and the abortion industry’s nearly limitless resources at the Supreme Court,

We’re unborn babies’ last line of defense in court. But who will stand with us to defeat abortion and defend unborn babies?

Shocking videos obtained this week show a violent Muslim mob destroying Christian churches and calling for attacks on Christians accused of blasphemy in Pakistan. We’re currently defending a young Christian sentenced to death by hanging because of his faith. But we urgently need you as the plight of Christians in Pakistan worsens by the day.

The Word of God is Forever!

What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I am not Ashamed of Jesus

June is designated as “Pride Month,” which is allegedly about inclusion and diversity, but the Pride Police don’t actually believe in that. There is no diversity of opinions on LGBTQ issues. It’s “My Way” or the Bigot Highway. They say Pride Month is about visibility, but there shall be no visibility for any resistance. Their mentality: agree, or vanish.

In Grand Rapids, Michigan, “scandal” erupted when a news manager at WOOD-TV wrote a memo to staff to remember that there were two differing views on Pride events in the community. Quickly, the station’s owner – Nexstar, the largest owner of TV stations in America – apologized for and insisted this both-sides memo was “not consistent with Nexstar’s values, the way we cover the news, or the respect we have for our viewers.”

There shall be only one side of these issues. That shows “respect” for….some members of the community. The rest should be ignored. Media corporations are at the head of the pack of “woke” corporations. The idea they are neutral moderators of any community’s affairs is ridiculous.

One of the primary enforcers of the LGBTQ Speech Code is GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation…but the D really stands for Debate, or Democracy.

In a badly disguised press release from the Associated Press, GLAAD released what they call a “Safety Index” on the social-media giants. The headline was “Twitter is the worst major social media platform when it comes to LGBTQ+ safety, says GLAAD.” There is not a single opposing view in this story, just the way GLAAD likes it.

AP reporter/publicist Barbara Ortutay tweeted out the main point from Sarah Kate Ellis, the GLAAD CEO: “Twitter is largely a cesspool now. You can’t post without getting attacked. There’s no room for conversation. It is just about hand-to-hand combat.” Ellis also said it’s like “backyard dogfights.”

Cesspool” is a code word for “not censored enough.” Sarah Kate Ellis is not interested in “conversation,” only conversion. GLAAD’s publicly stated goal is “accelerating acceptance,” and they prefer accelerating it by squashing all contrary opinions.

Ortutay explained away the opposing view this way: “Twitter‘s communications staff was eradicated after Musk took over the company and for months inquiries to the press office have been answered only with an automated reply of a poop emoji, as was the case when The Associated Press reached out to the company for comment.” No one else in America could offer a contrary opinion?

GLAAD is mad because Elon Musk took over and dissolved Twitter’s “trust and safety council” where GLAAD wielded power. Ellis complained on MSNBC on June 17: “Elon Musk has turned Twitter into a weapon against the LGBTQ community. He leads the charge.” Libertine leftists were furious that Musk would promote a tweet “falsely equating gender-affirming care to the ‘mutilation’ of children.”

Overall, Twitter failed to employ “safety precautions” like punishing users for “misgendering” trans activists or – gasp – using non-preferred pronouns.

As NBC reporter/publicist David Ingram explained in a Twitter story, “using pronouns other than what someone prefers is a common way to bully trans people.” It’s “bullying” to refuse to use “ze/zir” or whatever today’s fashion is.

The censors at GLAAD are in the business of bullying, starting with the usual method that these verbal slights spur suicide attempts. Since Twitter is failing to enforce GLAAD’s standards, they are demanding the government get involved in some heavy-handed content moderation. When the private “safety” enforcers can’t censor people, it’s time for federal intervention.

Bible Verses About Homosexuality
Genesis 19:1-11
That evening the two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom. Lot was sitting there, and when he
saw them, he stood up to meet them. Then he welcomed them and bowed with his face to the ground.
“My lords,” he said, “come to my home to wash your feet, and be my guests for the night. You may then
get up early in the morning and be on your way again.” “Oh no,” they replied. “We’ll just spend the night
out here in the city square.” But Lot insisted, so at last they went home with him. Lot prepared a feast for
them, complete with fresh bread made without yeast, and they ate. But before they retired for the night, all
the men of Sodom, young and old, came from all over the city and surrounded the house. They shouted to
Lot, “Where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out to us so we can have sex
with them!”
So Lot stepped outside to talk to them, shutting the door behind him. “Please, my brothers,” he begged,
“don’t do such a wicked thing. Look, I have two virgin daughters. Let me bring them out to you, and you
can do with them as you wish. But please, leave these men alone, for they are my guests and are under my
“Stand back!” they shouted. “This fellow came to town as an outsider, and now he’s acting like our judge!
We’ll treat you far worse than those other men!” And they lunged toward Lot to break down the door. But
the two angels reached out, pulled Lot into the house, and bolted the door. Then they blinded all the men,
young and old, who were at the door of the house, so they gave up trying to get inside.
Leviticus 18:22
“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.”
Leviticus 20:13
“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have
committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.”
Judges 19:16-24
That evening an old man came home from his work in the fields. He was from the hill country of
Ephraim, but he was living in Gibeah, where the people were from the tribe of Benjamin. When he saw
the travelers sitting in the town square, he asked them where they were from and where they were going.
“We have been in Bethlehem in Judah,” the man replied. “We are on our way to a remote area in the hill
country of Ephraim, which is my home. I traveled to Bethlehem, and now I’m returning home. But no one
has taken us in for the night, even though we have everything we need. We have straw and feed for our
donkeys and plenty of bread and wine for ourselves.”
“You are welcome to stay with me,” the old man said. “I will give you anything you might need. But
whatever you do, don’t spend the night in the square.” So he took them home with him and fed the
donkeys. After they washed their feet, they ate and drank together. While they were enjoying themselves,
a crowd of troublemakers from the town surrounded the house. They began beating at the door and
shouting to the old man, “Bring out the man who is staying with you so we can have sex with him.” The
old man stepped outside to talk to them. “No, my brothers, don’t do such an evil thing. For this man is a
guest in my house, and such a thing would be shameful. Here, take my virgin daughter and this man’s concubine. I will bring them out to you, and you can abuse them and do whatever you like. But don’t do
such a shameful thing to this man.”
1 Kings 14:24
And there were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They did according to all the abominations of the
nations that the LORD drove out before the people of Israel.
1 Kings 15:12
He put away the male cult prostitutes out of the land and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
2 Kings 23:7
He also tore down the living quarters of the male and female shrine prostitutes that were inside the
Temple of the LORD, where the women wove coverings for the Asherah pole.
Romans 1:18-32
But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their
wickedness…. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And
they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and
confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. And instead of worshiping the glorious,
ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles.
So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and
degrading things with each other’s bodies. They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped
and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.
That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural
way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal
sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men,
and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.
Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let
them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed,
hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters
of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents.
They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know God’s
justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they
encourage others to do them, too.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves.
Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or
practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people-
none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed;
you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and
by the Spirit of our God.
1 Timothy 1:8-10
Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid
down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who
practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine ….
Jude 7
And don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality
and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the
eternal fire of God’s judgment.

God’s Words are forever and are the law! Christ said He came to fulfill the law. He did not come to erase the law. We are obey God’s Word no matter what!
We are obey all of the Word we don’t get pick an chose what to obey! We don’t know whose going to stay in heaven and whose going to hell. We have been judged by God.


@jessebwatters_ @mariabartiromo @CitizenFreePress PCR TEST HOAX. RT: https://truthsocial.com/users/LIBERTYVictoria/statuses/109065830077645414 @CitizenFreePress @jessebwatters_ @mariabartiromo https://truthsocial.com/users/LIBERTYVictoria/statuses/109065832778541086

Investigative Report A Small Victory for the Unborn: By Delana Forsyth Abortion “Defending the Unborn.”


Father, thank You for protecting me from the deep water and the burning flames. You fight my battles so that I am not overcome. With You by my side, I am never alone. Amen. Memorial Day


Temptations abound. As a Christ follower, we must understand that we will face temptation regularly. Even Christ was tempted. However, Christ did not give in to temptation. He withstood it. Using his example, we can also withstand temptation. The Lord knows we will be challenged, but He promises that we will be rewarded for staying strong and not giving in to temptation. When we do not allow temptation to separate us from the love of God, we will be blessed with eternal life.

Dear God, When I struggle with temptation, help me to cling to you. Do not allow me to fall under the weight of temptation and give in. I know sin separates me from you – help me to withstand temptation and hold strong to your truths so that I will never be apart from you. Help me to follow the example of your son, Jesus Christ, gave us when he resisted the devil. Give me the strength to endure temptation so that I may spend eternity with you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Father, All around me I see the wicked prosper. It looks to me as if doing bad things gets good results, but I know in my heart that isn’t true. Your word reminds me that I shouldn’t be envious of those who do evil. Their fate is sealed. You have everything under control and in Your hands, nothing evil endures. Help me to stay in Your will and encourage me in my discouragement. I seek to follow after You alone. Thank you Father for hearing my pray in Jesus name Amen.

To whom are we to show our loyalty?

This question is no easier to answer today than it was in the time of Jesus. What do we do when the demands of the gospel and the demands of the government conflict? Although there are many people in the world who don’t have the option to choose their leadership, many countries support an elected government. The government in question could be local, state or national. We pay taxes and by doing so, often support behavior that we do not agree with and that does not agree with gospel values. However, if we do not pay what is due, then we are subject to fines and possibly imprisonment. How did Jesus answer the question of his day?

Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what is God’s. We may not be able to easily choose what our money supports, but we can help determine what our government supports. We have a responsibility to know what those running for office – on every level – stand for and support. We have a responsibility to let our elected leaders know what bills we want them to help pass, and those we want to see defeated. This also means that we have a duty to register to vote and then to vote on Election Day. Apathy enables special interest groups to have the last say, not the general public.

How is this rendering to God the things that are God’s? How is this showing our support of the poor and the vulnerable? Are we willing to take the time to check out which of the candidates are committed to our values? Are we willing to make sure that our vote will count on Election Day? If we are truly committed to social justice, then we will take the time to make sure that when we render to Caesar, we are also rendering to God. And we can continue to advocate for those who do not have the rights that so many of us take for granted.

It is sometimes easy to get caught up in other people. We see people all the time who do bad things, but still seem to get ahead. The fellow employee who goofs off, but still manages to get promoted. The classmate who cheats on every assignment, but gets a scholarship. It is frustrating. In this passage, David reminds us that the wicked never really prosper, though it may seem that way. We are not to be envious of these people because they are doomed to “wither” and “fade.” Wickedness does not last. Only the things of God endure.

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

Now all has been heard;
    here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
    for this is the duty of all mankind.

— Ecclesiastes 12:13 NIV

What’s it all about, in the final analysis? What’s the meaning and purpose of life, when you get to the very core of the matter? This is the subject that the teacher, King Solomon, deals with in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Before he gave his final answer in Chapter 12 at the very end of the book, he explored the various alternatives there are in the search for meaning in life.

His search encompassed many of the things that foolish people try to center their lives around. He tried wine, women, and song. He tried to find meaning in great projects like the building of homes, vineyards, gardens, parks, and reservoirs. He bought himself everything money could buy—slaves, flocks and herds, goods and services of every kind imaginable. He amassed gold and silver and got himself a harem. He searched everything and everywhere and denied himself nothing in the process.

What he discovered is that focusing one’s life around these creaturely things is meaningless: “Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 2:11). Nothing could satisfy his search for meaning and purpose, because everything he tried was temporary and limited in nature. You heap up wealth, for example, but you have to leave it to somebody else when you die. Thus, “This too is meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 2:17-19). Even the search for wisdom itself is meaningless if it is done for its own sake.

Here in chapter 12 the teacher comes to the end of the matter. The final purpose of life cannot be found within the created order. Every good thing within the creation has its time and place, but if it is set up as the very focus of one’s life it turns into an elusive and meaningless chasing after wind.

Only the reverential fear of and love for the transcendent God of heaven and earth can provide us with a life whose significance will last for all eternity. Only the keeping of His commandments can offer us a purpose that will never fade away or lose its meaning.

© 2016 by Bible League International

Bible in a Year

Old Testament Reading
Numbers 34, 35, 36

Numbers 34 — Borders of Canaan


Numbers 35 — Designation of Cities for the Levites and Refuge


Numbers 36 — Zelophehad’s Daughters Marry


New Testament Reading
Mark 10:32-52

Mark 10 — Divorce; Let the little children; Rich Young Ruler; Jesus Predicts His Death; James and John’s Request; Blind Bart


Reading Plan Courtesy of Christian Classics Etherial Library.

Tyndale Life Application Daily Devotion

How lovely is your dwelling place,
        O LORD of Heaven’s Armies…What joy for those who can live in your house,
        always singing your praises.

— Psalm 84:1-4 NLT

The writer longed to get away from the bustling world to meet God inside his dwelling place, his holy temple.
We can meet God anywhere, at any time. But we know that going into a church building can help us step aside from the busy mainstream of life so we can quietly meditate and pray. We find joy not only in the beautiful building but also in the prayers, music, lessons, sermons, and fellowship.

Psalm 35:3 Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.

What does this sweet prayer teach me? It shall be my evening’s petition; but first let it yield me an instructive meditation. The text informs me first of all that David had his doubts; for why should he pray, “Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation,” if he were not sometimes exercised with doubts and fears? Let me, then, be of good cheer, for I am not the only saint who has to complain of weakness of faith. If David doubted, I need not conclude that I am no Christian because I have doubts. The text reminds me that David was not content while he had doubts and fears, but he repaired at once to the mercy-seat to pray for assurance; for he valued it as much fine gold. I too must labor after an abiding sense of my acceptance in the Beloved, and must have no joy when his love is not shed abroad in my soul. When my Bridegroom is gone from me, my soul must and will fast. I learn also that David knew where to obtain full assurance. He went to his God in prayer, crying, “Say unto my soul I am thy salvation.” I must be much alone with God if I would have a clear sense of Jesus’ love. Let my prayers cease, and my eye of faith will grow dim. Much in prayer, much in heaven; slow in prayer, slow in progress. I notice that David would not be satisfied unless his assurance had a divine source. “Say unto my soul.” Lord, do thou say it! Nothing short of a divine testimony in the soul will ever content the true Christian. Moreover, David could not rest unless his assurance had a vivid personality about it. “Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.” Lord, if thou shouldst say this to all the saints, it were nothing, unless thou shouldst say it to me. Lord, I have sinned; I deserve not thy smile; I scarcely dare to ask it; but oh! say to my soul, even to my soul, “I am thy salvation.” Let me have a present, personal, infallible, indisputable sense that I am thine, and that thou art mine.

1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

2 Corinthians 7:5  For even when we came into Macedonia our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side: conflicts without, fears within.

2 Kings 6:16  So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

Ephesians 6:10  Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.

1 Samuel 17:45  Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.

2 Samuel 22:33,35  “God is my strong fortress; And He sets the blameless in His way. • “He trains my hands for battle, So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

2 Corinthians 3:5  Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God,

Psalm 34:7  The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, And rescues them.

2 Kings 6:17  Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Hebrews 11:32-34  And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, • who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, • quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.

The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

The word “chaff” is an odd word. We don’t use it much in everyday life, though farmers are pretty familiar with it. Chaff refers to the casings, or husks/hulls, left behind after a crop of corn or grain has been harvested. It is completely inedible to humans, but is sometimes used as fodder for animals. Essentially, chaff is the waste product left behind after the harvest is complete. Symbolically, in the Bible, the word is used to refer to anything that is worthless. In this case, wicked people are compared to chaff. Unlike the Godly man, the wicked man is worthless and will be blown away by the slightest wind that comes his way. Unlike the Godly man, the wicked man cannot be steadfast and will be “driven away” by the storms of life, because there is no substance to him. This verse spells out very clearly that the wicked man will in no way prosper in God’s world. Wickedness is not virtuous; it is, on the contrary, worthless and empty.

Father, Help me to not be like the wicked man in this verse. I don’t want You to see me as worthless. I find my worth in You. I strive to be a Godly person who follows Your way. I want to be useful in Your harvest, not left behind as worthless chaff. Help me Lord to be pleasing in Your sight and to follow You in all things.

The Pharisees came to ask Jesus for a sign even though they had witnessed the many miracles of healing he had performed. They had heard him preach and knew the authority with which he did it. Why didn’t they believe, what more were they looking for! We declare our belief in Jesus yet we often do the same. In our darkest moments don’t we wonder where Jesus is? I know I have said, “Please just let me know you’re there?” What about you? We see people pick up pennies from the sidewalk and if the date on it is the same as the birth or death year of someone we love, we think this is a sign that they are in heaven. How different is this from the Pharisees?

Our faith is tested every day. Sometimes it is tested in small ways, sometimes in a big way. It is tested when someone we love is seriously ill or dies. We ask, “Why God? He was a good person, prayed, went to church. Why him?” Or we lose our job just as our children are ready for college. Why me? Wildfires rage and hundreds lose their homes. Storms rage and lives are lost. Haven’t you ever wondered how a good God could let things like this happen? We are not that different from the Pharisees. Some people allow the doubts to turn into denial that God exists. The rest of us hang on knowing that God doesn’t cause bad things, he helps us get through them.

Dear Father God, forgive me in Jesus name for any doubts. I am sorry for not keeping trust in You when I am not feeling well. For me for grieving the Holy Spirit when my soul is down. And, I thank You Jesus for Your great love through your blood.

I praise Your name for everything wonderful gift and all the beautiful grace in my life because of you.

Bless the Father, Bless the Son, Bless the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name I pray Amen

Learning to Get Unstuck!

I have a good friend who feels stuck. That’s not an uncommon feeling. You have probably felt that way at some point in your life; that point may even be right now. Perhaps you’ve experienced the feeling of being stuck in your marriage, your job, your home life, or your school, and you know how frustrating it can be to keep trying to get unstuck without seeing breakthrough. That’s where this friend is. He’s tried everything, and he’s really bummed out. He just can’t make the right things happen.

We met one morning for coffee, and he pulled out a pen and started diagramming on a napkin. “God spoke to me,” he said. “I realized all the things I couldn’t change, even though I had done all I could to change them.” So he wrote down his life categories: God, family, himself.

“I always say it’s God first, then my family, then me,” he said. “Then I did a little profit-and-loss evaluation, an inventory of where I am and how I’m stuck. I keep hitting things that don’t move, so I started wondering if God wanted to teach me something. And I asked.”

He went on to describe his thought processes in conversation with God, and what he thought God was teaching him about his relationship with God, his family, and himself. He looked at all his activities and where his energy was going, and even though he mentally placed God first, most of what he was doing was directed toward himself. He realized his words—his commitment to place God first and his family next, above himself—didn’t really line up with his actions. So he reorganized his life, reprioritized, moved some things around, and said, “Okay, I want to learn.”

That changed things. He realized what we all eventually discover for ourselves: that the goal of life is not self-actualization. It’s not to be fulfilled and have everything go our way. God’s primary agenda in your life is to make you like His Son, to use all the ups and downs in a fallen world to develop that vital relationship with Jesus by the power of His Spirit, rooted in His Word, in the context of authentic community, so that little by little you begin to think, talk, and serve like Jesus. It’s for moms, dads, children, siblings, coworkers, and neighbors to embody the nature of God in Christ.

If you’ve struggled with that same discrepancy between your stated priorities and your actual investments of time, energy, emotions, and resources, this is where it’s leading. When that vital relationship with Jesus becomes your priority, there will be people in your life who don’t understand how you can go through the hard times or the injustice you’re facing, who wonder how you keep such a level head in the midst of successes and abundance, who can’t believe you aren’t undone by the financial crisis or the pandemic that everyone is so worried about, who see the same version of you no matter what you’re going through. You may still experience and express a range of emotions through those ups and downs, and you may need to work through some of them with God, but you begin to take on His nature and His peace. You manifest a supernatural calm and confidence regardless of your circumstances. You seem a lot more like Jesus than the disciples in that storm-tossed boat.

That’s God’s agenda for you, and when you become teachable in the midst of your circumstances, you learn what you can change and stop focusing on things you can’t change. In any situation, you are able to thank God for what you do have and quit dwelling on what you don’t have. And you begin to see every circumstance as an opportunity to demonstrate something of the nature of God and see it being formed in you.

Chip Ingram appears this Monday on LIFE TODAY. This is an excerpt from I Choose Peace by Chip Ingram. Copyright ©2021 by Chip Ingram. Published by Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Used by permission.

In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

Today’s gospel passage makes it seem so simple! Ask God for what you want and you’ll get it; look for what you want and you’ll find it; just knock and doors will be opened to you. However, Jesus reminds us that God is a good father and will not give us what is wrong for us! When you were young, did you ever ask your parents for something that was just not right for you? Perhaps your children have done the same to you. You don’t give a baby a steak, nor do you give a toddler a 10 speed bicycle. You wouldn’t let your children look for milk in the cabinet where you keep your cleaning supplies. But sometimes we are looking for what we think we need in all the wrong places. Yes, Jesus tells us to keep asking for what we need and we will receive it, but he also expects that we will be asking for the right things. We are bombarded with ads that tell us what we need to do or own in order to be happy, but are those things truly what we need? Jesus tells us that we need hearts that are open to others, that we must be people of peace and forgiveness, and when we ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit, we will surely receive. When we pray, do we ask God to give us those things which He knows we need in order to be happy, or do we ask for what the media says we need? If we leave the decisions up to God, then we will always receive what we ask for; we will find what we are looking for; and doors will open at our knock.

Through Jesus Christ, we can have boldness in our speech as we speak about Him, and boldness as we live knowing that death is gain. Through Jesus, we also get access to the Father, whom we wouldn’t have access to without Jesus. Beyond that, we can come to the Father confidently in the name of Jesus because Jesus covers us. He puts on us His perfection and victory over sin. Through Jesus, by faith, we get great rewards.

Father in Heaven, I am so glad that I can come before You confidently. Thank you for sending Jesus so that through Him I would be able to approach You. You have given me great things, so let me live boldly. I have no one to fear but You, Lord. You are the only one who needs to be pleased with me. Make me confident as I live out my days for You – not for men. You are good. You are beautiful. I truly serve the God of all things who created all things. There is no evil in You. I come to You, Father, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Check it out And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.

Sometimes preachers use this text to question whether or not Jesus has siblings, but I think they miss the point of the text. Jesus looks at the people gathered around him, listening to his message, and says that the one who does the will of God is mother, brother and sister to him. The important thing is that he includes us in that as long as we do the will of God. In another part of the Bible, we are called adopted children of God, again being described as the brothers and sisters of Jesus. The key here is doing the will of God. This can be a stumbling block for us. What does it mean to do the will of God? Do we ever ask God to show us the path he wants us to take? Do we ask for guidance when we have an important decision to make? Do we ask for help when faced with temptations? We know that the commandments provide guidance and we have the Beatitudes to give us further instruction, but do we pay attention to them? Many times I know that I don’t. I just go along my own way and then wonder when things don’t turn out the way I want! This is especially true when I am not as considerate of others as I know I should be. I say I want justice but don’t always let my action follow my words. How about you?

Jesus was sent to preach the kingdom of God all over, not just in one place. He taught in places where others would not even go because of prejudices. Then after He had died, risen, and departed, His disciples continued preaching and spreading the gospel throughout the earth. Today, there are still groups of people who have never heard the gospel. There are missionaries whose goal it is to bring the gospel to those people. Eventually, every tribe, tongue, and nation will hear the name of Jesus and the good news about Him.

Heavenly Father, I pray for the peoples who have never even heard of the name of Jesus. Send missionaries and believers to share You with them. Prepare their hearts to receive You and Your word. Give them true hope and save them from judgment. You have a plan for all of us, and You are sovereign. Let Your will be done in the nations. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Through Commenting We improve Our Writing and Communication With One Another in Jesus name Amen

“I Choose to Forgive

“Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” 
Colossians 3:13

C S. Lewis pointed out that “forgiving does not mean excusing . . . if that were so, there would be nothing to forgive.” The people of Paducah, Kentucky, understood this. A few years ago, fourteen‐year‐old Michael Carneal opened fire on a group of students who had gathered in prayer. In seconds, ten were wounded, three fatally. Yet the students and people from the community showed a remarkable willing‐ness to forgive. Placards appeared at the high school reading, “We Forgive You, Mike.” Kelly Carneal, Michael’s sister, was not only embraced by her peers, but was also asked to sing in the choir at the slain girls’ funeral.

During the town’s annual Christmas parade, the people lifted up a moment of silent prayer on behalf of Michael and his family. One young girl said it best: “I can hate Michael and bear the scars of what he did for the rest of my life. But I choose to forgive him and get beyond it.”CONTINUE READING →

All So Read!

How to Help Your Spouse Grieve Beth Ann Baus

Helping your spouse grieve is a privilege because it’s an opportunity to love, support, comfort, and rely on the Lord in a very specific way.CONTINUE READING →

What Does the Bible Say about Interracial Marriage? Emma Danzey

No matter what a person believes on the matter of interracial marriage, I want to begin with the fact that we are all made in the image of God.CONTINUE READING →

                                                         Bible Trivia Question of the Day                                                             What did the townsfolk of Gerasenes ask of Jesus after he cast the legion of demons out of the possessed man into the herd of pigs?
A. they asked Jesus to heal their sick
B. they asked Jesus to leave their town
C. they asked Jesus to perform more miracles
D. they asked Jesus to feed them

Surviving Human Trafficking! And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.

I am a 47 year old Native American woman who has servived being raped, being beaten and being shot by my husband who then selflessly killed himself in front of me. Seven years have past but I still can’t get the image out of my head. But, I thank God for keeping me alive. My past is my experience. An experience you can’t get in any class room. It was a hard challenging life, but By the grace of God I am here. Only to be a true testimony for the living God. To glorify His Holy Name. Fasting and prayer work hand in hand with each other. You cannot fast without praying – otherwise you will simply be on a hunger strike. The point of fasting is to sacrifice earthly needs in order to focus more on communing with God. Prayer is how we commune with God during this time of fellowship. It is in these times we can receive visions, revelations of God’s word, and a refreshed assurance in the goodness of God.

Boy, are we just like the people in Jesus’ day! We say we will follow Jesus, but we put it off with all kinds of excuses! I need to work; my kids are in sports; I’ll do it when I’m older. I don’t have time right now for you, Jesus, but the day will come when I will have time. Imagine how that works with our earthly relationships! There’s an old song called “Cat’s in the Cradle” that talks about a father who doesn’t have time for his son while the son is growing up and only realizes what he has done when he retires and the son now has no time for him. The good news is that Jesus will always have time for us no matter how long it takes for us to wake up and make room for him in our lives. But think of what we miss! We can miss years, or in some cases, a lifetime, of knowing that Jesus has our back – he will always be there to help and guide us. His grace will be there to keep us from making some pretty terrible mistakes. All we need to do is follow him. In one of the classes we had this spring, the video instructor explained that the “yoke” that Jesus asks us to take for our own, is not a burdensome piece of wood that keeps us tied to the plow, but rather, a point of view. Jesus asks us to view life as he did – working for justice, in communion with one another, always connected to the God who made us. Yes, it can be difficult at times because the world is always pulling us in all directions, but with the grace of God, we can do it. What has happened when you didn’t follow Jesus? I know that in my life, that’s when I was on my knees begging God to get me out of the mess I made. In the long run, life is actually easier when we give in, let go of the excuses, and just follow Jesus.

Dear God, my prayer is that everything I do will never be done out of ignorance or selfish desire. May I never have any ulterior motives in my actions because I know how this can nullify the very act. May I remember that the importance of all I do is to communicate with you and to ensure that your name is glorified at all times. In Jesus name I pray Amen

American’s Need to Listen to the Word of God

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and you live in America, then there is a glaring problem that we are faced with. Even though this problem might seem simple to identify, I am not sure if we are recognizing how much damage this problem is doing to the name of Jesus and to the hope of the message of the gospel.

The problem is the church is not one and is clearly divided. Now to be clear, there have been disagreements throughout church history – you can read about some of them in the book of Acts. Even Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement that caused them to part ways. However, even though they disagreed, it never interfered with the preaching of the gospel, and it never brought shame to the name of Jesus. I am not sure we can say that about the church in America today.

Hi Delana,

Wanted to remind you to get into this group with other pastors. There are over 3,000 members, with several hundred being very active monthly. It’s a really healthy group and there are lots of great ongoing conversations on topics I think you’ll find helpful.

One topic that is most pertinent is planning out your sermon calendar for 2022… and it’s not just because it helps you prepare your messages.

Small group curriculum can be shaped around a sermon calendar.
Giving initiatives can be incorporated into the sermon calendar.
Guest speakers and breaks for the preaching team (vacations) are included in the sermon calendar.
Volunteer and membership initiatives can fund support through sermon series.
Those are just four big benefits of getting your preaching calendar in order for the new year. There are countless more contextual benefits that will elevate ministry beyond the pulpit.

As I mentioned in my last email, you’re at the starting line for the new year and as important as it is to feel a sense of renewal to the call God has put before you, it is equally as important to be intentional in getting the work done, step-by-step.

To help you get started (or finish out) your sermon calendar, I have several links to share.

How to Create A Preaching Calendar (Article)
2022 Sermon Calendar Template (Spreadsheet)
Sermon Calendar Videos – Video 1, Video 2, Video 3
2022 Sermon Calendars – Topical, Expository, Lectionary, Acts
Workshop on January 26
It’s not abnormal to stare at your February, March, or April weekend dates hoping and planning to get some time set aside to fill them in. That’s pretty normal… not just for pastors, but people in general.

You tell yourself, “I’m going to get to this…” but it doesn’t happen.

Using the resources above, and especially the workshop I mentioned on the 26th, you can gain some insights, develop a little motivation, and before the end of the month, look at an excel spreadsheet with tentative sermon titles and even have guest speakers penciled in for weekends when you know you’ll be gone.

Don’t forget, you can still join the preacher’s group I mentioned above and in my previous email.

You won’t fail to plan for lack of resources or opportunity… it would be for lack of action… and you’ve got 6 different recommended actions in this email alone. Choose one and go!

God bless,

Justin Trapp
Ministry Pass

To My Mother, I Love you!

There are likely older believers in your life. Here, Paul tells Timothy not to rebuke his elders, but to come to them the way he would come to his father. Then, he tells Timothy to treat younger men as his brothers. Similarly, you can treat older believers in your life as you would a father or mother. Don’t be harsh with them, but come with respect and humility. With younger believers, treat them as you would a sibling. Do not taunt or be rude to them. Do not act as though you are better than them. Rather, treat them with respect that you would want to receive from those who are older than you.

A mother is a blessing to her family. Mothers are known to be the glue that holds the family together – after Christ, that is. If you have been privileged enough to have a loving and dedicated mother, take time out to appreciate her or thank God for her. If, unfortunately, you have not, thank God for the women in your life who filled that gap. God is also able to fill that gap in your life, and heal you from any hurt or pain you may have suffered as a result of losing your mother or having a mother who did not show much care.

The Bible always instructs us to honor our parents. If you are privileged enough to have parents who know and love God, pay attention to their counsel. Their words are designed to benefit you and not bring you down – as long as they are inspired by God. You can also apply this advice to any mother or father figure you have in your life. It is wise to listen to your father and love your mother – there are exceptions to this, but generally it is wise. No matter how old you get, you can still respect and learn from your mother and father. It brings parents joy to instruct their children and give them advice. It makes them happy to hear from their kids no matter how long it’s been since they lived at home. If you haven’t spoken with your parents lately, and there’s no good reason not to, you may consider giving them a call.

Dear God, I thank you for the parents and guardians you have given me who are concerned about you and your will for their lives and my life. Father, may you help me to pay attention to their instructions and their advice. I desire to honor my parents because I know it brings you honor too. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Father in Heaven, thank you for my parents, for the things I learned from them, and for the good things they did for me. Bless my parents. Draw their hearts to You, and let them live the remainder of their days for You. Help me to keep the wisdom I learned from them, and remind me of it in a time when I need it. In Jesus’ name. Dear God, I just want to pray for all the mothers in the world. Lord, I know how tough it can be being a mom. I pray that you comfort them in times where they need comfort, strengthen them when the going gets tough, and may you bless them abundantly for their love, care and concern. I also ask that you heal those who may have never had the chance to know a mother’s love, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Heavenly Father, make me respectful and humble as I interact with those older and younger than me. If I see something in their life that needs correction, give me wisdom and humility to address it. Lead me by Your Holy Spirit, and do not let me do it on my own strength. Let me correct others because I love them and You, not for selfish gain. Thank You God that You correct me in love and not wrath. Let me correct and treat others how You treat me and how I would want to be treated. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the stranger, may be refreshed.


God rested on the seventh day; just as He rested, so we are to rest. It gives our livestock, family, and workers under us a chance to relax. It brings light back into tired eyes and allows people to continue. Take your Sabbath. There is nothing wrong with resting, and it is good for you. Enjoy your day of rest.

Thank you, LORD, for allowing me and encouraging me to rest. You are a good God. You are not cruel or unkind. You truly care for me and my wellbeing. I love You, and I love Your ways. I will surely serve You and find my rest in You all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. O merciful and forgiving God, implore me to seek you more. Help me to help others do the same. Through your words and deeds all that I need to know can be known. Forgive me for not always committing fully, and help me commit more in the future. I humbly ask all of this in your Holy name, my Lord. Amen.

Comparing myself to my parents and other people that I looked up to often made me feel like a failure. It took me much longer to start a family than my parents, and this was tied somewhat to my constant comparison of my own potential children to my parent’s children. What if I was not as good a parent as they were? How could I cope with that?
I later learned that this was a foolish line of thinking. Having good role models to compare and emulate is incredibly valuable. Without them, it is very hard to understand the process involved with getting to where you want to go.
Out of all the people that we could compare ourselves to, who would be the most difficult to live up to? The answer is Christ, of course. However, attempting to emulate the Son of God is surely the best person we could ever aspire to be. We also have the Holy Scriptures to guide us, the word of God and teachings of Jesus to assist us along our spiritual path. We will surely never be as sinless and good as Christ, but there is no better person to compare ourselves to and aspire to be.

My Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be your name. We thank You O Lord, for showing us the way; the way to a righteous path; the way to Your heavenly Kingdom. Thank You for granting me Your courage and wisdom to walk Your path, for with You each stepis a victory as we get closer to You, I praise Your wonderful name Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in Jesus name Amen.

Prayer For America


The original colonies of America offered Christians a safe haven to practice their religion in any way they saw fit. The city of Boston, one of the earliest settlements as well as one of the most puritanical places, was viewed by the early colonists as an example of Christian values that would shine to the entire world, as a “city on a hill.” Many of the core values of the founding colonies are still central to the American way of life and western civilization as a whole.
As Christians we have a duty to share the truth of God’s word with others and understand it ourselves. This light is a lamp at our feet, taking us out of darkness, into goodness. Like many of the states in early America, they thought this was a great responsibility, and did not want to keep their light to themselves.

Prayers for Healing America and Turning to God

Prayers for Healing America and Turning to God

America is hurting. Pandemics, racial inequalities, job loss, and political division have caused great suffering. We are called to be salt and light on the earth. As Christians, we can begin healing our land through prayer and action. Let us come together not just by words but a faith that produces works. The love and grace of God can begin turning the tide of America.

We look to You and to You, only, Lord. Help us make wise decisions that move our country in the right direction. Help us to do our part in praying and in staying with what we know is right according to the truth of Your Word. Teach us to make our actions count and our words matter, and line them both up to Your sense of rightness, not ours. Guide us with Your eye; grip us with Your strong arm; teach us what we need to know to make our lives – and our nation – count for you.

Download your own personal copy of Prayers for America HERE! Print these and use them as a reminder throughout the day to pray for our nation and leaders.null

God, We Need You

God, We Need You

As a nation, God, help us to desire righteousness more than rights, and to mirror sacrifice more than selfishness. You know us well, and You understand our flaws. Turn those weaknesses into strengths; bathe us with Your grace and mercy, though none of us deserve it. Fill us with the boldness to choose the kind of freedom that will benefit all, rather than a few. Open our eyes to see others as You do—with godly potential and value. But help us, too, to recognize our own pride in trying to elevate ourselves and others above You and Your purpose for our lives.

We need, You, God. Oh, how we need You! You have exercised nothing but faithfulness and fairness in Your treatment of our country, even when we’ve turned our back on You and forgotten Your goodness to us. Your discipline at times is hard, but You are just. Your purpose is always to draw us close to You, to bless us, and to make us a great nation who honors You. You are a good, good, Father—and Your love for us has a proven track record. – Rebecca Barlow Jordannull

Prayer for An Awakening in America

Prayer for An Awakening in America

Dear God,

Thank you for your great power. We praise you for your Truth. We’re grateful that you have set us free from the clutching grasp of sin and death. Would you be with your people, extending your grace, granting your freedom, providing your protection, and empowering with your strength. We ask that you’d bring about an awakening of your presence as never seen before. We ask that your Name be proclaimed, that all plans to silence the Name of Jesus would be thwarted and crushed. We pray that many would come to know you as Lord and Savior, we pray that many would see your Light, that you would open blind eyes and release those still imprisoned. – Debbie McDaniel

A Prayer for America’s Future

Make us a great nation, yes. But more than that, make us good, Lord, with a heartbeat that wants every person of every creed and color to know Your love, Your goodness, and Your worth. Make us wise as serpents, but gentle as doves. Turn our fears to faith, as we look to You and You alone for the future of our country. Give us God-confidence that no matter what happens, we will believe You are not only in control, but that You know exactly what is needed to accomplish Your purpose. Help us not to second-guess Your moves, but to move at Your command, always without hesitation.

Forgive us for wanting our own way and making our own paths—often the ones paved with least resistance. Forgive us for fence-walking, or for ignoring completely the truths that can so easily set us free. Deliver us from mindless quarrels and destinations that lead us nowhere, but away from You. Free us from divisiveness, and melt our hardened hearts to love, not hate, and to heal, not debate.  – Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Prayer for Justice and Healing 

We may look different from each other, but we have one big thing in common — we’re all your image-bearers Lord, which means we all have equal value, we all have purpose, and we are all part of your plan. Father, you know the injustice that has occurred for thousands of years, in different countries, with races of color and classes of people. I pray for justice in ongoing racism, which is still found here in America. I pray that these wrongs look very wrong to everyone who views these situations; make it clear to everyone God, that races of color are beautiful, valuable, and worthy.

You are the author of justice Lord, we ask that you would rain down justice in the form of convictions, law changes, police training, transformed mindsets and hearts, and continued racial reconciliation. Help us to look to you…and your Word to remind ourselves of what justice should look like. You know what injustice is like God; every sin committed is an injustice against you. Lord help us to fight injustice in the right way, may we always look to you as the solution. Oh Lord, that there would be more and more hearts transformed by your grace. May this time of injustice produce opportunities for conversation to talk about your grace, mercy, and forgiveness. May we seek you in our quest for justice, and may we continue to pray in your name for justice to be served when lives are taken and hateful actions are committed. In your name Jesus, amen. – Liz Auld

Prayer for Unity in America

Father God,

We pray that you would unify your people for the glory of your Name that all who call themselves Christians would rise up, believing your great Truth. Wake us up Lord! Remind us to live aware, to redeem the time, to listen to your words, to be willing to make a difference in this land. We pray for all those in authority, that you would give them your wisdom and discernment as they lead. We ask that you would appoint strong, faithful men and women to serve this nation and our people.- Debbie McDaniel

A Prayer for Leaders to Rise Up in America

Lord God, we desperately need your wisdom. You have given us a great country, founded on principles and truths from Your Word. We need men and women who will honor You, trust You, and lead us once again back to You. We pray for servant leaders who love the things You love and who care more about others than themselves.

Raise up leaders with the greatest potential of godly leadership, those who can ease confusion, expose illusion, and heal delusion. You alone hold the power to turn the hearts of leaders, but You listen and use our prayers to move them into right action. Help us to be faithful to care and to pursue Your heart in prayer. – Rebecca Barlow Jordan

Heal our Land

We pray for your great healing on our land. Shine your face on us dear God. We need you now, more than ever before. Our times are in your hands. Thank you that you are rich in mercy and full of grace. Thank you that you are forgiving and merciful. Thank you that you are strong and mighty. Thank you that you are for us and that you fight for us still today. Bring honor to your Name, Oh Lord, for You alone are worthy. – Debbie McDaniel

Prayer to Love Others

Lord, help me to see the issues around me in my community. Help me to be the person who goes out of my way to meet them. Lord, my heart has gotten hardened. I haven’t wanted to love people the way you love them. I’ve only loved those that think and act the way I do. Help me love people the way you love them. Help me to love enough I’d be willing to lay down my life for them. Amen. – Michelle Lazarek

A Prayer for Those Who Protect America

Lord, police officers’ days are filled with uncertainties and unknowns as they make quick and often life-changing or life-threatening decisions. Help them to be wise and invoke all their training and experience before moving or speaking. When they have the opportunity to investigate a situation before taking action and engaging, give them patience not to rush to judgment or anger.

Give them compassion when they determine there is no ill intent but also a keen awareness for deception. Remind them that they may not have all the evidence to make a final decision. Help them to see the good in people, and don’t let their hearts become hardened and calloused by the challenging situations they encounter daily. Amen.



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Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

As an American, it can be difficult at times to contemplate how other nations consider us. Much of the world derides the United States of America because of our foreign policy. When I have traveled or lived in other countries, I could feel the attitudes of people change towards me based on what our government was doing in other countries. I know that the heart of most Americans is good, pure, and does not want us to be involved in wars in any country. Unfortunately, our government sometimes has a different approach, and much of the world considers us in a similar way to the Chaldeans in these verses.
In the selected passage, Habbakuk speaks about the Chaldeans, a vicious and violent people that offend others, kill, deride, and believe in their own God. He wonders how God can stand beside and not look upon them with iniquity. He wonders how God can hold his tongue and not correct the behavior of these wicked people, devouring the good and letting evil reign. I understand the anger that he might feel, but I also understand the opposite side.
Americans are not totally evil! Some people may disagree, but I know that there is good in every person, country, and religion. Humans are not responsible for passing judgment and dictating how God should act.

Be patient, faithful and remember the gifts that God has has given each and everyone of us rather than thinking of negative actions of others. Focus on the positive in your life given by God. Don’t give in to evildoers for any reason. Ask God for help in all of your ways all day long. Remember that this world belongs to God not us. Trust God to WIN the battles for you. Thank the Lord for everything in your life.

The Lord made the ultimate sacrifice because of His LOVE for us. His vengeance should be feared but His love must never be forgotten. What can we offer up to the Lord while living below the heaven? What can we do that compares?

Lord Almighty, I offer a sacrifice for You. You have given us Your one true son, please accept this meager bounty. Lord, hear my prayer. I will follow Your teachings and grow Your flock, Your are my Lord. Thanks be to God in Jesus name Amen Amen.

Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory is Marxist.
Its real target is Christianity and the Bible.
The far left wants it in our schools.
The war on Christians is in full gear, says a most famous Jewish thinker.
Read below.

Dear Reader,

The Biden administration and the “Woke” left are embracing a radical new approach to our culture and life.

It’s called “Critical Race Theory.”

In a nutshell it claims that people who are “white” and from “European” backgrounds have succeeded because of their color, and they have OPPRESSED people of color.

Thus, people of color have been wronged and if they FIGHT BACK in any way then they are MORALLY right.

Make no mistake about it, the left’s anti-Christian and anti-Semitic agenda is being ramped up dramatically . . .

. . . and it’s frightening.

Think about it.

The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, actually banned private home Bible studies, while OK’ing mass BLM protests and worse . . .

This is a sickening violation of religious freedom.


Well, there is a famous Jewish author and thinker who has an answer.

But the truth may be quite unsettling . . .

This author claims it has nothing to do with COVID-19 and it has nothing to do with race.

But it has everything to do with the power grab by the left to systematically dismantle religion and banish God from the lips, minds, and hearts of the faithful . . .

. . . remove His holy name from our civil society, even destroying religious symbols and artifacts along the way.

Think about this:

The media was so proud of tens of thousands of BLM protesters last year who rampaged through our cities . . .

And yet, in San Francisco the Roman Catholic archdiocese was slapped with a cease-and-desist order saying some churches violated a local ban on large outdoor gatherings.

Under Critical Race Theory, the BLM protests are “good” even if they violate public health orders, but if Christians want to meet and pray — that’s bad and evil!

Oh, but it gets worse . . .

Then singing and chanting in church was banned.

“To forbid singing in a church is morally reprehensible. That is how we petition Heaven,” said one evangelical minister.

Churches are still oppressed, some barely clinging to life, close to financial ruin.

They may never recover.

If churches and synagogues are drowning financially, they can’t reach out into the community to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and help those drowning in a sea of debt and despair.

Unable to attend worship services, people are becoming disconnected and distanced from their faith.

This is the war on Christianity, and this is exactly what the left has dreamed about for decades.

Everything you need to know is exposed inside David Horowitz’s runaway bestseller, Dark Agenda.

First you should know, David Horowitz is not a Christian.

He is a Jew.

But he calls it like he sees it. And he’s deeply troubled by what he sees . . .

You may remember us warning you about the plan to annihilate religion.

  • Bill Maher shouting “death to religion” on national TV . . .
  • Monuments in Washington whitewashed of God and
    prayer . . .
  • Religious crosses confiscated . . .
  • Lenten ashes on children’s foreheads being scrubbed off at school. . .
  • Prayer in school being ruled unconstitutional
    overnight . . .

Whether you do or don’t remember any of the above, please keep reading.

This is serious stuff. Our faith and our ability to worship freely is in serious jeopardy.

If you’re a person of faith, this directly impacts you, your family, friends, and loved ones — and it’s terrifying.

Every day the writing on the wall becomes clearer.

Listen . . .

Hatred is growing in our nation toward Jews and Christians — being spread like wildfire.

Why? What is behind this evil movement?

Everything you need to know is laid out by David Horowitz in his bestselling book, Dark Agenda.

The highly respected New York Times bestselling author details where it all started and with whom.

When Horowitz first set out to write Dark Agenda, he planned on writing a book about a possible coming persecution against Christians.

But then, Horowitz was shocked to discover something dark and evil . . .

Horrifically, the persecution had already started.

Dark Agenda has rocked the media and political world.

Tucker Carlson said he couldn’t put the book down.

Tucker said you must “read this disturbing but vital book.”
Mike Huckabee has urged every Christian to get and read this book.

Gov. Huckabee said this book was the best one he had ever read defending Christians — and it was written by a Jew!

And Glenn Beck reports Dark Agenda reveals a “dangerous” situation we all face.

Horowitz uncovered the roots of this hateful, deadly movement and put it all in his new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America.

Look, there’s no other way to say this . . .

If you’re a Christian or Jew or a faithful follower of God, you must read this book.

Folks, this is religious intolerance fueled by the left for 60 years — a deep-seated animosity inciting vicious hate crimes and gaining momentum fast. Just look at this:

A headline that recently appeared on CBS News:

“U.S. ‘moving into a dangerous phase’ as anti-Semitic incidents surge.”

Everyone must WAKE UP, which is why we’re giving you Dark Agenda for FREE!

This is all part of the plan set in motion decades ago to rid God from public life.

In fact . . .

After a nearly 15-year drop, the Anti-Defamation League found acts of anti-Semitism started spiking in 2016.

What’s worse, the most recent numbers show the highest number of anti-Semitic incidents in its recorded history.

There were over 2,100 acts of violence — assaults, vandalism, and harassment — against Jews.

Please, for all these reasons and atrocities being committed, we urge you now more than ever . . .

Yep . . . we’re eating the cost so you can read this book.
We must protect Christianity and Judaism before it’s too late — and save our most basic freedom of religion.

In Dark Agenda, you’ll discover the plan that was set in place decades ago . . . and the series of events that have unfolded, allowing the plan to take hold.

Horowitz names names — Obama, Hillary, and the big media pushing this secular agenda.

There are new ones now: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Andrew Cuomo, and more. They want a Godless society.

They’re totally cool if thousands want to riot in protest against President Trump, breaking all COVID-19 rules.

But if you want to go to church or synagogue — with social distancing — they want you arrested!

You’ll discover who was responsible . . . how the Supreme Court failed Christian America . . . why school administrators are brainwashing our kids . . . and the names of those carrying out the plan in Washington today.

When you’re done reading Dark Agenda, you’ll understand the deep divide in America.

This is critical as we roll into the post-election year.

As Horowitz explains, President Trump has been at the very epicenter of this battle between the forces of good and evil right here in America.

And Horowitz says President Trump, out of office, will actually be a bigger threat — and a bigger target — for the far left.

We must fight back, or our children and generations to come will live in fear of expressing their faith.

Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

It is not always possible to live for God and to live at peace with all men. But insofar as it is possible, we should strive to do so. We should never delight in conflict and controversy for its own sake but only engage in such when necessary and to defend the truth and live the truth. Christians should be characterized as “people of peace” who are willing to “get along with” others as long as that does not entail denying their God. Words are simply not enough. Begging forgiveness to save yourself or out of fear is not faith. Believing in the word of God and ACTING upon it, even when it is most difficult, is faith. The fruit of the spirit is faith (Galatians 5: 22-23) and God has always kept His faithful promises to us (Deuteronomy 7:9). As believers, we must honor God’s faith to us with our faith to Him.

You, Lord, have reconciled us to yourself, giving us your peace. And we know that in the world we shall have tribulation. But let us not be such as refuse to live in peace with others and create needless conflicts. Let our desire for peace with others be a testimony to them of a Spirit-led attitude.

When we are first initiated into the church as self-aware people, the carrot that is dangled in front of us is often the things that the Lord will provide for us; eternal paradise, deliverance from evil and unconditional love. Very rarely do new comers reflect on what is expected of us in return, and how simple it can be to fulfill those requirements.
The irony, of course, is that if each of us acted justly, loved mercy, and walked humbly, we would have eternal paradise, deliverance from evil and unconditional love for one another. Yet why is that reserved for the afterlife and not now?
We have free will so that these skills may be learned. That we can be sculpted by life’s lessons and the opportunities we are given to do good for one another, especially those that can do no good and need saving.
Does God ask too much of us? At times, it may seem impossible to live the way that He wants us to. But it is during those times it is the most important to live that way. It is then that we truly learn the patience, humility, and charity that we will take with us when we are in Heaven.
Is it really so difficult to love our neighbors? To act justly? To be humble? It isn’t hard to be a good person if that is your one goal.

O God, forgive me for the countless times that I have made others around me feel worse from my words, expressions, and actions. Please have the Holy Spirit flow through me, so that all will be touched by positivity when they come into contact with me. When times are challenging, I ask that You be my rock and refuge, so that I do not lash out and cause harm to any others. Remind me of the best example of all, Jesus Christ, for it is in His holy name that I humbly pray today. Merciful Lord, keeper of the faith, I aim to be more like you. I pray that I have the resolve to remain steadfastly faithful to you, in the light times and even in the darkest times. Your son, Jesus Christ, remained faithful and kept His promise to us, even when He was crucified, and I am eternally grateful for this sacrifice, heavenly Father! I humbly ask that You let me faithfully serve You today and forever, Amen Amen.

5 Ways to Let Go of a Past Relationship

5 Ways to Let Go of a Past Relationship and still be friends. God Bless all who read!

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” – Philippians 3:13

Like me, do you enjoy hearing of first loves finding each other again after years of being apart? It sounds so romantic and like a dream come true for the couples.

Yet, the story behind the reunion makes all the difference, dependent on whether it’s really a happy ending or has involved unfaithful hearts with those involved.

Sometimes the story involves two people who remained single and never married, only to reunite years later. Or, after a husband or wife has lost a spouse, they come together with an old flame or first love who is also alone. Both of these storylines have the potential to lead to a happily ever after.

But if a married husband or wife has been going through regret at not marrying a past love, or leaving a love behind, it’s a whole different story. It becomes a story of betrayal to whomever they’re married.


Reminiscing is especially tempting to a husband or wife if he or she is going through a rough patch in their marriage. It can be a time where they start believing they married the wrong person and should have married someone from their past.

So how can an unhappy spouse resist the temptation to look back and instead focus on renewing their marriage?

1. Remember why you didn’t marry the other person. Our memories can be pretty selective when remembering a past love. However, there must have been some reason why it didn’t work out. Try to revisit and remind yourself why you went your separate ways.CONTINUE READING →

10 Steps to Reconcile Broken Relationships Mindy Fitterling

Broken relationships are the result of a broken world. They are bound to happen. Yet the disappointment, heartbreak, and emptiness never seem to sting us any less.CONTINUE READING →

What Does the Bible Say about Cremation? Dr. Roger Barrier

Dear Roger, My husband and I would like to be cremated after our deaths. Is there scripture regarding our decision?CONTINUE READING →

The China’s Coronavirus Was A Weapon Of War. In Another Words A Weapon of Global Mass Distruction.

China and the Democrtic Party needs to be held responsable for the death’s due to the first coronavirus. Dr. Fauci has lied to the American people from the beginning of Covid. Being in Veteranary school I learned about this virus. There are 45 species registered as the coronaviuses. The mild illnesses in humans includes the common cold. (The common cold, also known simply as a cold, is a viral infections disease of the upper respiratory tract that primarily affects the respiratory mucosa of the nose, throat, sinuses, and larynx. The common cold, which also caused by other viruses, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause Sars, Mers and Covid-19.                                                                                                                 The rhinovirus (from the Ancient Greek: rhis “nose” romanized: rhinos of the nose, and the Latin: virus) the most common viral infection agent in humans and is the predominant cause of the common cold. Rhinovirus proliferates in temperatures of 91-95 F, the temperatures found in the nose. Rhinoviruses belong to genus Enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae.                                           There are three species of rhinovirus recognized types in the human body. The human rhinovirus differ according to their surface proteins. They are lytic in nature and among the smallest viruses, with diameters of about 30 nanometers. By comparison, other viruses, such as smallpox and vaccinia, are around ten times larger at about 300 nanometers. While flu viruses are around 80-120 nm.

Transmission and epidemiology
Main article: Common cold
There are two modes of transmission: via aerosols of respiratory droplets and from fomites (contaminated surfaces), including direct person-to-person contact.

Rhinoviruses are spread worldwide and are the primary cause of the common cold. Symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and cough; sometimes accompanied by muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headache, muscle weakness, or loss of appetite. Most sinus findings are reversible consistent with a self-limited viral process typical of rhinovirus colds. Fever and extreme exhaustion are more usual in influenza. Children may have six to twelve colds a year. In the United States, the incidence of colds is higher in the autumn and winter, with most infections occurring between September to April. The seasonality may be due to the start of the school year[citation needed] and to people spending more time indoors thereby increasing the chance of transmission of the virus.[5] Lower ambient temperatures, especially outdoors, may also be factor[6] given that rhinoviruses preferentially replicate at 32 °C (89 °F) as opposed to 37 °C (98 °F). Variant pollens, grasses, hays and agricultural practices may be factors in the seasonality as well as the use of chemical controls of lawn, paddock and sportsfields in schools and communities. The changes in temperature, humidity and wind patterns seem to be factors. It is also postulated that poor housing, overcrowding and unsanitary conditions related to poverty are relevant factors in the transmission of ‘common cold’.

The primary route of entry for human rhinoviruses is the upper respiratory tract (mouth and nose). Rhinovirus A and B use “major” ICAM-1 (Inter-Cellular Adhesion Molecule 1), also known as CD54 (Cluster of Differentiation 54), on respiratory epithelial cells, as receptors to bind to. Some subgroups under A and B uses the “minor” LDL receptor instead.[8] Rhinovirus C uses cadherin-related family member 3 (CDHR3) to mediate cellular entry.[9] As the virus replicates and spreads, infected cells release distress signals known as chemokines and cytokines (which in turn activate inflammatory mediators). Cell lysis occurs at the upper respiratory epithelium.

Infection occurs rapidly, with the virus adhering to surface receptors within 15 minutes of entering the respiratory tract. Just over 50% of individuals will experience symptoms within 2 days of infection. Only about 5% of cases will have an incubation period of less than 20 hours, and, at the other extreme, it is expected that 5% of cases would have an incubation period of greater than four and a half days.[10]

Human rhinoviruses preferentially grow at 32 °C (89 °F), notably colder than the average human body temperature of 37 °C (98 °F); hence the virus’s tendency to infect the upper respiratory tract, where respiratory airflow is in continual contact with the (colder) extrasomatic environment.

Rhinovirus C, unlike the A and B species, may be able to cause severe infections.[11] This association disappears after controlling for confounders.[12] Duly, amongst infants infected with symptomatic respiratory illness in low-resource areas, there appears to be no association between rhinovirus species and disease severity.[13]


Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees of enterovirus species A, B, C, D and rhinovirus A, B, C isolates from Latin America. The 5’UTR region is much more affected by recombination events than the VP4/VP2 coding sequence. The paraphyletic nature of “rhinovirus” is visible.[14]
Rhinovirus was formerly a genus from the family Picornaviridae. The 39th Executive Committee (EC39) of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) met in Canada during June 2007 with new taxonomic proposals. In April 2008, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses voted and ratified the following changes:

2005.264V.04 To remove the following species from the existing genus Rhinovirus in the family Picornaviridae:
Human rhinovirus A
Human rhinovirus B
2005.265V.04 To assign the following species to the genus Enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae:
Human rhinovirus A
Human rhinovirus B
2005.266V.04 To remove the existing genus Rhinovirus from the family Picornaviridae. Note: The genus Rhinovirus hereby disappears.
The merge is based on the grounds that the two “genera” of viruses are not significantly different in a virological sense. They have identical genome organizations and particle structures, and the phylogeny is not always monophyletic.

In July 2009, the ICTV voted and ratified a proposal to add a third species, Human rhinovirus C to the genus Enterovirus.

2008.084V.A.HRV-C-Sp 2008.084V To create a new species named Human rhinovirus C in the genus Enterovirus, family Picornaviridae.
There have been a total of 215 taxonomic proposals, which have been approved and ratified since the 8th ICTV Report of 2005.

Human rhinovirus serotype names are of the form HRV-Xn where X is the rhinovirus species (A, B, or C) and n is an index number. Species A and B have used the same index, while Species C has a separate index. Valid index numbers are as follows:

Rhinovirus A: 1, 2, 7–13, 15, 16, 18–25, 28–34, 36, 38–41, 43–47, 49–51, 53–68, 71, 73–78, 80–82, 85, 88–90, 94–96, 98, 100–103
Rhinovirus B: 3–6, 14, 17, 26, 27, 35, 37, 42, 48, 52, 69, 70, 72, 79, 83, 84, 86, 91–93, 97, 99
Rhinovirus C: 1–51

Human rhinovirus genome, virion structure, and species
Rhinoviruses have single-stranded positive sense RNA genomes of between 7200 and 8500 nt in length. At the 5′ end of the genome is a virus-encoded protein and, as in mammalian mRNA, there is a 3′ poly-A tail. Structural proteins are encoded in the 5′ region of the genome and non structural at the 3′ end. This is the same for all picornaviruses. The viral particles themselves are not enveloped and are dodecahedral in structure.

The viral proteins are translated as a single, long polypeptide, which is cleaved into the structural and nonstructural viral proteins

Human rhinoviruses are composed of a capsid that contains four viral proteins, VP1, VP2, VP3 and VP4 VP1, VP2, and VP3 form the major part of the protein capsid. The much smaller VP4 protein has a more extended structure, and lies at the interface between the capsid and the RNA genome. There are 60 copies of each of these proteins assembled as an icosahedron. Antibodies are a major defense against infection with the epitopes lying on the exterior regions of VP1-VP3.

Novel antiviral drugs
Interferon-alpha used intranasally was shown to be effective against human rhinovirus infections. However, volunteers treated with this drug experienced some side effects, such as nasal bleeding, and began developing tolerance to the drug. Subsequently, research into the treatment was abandoned

Pleconaril is an orally bioavailable antiviral drug being developed for the treatment of infections caused by picornaviruses This drug acts by binding to a hydrophobic pocket in VP1, and stabilizes the protein capsid to such an extent that the virus cannot release its RNA genome into the target cell. When tested in volunteers, during the clinical trials, this drug caused a significant decrease in mucus secretions and illness-associated symptoms. Pleconaril is not currently available for treatment of human rhinoviral infections, as its efficacy in treating these infections is under further evaluation

Other substances such as Iota-Carrageenan may form a basis for the creation of drugs to combat the human rhinovirus.

In asthma, human rhinoviruses have been recently associated with the majority of asthma exacerbations for which current therapy is inadequate. Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) has a central role in airway inflammation in asthma, and it is the receptor for 90% of Human rhinoviruses. Human rhinovirus infection of airway epithelium induces ICAM-1.

Desloratadine and loratadine are compounds belonging to the new class of H1-receptor blockers. Anti-inflammatory properties of antihistamines have been recently documented, although the underlying molecular mechanisms are not completely defined. These effects are unlikely to be mediated by H1-receptor antagonism and suggest a novel mechanism of action that may be important for the therapeutic control of virus-induced asthma exacerbations.[citation needed]

In 2018, a new series of anti-rhinoviral compounds were reported by researchers at Imperial College London and colleagues at the University of York and the Pirbright Institute. These molecules target human N-myristoyltransferase, an enzyme in the host cell which picornavirus requires in order to assemble its viral capsid, and thus generate an infectious virion. The lead compound in this series, IMP-1088, very potently inhibited host myristoylation of viral capsid protein and prevented infectious virus formation, rescuing the viability of cells in culture which had been exposed to a variety of rhinovirus serotypes, or to related picornaviruses including poliovirus and foot-and-mouth-disease virus Because these compounds target a host factor, they are broadly active against all serotypes, and it is thought to be unlikely that they can be overcome by resistance mutations in the virus]

There are no vaccines against these viruses as there is little-to-no cross-protection between serotypes. At least 99 serotypes of human rhinoviruses affecting humans have been sequenced However, a study of the VP4 protein has shown it to be highly conserved among many serotypes of human rhinovirus, opening up the potential for a future pan-serotype human rhinovirus vaccineA similar result was obtained with the VP1 protein. Like VP4, VP1 also occasionally “pokes” out of the viral particle, making it available to neutralizing antibodies. Both peptides have been tested on rabbits, resulting in successful generation of cross-serotype antibodies.

The successful introduction of human ICAM-1 into mice has removed a major roadblock in creating an animal model for RV vaccination

Main article: Common cold § Prevention
Human rhinovirus can remain activated for up to three hours outside of a human host. Once the virus is contracted, a person is most contagious within the first three days. Preventative measures such as regular vigorous handwashing with soap and water may aid in avoiding infection. Avoiding touching the mouth, eyes, and nose, the most common entry points for rhinovirus may also aid in prevention. Droplet precautions, which take the form of a surgical mask and gloves, are the method used in major hospitals.

Rhinovirus and SARS-CoV-2
According to research[26] of the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) scientists, human rhinovirus infection can block SARS-CoV-2 replication in cells of the respiratory tract by triggering an interferon response, and may reduce COVID-19 severity and disease burden.


                                                                                                                      As of  2021 Dr. Fauci has called all diseases and viruses the coronavirus.                                                                                                        Because of his laziness and incompentances to be a doctor is just scaring people to submit to the socialist wanting to take over the Christian people.                                                                                                      (I would love to write about these three issues all together, and I will just not now. Thats going to take more time to write. I will just keep adding to all my posts.                                                                                                                                         In humans and birds, the group of viruses respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal.                                                                              If so many babies were not aborted, we may of found curse for all of these diseases

When Christ Died!

When Christ died on the cross we were saved. Our sins were washed away by the sacrifices of the lamb of God and we were tasked with living clean, moral lives, whilst sharing the gospel with our family around the world. Now what? Do we sit and twiddle our thumbs waiting for the end times? Or do we embody the spirit of the Lord and His sacrifice to help those who need it?
As a follower in Christ, we endure more responsibilities than most. We are bound by our Lord to be humble in all we do, and in doing so we may open our eyes to see that others around us are also in need of help. Once we have heard their call, we cannot turn our backs. Good deeds are our duties. However, if one is too charitable and spends too much time helping others, we may find we have nothing left and are now in need of the good of others. We must remember to do the good that is within our power to do. And remember that God helps those who listen to Him and care for His people like He commanded.

The hardest things to find aren’t the small things, or the translucent things, or even something that has been cleverly hidden. The most difficult things to find are those that we aren’t even aware that we have lost. Yet, one of the greatest delights is in finding something that you hadn’t noticed was missing.
Spring cleaning is a yearly chore for many of us in the modern world. We clean our homes from bottom to top, moving things from their place and giving everything a good polish, scrub or mopping. Occasionally we find things: a book that had fallen behind a cabinet, a dollar bill that had slipped between the sofa cushions, perhaps an earring who’s partner had been sitting alone in your jewelry box. The point is, until we restructure our life from bottom to top, those little treasures remain hidden from us.

Prayer: Conceptualized differently, one may say Jesus was a Messiah of reverasl, to turn the world upon its head. THe last first, the high made low, the sick healed, the sinful to be saved. Jesus himself surprised many when rode a donkey into Jerusalem – In sharp contrast to what was expected and preceded him as a KIng amongst men. So rejoice in him name, for he has found what was lost! The Lord came, flipped the top to the bottom in order to spring clean us all, allowing us to find hidden treasures along the way. If we give away tht which we do not have, we become indebted and rely on someone else to save us. But don’t let that process turn you into a miser. Whilst ‘duty’ sounds heavy and difficult, no duty truly is if done for our Lord God, and if we understand that is not only for the good of mankind, but it is for the glory of Heaven.

Truth, Honesty, and Lies in Toledo Streets Newspaper,

About the second week of March I summitted an article to John Keegan on the Coronavirus. I stop by the newspaper to talk with John about the article. He told me he could not publish the article I wrote because it was a public service annoucement. John, you should of published this article. You have the responsability running a newspaper to publish the facts about COVID-19. You deal with the homeless that needs to be educated about the risks of the virus. Do you realize the dangers of this. That’s sounds really funny right? I pray that newspaper never goes under. this is not the only article John as denied. That’s okay. Thank you, John because I believe Jesus sent me here to write my articles here. I have been published four times by this newspaper. I have chosen to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me, God. He has not and will not print anything I write. Everything that is written takes time. Its about facts. Therefore, facts brings the truth. And, acknowledgment for the readers.

The Toledo Streets Newspaper says they are a nonprofit to help the homeless. My understanding of a nonprofit means no one makes a profit. No one gets paid. All money does into the nonprofit to keep it going. John Keegen set up fake roberies to get people to feel bad for the newspaper going belly up. The newspaper was to help people become entrepreneurs. The doctrine tourned into an profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production. The sales people and writers did the work natural resources. Exactly how communism differs from socialism has long been a matter of debate, but the distinction rests largely on the communists’ of this newspaper.

Like most writers of the 19th century, Marx tended to use the terms communism and socialism interchangeably. In his Critique of the Gotha Programme (1875), however, Marx identified two phases of communism that would follow the predicted overthrow of capitalism: the first would be a transitional system in which the working class would control the government and economy yet still find

it necessary to pay people according to how long, hard, or well they worked, and the second would be fully realized communism—a society without class divisions or government, in which the production and distribution of goods would be based upon the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Marx’s followers, especially the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Lenin, took up this distinction.https://9d683f330e245119f68918b582f761b1.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

In State and Revolution (1917), Lenin asserted that socialism corresponds to Marx’s first phase of communist society and communism proper to the second. Lenin and the Bolshevik wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party reinforced this distinction in 1918, the year after they seized power in Russia, by taking the name All-Russian Communist Party. Since then, communism has been largely, if not exclusively, identified with the form of political and economic organization developed in the Soviet Union and adopted subsequently in the People’s Republic of China and other countries ruled by communist parties.null

For much of the 20th century, in fact, about one-third of the world’s population lived under communist regimes. These regimes were characterized by the rule of a single party that tolerated no opposition and little dissent. In place of a capitalist economy, in which individuals compete for profits, moreover, party leaders established a command economy in which the state controlled property and its bureaucrats determined wages, prices, and production goals. The inefficiency of these economies played a large part in the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the remaining communist countries (excepting North Korea) are now allowing greater economic competition while holding fast to one-party rule. Whether they will succeed in this endeavour remains to be seen. Succeed or fail, however, communism is clearly not the world-shaking force it was in the 20th century.

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Historical background

Although the term communism did not come into use until the 1840s—it is derived from the Latin communis, meaning “shared” or “common”—visions of a society that may be considered communist appeared as long ago as the 4th century BCE. In the ideal state described in Plato’s Republic, the governing class of guardians devotes itself to serving the interests of the whole community. Because private ownership of goods would corrupt their owners by encouraging selfishness, Plato argued, the guardians must live as a large family that shares common ownership not only of material goods but also of spouses.

Other early visions of communism drew their inspiration from religion. The first Christians practiced a simple kind of communism—as described in Acts 4:32–37, for example—both as a form of solidarity and as a way of renouncing worldly possessions. Similar motives later inspired the formation of monastic orders in which monks took vows of poverty and promised to share their few worldly goods with each other and with the poor. The English humanist Sir Thomas More extended this monastic communism in Utopia (1516), which describes an imaginary society in which money is abolished and people share meals, houses, and other goods in common.null

Other fictional communistic utopias followed, notably City of the Sun (1623), by the Italian philosopher Tommaso Campanella, as did attempts to put communist ideas into practice. Perhaps the most noteworthy (if not notorious) of the latter was the theocracy of the Anabaptists in the Westphalian city of Münster (1534–35), which ended with the military capture of the city and the execution of its leaders. The English Civil Wars (1642–51) prompted the Diggers to advocate a kind of agrarian communism in which the Earth would be “a common treasury,” as Gerrard Winstanley envisioned in The Law of Freedom (1652) and other works. The vision was not shared by the Protectorate led by Oliver Cromwell, which harshly suppressed the Diggers in 1650.null

It was neither a religious upheaval nor a civil war but a technological and economic revolution—the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries—that provided the impetus and inspiration for modern communism. This revolution, which achieved great gains in economic productivity at the expense of an increasingly miserable working class, encouraged Marx to think that the class struggles that dominated history were leading inevitably to a society in which prosperity would be shared by all through common ownership of the means of production.Load Next Pagenull

it necessary to pay people according to how long, hard, or well they worked, and the second would be fully realized communism—a society without class divisions or government, in which the production and distribution of goods would be based upon the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Marx’s followers, especially the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Lenin, took up this distinction.

In State and Revolution (1917), Lenin asserted that socialism corresponds to Marx’s first phase of communist society and communism proper to the second. Lenin and the Bolshevik wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party reinforced this distinction in 1918, the year after they seized power in Russia, by taking the name All-Russian Communist Party. Since then, communism has been largely, if not exclusively, identified with the form of political and economic organization developed in the Soviet Union and adopted subsequently in the People’s Republic of China and other countries ruled by communist parties.null

For much of the 20th century, in fact, about one-third of the world’s population lived under communist regimes. These regimes were characterized by the rule of a single party that tolerated no opposition and little dissent. In place of a capitalist economy, in which individuals compete for profits, moreover, party leaders established a command economy in which the state controlled property and its bureaucrats determined wages, prices, and production goals. The inefficiency of these economies played a large part in the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the remaining communist countries (excepting North Korea) are now allowing greater economic competition while holding fast to one-party rule. Whether they will succeed in this endeavour remains to be seen. Succeed or fail, however, communism is clearly not the world-shaking force it was in the 20th century.

Historical background

Other early visions of communism drew their inspiration from religion. The first Christians practiced a simple kind of communism—as described in Acts 4:32–37, for example—both as a form of solidarity and as a way of renouncing worldly possessions. Similar motives later inspired the formation of monastic orders in which monks took vows of poverty and promised to share their few worldly goods with each other and with the poor. The English humanist Sir Thomas More extended this monastic communism in Utopia (1516), which describes an imaginary society in which money is abolished and people share meals, houses, and other goods in common.null

Although the term communism did not come into use until the 1840s—it is derived from the Latin communis, meaning “shared” or “common”—visions of a society that may be considered communist appeared as long ago as the 4th century BCE. In the ideal state described in Plato’s Republic, the governing class of guardians devotes itself to serving the interests of the whole community. Because private ownership of goods would corrupt their owners by encouraging selfishness, Plato argued, the guardians must live as a large family that shares common ownership not only of material goods but also of spouses and

Other fictional communistic utopias followed, notably City of the Sun (1623), by the Italian philosopher Tommaso Campanella, as did attempts to put communist ideas into practice. Perhaps the most noteworthy (if not notorious) of the latter was the theocracy of the Anabaptists in the Westphalian city of Münster (1534–35), which ended with the military capture of the city and the execution of its leaders. The English Civil Wars (1642–51) prompted the Diggers to advocate a kind of agrarian communism in which the Earth would be “a common treasury,” as Gerrard Winstanley envisioned in The Law of Freedom (1652) and other works. The vision was not shared by the Protectorate led by Oliver Cromwell, which harshly suppressed the Diggers in 1650.null

It was neither a religious upheaval nor a civil war but a technological and economic revolution—the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries—that provided the impetus and inspiration for modern communism. This revolution, which achieved great gains in economic productivity at the expense of an increasingly miserable working class, encouraged Marx to think that the class struggles that dominated history were leading inevitably to a society in which prosperity would be shared by all through common ownership of the means of production.Load Next Pagenull


That never happened. 

Today in the Word: Jesus, Promised Son

God has often asked people to act on truths that are difficult to believe. For example, Noah was called to build an enormous boat on dey land. Gideon was to discharge 97 percent of his army right before a major battle. Joshua was to lead a charge against a fortified city using only trumpets and shouting. But in each case, God did something significant. All He asked of His followers was to trust His promises,

Joseph foujnd himself in a similar situation. When he discovered that Mary was pregnant, the Lord appeared to him in a dream. Their child was miraculously conceived “from the Holy Spirit” (v. 20). His name was to be “Jesus,” which in Hebrew means “the Lord saves!”

THe Gosple of Matthew makes clear that Jesus was the promosed Messiah (1:1, 17-18). For Jewish people in the first, the Messiah was expected to be a warrior, someone who wouod free them from the Roman oppression. However, the angel clarifies that Jesus was coming to “save his people from their sins” (v. 21). In the Old Testament, God promised that “He Himself will redeem Israel from their sins” (Ps. 130:8). This promise would be kept by His Son.

THe birth of Jesus fulfilled prophecy. This birth child would be born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14) and would be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isa 9:6-7). He would be a descendant of David who would be empowered by God’s Spirit and establish a righteous kingdom (Isa. 11:1-9) Jesus is Emmanuel, meaning “God with us” (Matt. 1:23).

>> The words spoken by the prophet Isaiah, about 700 years before the birth of Jesus, clearly predicted His arrival! God fulfilled this very important promise that offers life and hope to us today. YOu can accept no better gift than Jesus. God’s only Son was born that you could live. Turn to Him for salvation today!

Lord God, we marvel at Isaiah’s prophecies about the Messiah, and we rejoice in their fullfillment in Christ. May we recognize the weight of sin that Jesus borer on the cross for us and pray for those who need to turn their hearts to Christ.

The Meaning of Thanksgiving! OPEN This Text!!!!

Gods beautiful Design

A common misconception among young people and non-believers is that we pray to God to ask for something. Perhaps there have been times when you yourself have prayed for good and righteous things. But we shouldn’t forget thanking Him for what has already been provided. God is not our concierge: in fact, we serve God.
In 2005 I found myself working on a film set as a stunt man in Bucharest, Romania. I had wanted to act since around 1999 but I had a terrible voice quality and was awfully shy. I prayed to God time and time again to provide me a big break and make me famous (for selfish reasons, too!). The stunt work was challenging, sometimes painful and I found myself surrounded by people that were often unpleasant. One evening, I returned to my hotel frustrated and began to cry. Why was I so close to achieving my dream but running on a hamster wheel? Why was it painful? Why was God mocking my ambitions?
I felt claustrophobic and decided to stand on my balcony under the Eastern European night sky. The cool breeze calmed me. My attention was pulled to two young gypsy girls begging in the street. My perception changed almost immediately, appreciating all the gifts that God had provided. That night was the first night I prayed to God to only offer thanks.
I thanked Him for inviting me into His glorious creation, for providing me with a means to follow my passion, and providing me an opportunity to share my privilege with those that need it, in His name.
Trust in Him, for God gives us what He deems is necessary for His children, and for this, we should continually show our gratitude.

Exoplanets are planets beyond our own solar system. Thousands have been discovered in the past two decades, mostly with NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope. 

These worlds come in a huge variety of sizes and orbits. Some are gigantic planets hugging close to their parent stars; others are icy, some rocky. NASA and other agencies are looking for a special kind of planet: one that’s the same size as Earth, orbiting a sun-like star in the habitable zone.

The habitable zone is the range of distances from a star where a planet’s temperature allows liquid water oceans, critical for life on Earth. The earliest definition of the zone was based on simple thermal equilibrium, but current calculations of the habitable zone include many other factors, including the greenhouse effect of a planet’s atmosphere. This makes the boundaries of a habitable zone “fuzzy.”  

Astronomers announced in August 2016 that they might have found such a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. The newfound world, known as Proxima b, is about 1.3 times more massive than Earth, which suggests that the exoplanet is a rocky world, researchers said. The planet is also in the star’s habitable zone, just 4.7 million miles (7.5 million kilometers) from its host star. It completes one orbit every 11.2 Earth-days. As a result, it’s likely that the exoplanet is tidally locked, meaning it always shows the same face to its host star, just as the moon shows only one face (the near side) to Earth.

Most exoplanets have been discovered by the Kepler Space Telescope, an observatory that began work in 2009 and is expected to finish its mission in 2018, once it runs out of fuel. As of mid-March 2018, Kepler has discovered 2,342 confirmed exoplanets and revealed the existence of perhaps 2,245 others. The total number of planets discovered by all observatories is 3,706.

Astronomers are astonished that extrasolar planetary systems look nothing like our solar system.

Cause/reason? Earth was made for Man and Man for Earth. The GREATEST Artist – Supernatural yes!Man as an Artist. Since God has created us and made us to reflect Him (Genesis 1:26-27), we are also capable of aesthetic creation, reflection, self-evaluation, and visual communication.

Extensive word study led to the conclusion that creativity in Scripture refers exclusively to God’s achievements and that those achievements are in two dimensions which mirror human creativity. In the other dimension God creates by doing or performing rather than making.

Lord God, we gather around this table to humbly thank You for all that You have given us this past year – not just what is on this table, but who is sitting around this table. Thank you for life and laughter, for health and happiness, for relationships and memories. Thank you, too, for the lessons learned and the tears we’ve cried because of Your ability to grow us through them. Thank You for Your comfort and Your presence, in light of good days and bad. Thank You for what we have now, for what we had yesterday, and for what You will continue to give tomorrow. Let us never take that for granted, but to always be grateful for every good and perfect gift that comes from You. May we have hearts full of thanksgiving not only today but every day of our lives. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Amen.

Thankful people are happy people.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

C O L O S S I A N S  3 : 15


Thanksgiving Day — It generally brings up warm thoughts of good food, time spent with family and friends and reflection on the people and things in our lives we are most grateful for.
And it’s great to stop from all the busyness of the season to do just that…be thankful.

When we choose to look at what’s going right in our lives, it shifts our perspective. We become more focused on all that God is doing and less concerned with what is still lacking.

I believe the Lord would take joy in knowing we have grateful hearts all year long.

Taking time to remember what God has given us can lift our thinking to bring us to a place of contentment, peace, and joy.

We have so much to be thankful for—family and friends, health, food and shelter, careers and jobs—and most of all, a loving Savior who died for us so that we could have an abundant life here on earth and eternal life with Him in Heaven.

I’d like to pray a Thanksgiving Prayer of Blessing over you…

      Father, I lift up each person to You who is reading this today and I pray that if life has not been kind and they are feeling like there’s not much to be thankful for that they would have a renewed sense of Your presence, Your peace and Your joy during this holiday season. I pray they would be reminded of Your faithfulness in times past and that they would begin to hope again in Your goodness, knowing that Your Word says in 3 John 2 that Your desire is for them to be well—in spirit, mind and body.
            I give all honor, glory and blessing to You and I say a heartfelt thank you for all You mean in our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Bless Israel!

God’s People Need You

Imagine living alone, with little to no food, and suffering through the cold without warm clothes or heat. This is the reality for thousands of elderly Jewish people and Holocaust survivors around the world. These precious children of God need your support. Act out your faith today by blessing Jews with your best gift that will help provide food, medicine, and heat.Donate Now“Comfort ye, comfort ye my people.” Isaiah 40:1

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Each Hanukkah, Fellowship friends around the world show their appreciation for the brave men and women of the IDF.Read More

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Don’t Give Up, From Richard Roberts!


Laying hold of the promises of God

Have you been believing God for something that hasn’t yet come to pass? Sometimes, when the road is hard and the wait seems long, it’s possible to feel weary and consider giving up.

Be encouraged today—there is a reward for holding onto your faith. In fact, everything you are believing God for may be just on the other side of not giving up. As Galatians 6:9 says, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” [NLT]
In times of discouragement, we need to remember that the promises of God are still a sure thing. Hebrews 10:35-36 says, “You were sure of yourselves then. It’s still a sure thing! But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so you’ll be there for the promised completion”  [MSG]

If you need a second wind or a breath of fresh air to keep you going, you can find encouragement in God’s Word. Meditating on scripture in difficult seasons of waiting can strengthen your faith and give you hope. Romans 15:4 [AMP] tells us… For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope and overflow with confidence in His promises.”

God has not forgotten about His promises to you. Jeremiah 1:12 says, “…I am watching over my word to perform it.” [NRSV]

Don’t give up! The same God who showed up in times past is more than able to do it again. (Hebrews 13:8)

For more practical tips on staying strong in your faith in difficult seasons, click below to check out videos by Richard, Lindsay, and Jordan.

Check out this playlist on our YouTube Channel for encouragement to “Not Give Up”.

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He Is Always There! My Heavenly Father Through Jesus Name Amen!

November 21, 2021

When you feel like breaking down or crashing in,
Who do you turn to, to forgive your sin?
When you cried your lonely tears,
Who will be there to fight your fears?
And when it feels like no one would understand,
Who was there to hold your hand?

There are people whom you can’t replace,
They’re the ones who gave you your face.
They’ll love you through thick and thin,
They show you the light from deep within.
And if by chance you happen to die,
They’ll be the ones who will really cry.

You see, my friend, there’s no one who can love you more
Than your very own parents, that’s for sure.
Always remember this is true,
That wherever you go, your parent will be there for you.

In Sight


“Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.”

—Matthew 14:24

A while back I heard a minister say, “Chaos is never the evidence of God’s absence; it’s the arena in which He moves.”

When we’re surrounded by chaos, we might think that God is absent when He really isn’t. In Matthew 14 we read of a time when the disciples found themselves in the midst of chaos as they battled a storm on the Sea of Galilee. Worse yet, Jesus was nowhere in sight.

Commenting on the same story, Mark 6:48 gives us this detail: “He [Jesus] saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water” (NLT).

Although the disciples lost sight of Jesus, He never lost sight of them. And He came to them, walking on water. Jesus will come to us in our storms as well.

Jesus, being God, can do whatever He wants. He could have flown in. But Jesus walked among us as a man. He walked in our shoes, lived our life, and died our death. And He came to the disciples on the waves to show them that the things they feared—the wind and the sea—merely were a staircase for Him to come to them.

The disciples, however, didn’t know it was Jesus who was coming toward them. Matthew’s gospel tells us that when they “saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, ‘It’s a ghost!’” (14:26 NLT).

Why didn’t they know it was Jesus? It’s because they weren’t looking for him. A lot of times we miss Jesus not because He’s absent, but because we’re not looking for Him.

You’re not alone in your storm. Jesus is with you. He’s watching you, not impassively but with great interest and great concern.

Our Wicked Heart!

by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

Throughout the Bible we see God using imperfect people for the sake of his mission to bring hope to the world. I never quite understood why Jesus chose the individuals he did, but I am guessing his reasoning was to further prove the validity of his being. He didn’t call the popular, rich or successful to further his ministry, but rather, the poor, broken and faithful. I can only imagine how confused the Pharisees and religious leaders must have been while looking at the team of people the proclaimed Savior had gathered together. They were a team of misfits with nothing to lose but everything to gain with God. 

From an outside perspective, we can see that It didn’t matter where people were from, what they had done, or who they use to be; Jesus used all people for the good of His will. Don’t believe me? Here are some examples of people that were used for the greatness of HIS glory.

God’s broken soldiers

  • Abraham -Was old.
  • Elijah – Was suicidal.
  • Joseph – Was abused.
  • Job – Went bankrupt.
  • Moses – Had a speech problem.
  • Gideon – Was afraid.
  • Samson – Was a womanizer.
  • Rahab – Was a prostitute.
  • Samaritan Woman – Divorced.
  • Noah – Was a Drunk.
  • Jeremiah – Was young.
  • Jacob – Was a cheater.
  • David – Was a murderer.
  • Jonah – Ran from God.
  • Naomi – Was a widow.
  • Peter – Denied Christ three times
  • Martha – Worried about everything.
  • Zacchaeus – Was small and money hungry.
  • The Disciples – Fell asleep while praying.
  • Paul – A Pharisee who persecuted Christians before becoming one.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who Love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”—Romans 8:28

You are worthy

If you ever feel like you aren’t worthy enough to be used by God, let alone loved by him, just remember that Jesus used a bunch of flawed people to share Hope to a flawed and broken world. In God, we find renewal, mending, and purpose. Jesus didn’t call the equipped, He equipped the called. And no matter what you’ve been through in life, remember that the same power that conquered the grave lives within you. You are worthy of life. You are worthy of God’s love. You are worthy of joy. You are worthy of a fulfilling purpose that will take you places you never imagined reaching. 

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!! |

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. Jeremiah 17:9-10

Our heart is not to be trusted, it follows its own path and desires. Our Lord and Savior knows the heart and our temptations. He alone can tame our hearts and He alone can guide us to the LIGHT where we can feast with Him Above.

Lord, deliver me from temptation to thy bosom and bounty. Lord, control my desires. I love You Lord my God. For it is Your mercy that allows me to live the great life I live. Life is good. Life is God. Amen.

If I asked you who the wisest person in the Bible was, who would you say? Maybe Jesus, maybe Moses, but the name Solomon is almost synonymous with wisdom, referenced several times in the books of the Bible (especially 1 Kings 3 and 4). His wisdom was so great that God rewarded him as He rewarded no other man on earth: He chose Solomon as the person to build His temple in Jerusalem. King David is one of the most lauded characters in the Old Testament, and he was ready to build the temple for God. God chose his son, Solomon, known for his wisdom, rather than David, a conquering war hero, known perhaps too much for bloodshed and sin. David accepts this nobly, for he knows that Solomon is…the wise choice (1 Chronicles 28-29).
There are 2 things to notice about these verses: first, it is God’s favor to wisdom. With sound counsel, understanding, and wisdom, there is strength.
The second thing to notice is what God abhors: evil, pride, and arrogance. These are the things that God hates. These are the evil way, the path to darkness. God does not hate many things, but these are the things He makes clear to use the word hate in reference to. If we are to fully understand and follow the word of the Lord, we must remember these verses: to closely follow God’s path, we must love wisdom and hate pride and arrogance. To do so grants us more wisdom and strength. With these things, we can build our own inner temple, just as Solomon did, and join God, Solomon, and Christ, in the temple of heaven.


The Great spirit is concept of life force, a Supreme Being or god known more specifically as Wakan Tanka. I was raised to know one God. The only living God of all of us. Just because people have different color skin we all bleed the same color and pray to the same Living God. Thank You Jesus for Your understanding, in Jesus name Amen.

Faith Comes by Hearing and Hearing the Word of God: Romans 10:17

Faith will eventually bring into reality what we have hoped for.

There are times when our world seems overwhelming. As a pro-life advocate, I’ve always been a little confused by pro-choice logic. Until I read the 10 Commandments. God gave us 10 commands that we are to follow through life. A pregnancy is not unplanned. God has a plan for everything. All things are possible with God for the believer and non-believer. People do change their minds when they are confronted with the truth. The brutal reality killing babies is murder, no matter the age. God breath life into Adam and made woman out of flesh and bone. The thinking of the humanrace is ignorance. Humans think they breath everyday on their own. 

Be Confident in Your Ability to Defend the Unborn

Being a pro-life advocate can be challenging. Our mission to defend the unborn can sometimes feel like an uphill battle because our culture has accepted the abortion agenda and has lost its respect for life.

With the abortion industry continues to fill the minds of Americans with lies, there is a critical need for reliable information about the abortion epidemic and its far-reaching consequences so that we, as pro-life supporters, can take action for the most vulnerable among us – the unborn. Each day that we remain silent, 2,500 babies die from abortion.

As a pro-life advocate, this doesn’t sit well with you. The good news is that you can do something about it.

Be Confident in Your Ability to Defend the Unborn

Being a pro-life advocate can be challenging. Our mission to defend the unborn can sometimes feel like an uphill battle because our culture has accepted the abortion agenda and has lost its respect for life.

Care Net has put together an easy way for you to be confident in your ability to defend the unborn and compassionately engage our culture about abortion – a free online course!

With more than 40 years of serving women and men at pregnancy centers across North America, the experts at Care Net have carefully put together this course to: 

  • arm you with trusted facts on abortion and the industry
  • equip you to confidently and lovingly stand for the unborn

Abortion must come to an end, but the first step to make this happen is for pro-life advocates to learn how to confidently and effectively communicate the reality of abortion. (note: this is not a comprehensive training for pregnancy center professionals — for such training, click here)

Here is what people who have taken the course are saying about it:  

I think this class is essential. Thank you for putting together this tangible resource so more people will choose life!”

“I liked hearing about how something as simple as getting the facts on abortion can change a person’s mind if they want to have an abortion or not.”

You can defend the unborn and compassionately engage our culture – ultimately saving more babies from abortion through the information in this free online course! 

Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised that an organization whose primary business is the slaughter of human life before birth would also be calloused to human life after birth.

But facts regarding the tragic death of Tonya Reaves in Chicago, Illinois have left me horrified about the utter heartlessness with which Planned Parenthood can treat even their paying clients.

The twenty-four year old woman went to Planned Parenthood in Chicago for an abortion at 11:00 a.m.

By 11:00 p.m., she was pronounced dead.

According to their website, this Planned Parenthood location doesn’t perform surgical abortions. Yet somehow, Tonya Reaves was given an incomplete surgical abortion that perforated her uterus.

And when it was discovered that this young woman was hemorrhaging, what did this abortion mill’s “caring” staff do? Nothing!

Tonya Reaves was left to hemorrhage on her own in a recovery room . . . for over five hours.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, when someone at Planned Parenthood finally did decide to take the bleeding woman to the emergency room, they simply dropped her off with no one to care for her.

She was abandoned at the emergency room with no one from the clinic around to give instructions to the staff as they scrambled to discover what was wrong with Reaves.

It wasn’t until later that they discovered the severe internal bleeding. By then, it was too late.

Despite the best efforts of the hospital staff, Tonya Reaves died.

So the next time you see the media talk about the “war on women” and falsely claim that Planned Parenthood fights for women, remember Tonya Reaves and the millions of innocent unborn babies they have put to death.

These past two years have seen many crucial battles for the pro-life movement.

In the last Congress, you and I garnered a record number of cosponsors for our Life at Conception Act, and are poised to make pro-abortion politicians pay a heavy political price in 2022 for their insistence on taxpayer funding of abortion.

With Joe Biden in the White House, and pro-abortion majorities in both houses of Congress, there are many challenges ahead. But at NPLA, we believe that the best defense is a strong offense.

If pro-life activists across America mobilize, Biden’s worst schemes can surely be stopped.

But only if — and today I’m worried.

You see, I want to be absolutely sure you received an important message I sent you recently.

At that time, I asked you to renew your membership in the National Pro-Life Alliance.

But this past week, I double-checked my records and, unless we missed it, I still haven’t heard from you.

If you have already responded, then forgive me for writing you so soon. But I didn’t want to take the chance of losing you in 2021.

Delana, you are very important to the pro-life cause and all we are fighting for.

So if you haven’t yet renewed your membership, I urge you to take this opportunity now. I can’t stress enough the urgency of you responding today.

Your decision to stay with us advances the National Pro-Life Alliance’s Legislative Plan against abortion-on-demand in ways that can’t be counted.

Now the support you’ve given to the efforts of the National Pro-Life Alliance is more important than ever through 2021 and beyond.

There is no question that pro-lifers will continue to face threats and challenges from the abortion lobby.

But clearly, you and I now have new opportunities.

The fact is, National Pro-Life Alliance’s mass mobilization mailings, combined with your activism, helped elevate a whole crop of new pro-life heroes to Congress.

But we cannot afford to stop now.

With so many new Members of Congress claiming they are pro-life, it is vitally important that you and I push to get them on record by insisting they cosponsor and vote for effective pro-life protections like a Life at Conception Act.

That’s why it is so important you and I not only reject the abortion lobby’s agenda, but force roll-call votes on a Life at Conception Act to ultimately end all abortion-on-demand.

And, of course, the beauty of a Life at Conception Act is that it is designed to use Roe v. Wade’s own wording to ultimately end abortion-on-demand by guaranteeing all persons — including unborn children — are protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.

The fact is, the very Supreme Court that wrote Roe v. Wade in 1973 admitted in that decision that no such “right” to an abortion would exist if Congress were to establish unborn children as “persons.”

The ultimate passage of this bill and ending all abortion remains the top legislative priority for your National Pro-Life Alliance.

Meanwhile, we as pro-lifers must also force votes to ultimately end the more than half a billion in tax dollars every year that is still channeled to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood.

You can be proud of what you have accomplished . . .

. . . and encouraged about what your grassroots pressure can achieve throughout this year.

Your financial help will allow the National Pro-Life Alliance to run the most hard-hitting and aggressive lobbying campaign possible in Washington, D.C.

With targeted TV, newspaper, Internet and radio ads funded by your contributions, you and I can keep the pressure on wavering politicians.

NPLA’s combined federal and state-by-state strategy of targeted mail, follow-up phone calls and media is very effective, but it is also time-consuming and costly.

With Congress in session, it’s crucial you and I intensify our grassroots efforts immediately.

But the National Pro-Life Alliance is caught in a financial bind. I can’t afford to cut back in any area because all our lobbying programs are so critical.

We must mobilize massive grassroots pressure to:

*** Maximize the number of cosponsors of the Life at Conception Act to force votes and ultimately end abortion-on-demand.

*** Force votes in both Houses on the Parental Notification and Intervention Act, which would empower parents to stop an abortion from being performed on their minor daughter.

*** Push for public debate on the Heartbeat Protection Act to demonstrate to the American people that as early as two or three weeks the unborn have a heartbeat.

*** Help cut off taxpayer funding of abortion at the state and local level.Politicians from both political parties — particularly those newly elected who claim to be pro-life — must know that you and I will be demanding they make good on their promises.

We cannot allow the work you and I do defending the innocent unborn to be neglected even for a minute. We’ve made tremendous strides in the fight to save the lives of the innocent since you joined the National Pro-Life Alliance, and I pray you will continue as a member.

The National Pro-Life Alliance owes its existence to you.

In my earlier letter, I told you how critical your contribution is.

Because of your past support for our programs, I didn’t want you to miss this opportunity. So I asked Jenni to reach out again.

But we still didn’t see your contribution.

You’re a vital member of the team, so I hope I’m not out of line in asking for your help again. But whatever you send, you’ll be a member in good standing for 2021.

Even with just $10, please do what you can.

I know, together, you and I can ultimately end abortion-on-demand.

But I can’t do it alone. I need you with me. Please don’t abandon our fight now. Renew your membership today.


P.S. You can be proud of what your National Pro-Life Alliance has accomplished, mobilizing a record level of support for the Life at Conception Act and pushing for action on other pro-life measures to expose pro-abortion radicals.

It would be a shame to lose you now, after we’ve come this far. Please renew your 2021 National Pro-Life Alliance membership with any contribution at once.

Scripture:If you obey my commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in His love. I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. (John 15:10)

Canada a fake Peaceful Country 👣👣Murder of a People! Iroquois Indian.👣👣

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) – An indigenous chief alleged on Saturday that Canadian police beat him in March after an incident involving an expired licence plate on his truck.Slideshow ( 2 images )

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), however, say officers used reasonable force after Chief Allan Adam of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation resisted arrest, and laid criminal charges against him.

Adam made the allegations as protests spread around the world following the death in Minneapolis of a black man in police custody on May 25.

Indigenous people this week expressed outrage at two other incidents with Canadian police, including the shooting death of a young woman.

Adam, speaking in Fort McMurray, Alberta, said RCMP approached his parked truck on March 10 as he and his wife prepared to leave a casino in the city.

After police refused to answer why they had pulled up, the couple began to drive away, before an officer ordered them to stop and pulled Adam’s wife from the driver’s seat, Adam said.

He then intervened. An officer grabbed his arm while a second one knocked him down and punched him, Adam said.

“We are a minority and nobody speaks up for us,” Adam said.

Senior police reviewed in-car video and determined police actions were reasonable and an external investigation not justified, said RCMP Const. Patrick Lambert.

But Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said he was “deeply disturbed” by a photo of Adam’s swollen and bloodied face taken after the incident.

“While we cannot comment on a specific case before the courts, we will be following developments of these serious and troubling claims closely.”

Adam’s lawyer called for police to release their video and suspend one officer.

The chief is due in court on July 2, charged with resisting arrest and assaulting police.

Adam said he waited to publicize the incident because he was busy with pandemic precautions.

Reporting by Rod Nickel in Winnipeg, Manitoba; Editing by Chris Reese

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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Native America; Human Trafficking in Native Communities

Since the Presidential Proclamation of 2010, we have annually observed January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking prevention Month. Despite all the media attention and many worthy organizations fighting this problem, there are still over 40 million slaves in the world today. Women and girls account for 71% of those victims.

Before the colonization of the U.S., Native Americans held women in high regards as life bearers and the future of their people. They were the political, spiritual and ceremonial leaders and violence against women was*is) forbidden

Cairn erected in 1975 marking the Battleford Industrial School cemetery
In 2011, reflecting on the TRC’s research, Justice Murray Sinclair told the Toronto Star: “Missing children—that is the big surprise for me … That such large numbers of children died at the schools. That the information of their deaths was not communicated back to their families.”[52]
Missing children and unmarked graves[edit source]
The TRC concluded that it may be impossible to ever identify the number of deaths or missing children, in part because of the habit of burying students in unmarked graves.[

Mohawk Residential school deaths were common and have been linked to the persistence of poorly constructed and maintained facilities. The actual number of deaths remains unknown due to inconsistent reporting by school officials and the destruction of medical and administrative records in compliance with retention and disposition policies for government records. Research by the TRC revealed that at least 6,000 students had died, mostly from disease. Other estimates place the death toll at three times that number and some in the tens of thousands.
The 1906 Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, submitted by chief medical officer Peter Bryce, highlighted that the “Indian population of Canada has a mortality rate of more than double that of the whole population, and in some provinces more than three times”. 97–98, 275 Among the list of causes he noted tuberculosis and the role residential schools played in spreading the disease by way of poor ventilation and medical screening
In 1909, Bryce reported that, between 1894 and 1908, mortality rates at some residential schools in western Canada ranged from 30% to 60% over five years (that is, five years after entry, 30% to 60% of students had died, or 6–12% per annum). These statistics did not become public until 1922, when Bryce, who was no longer working for the government, published The Story of a National Crime: Being a Record of the Health Conditions of the Indians of Canada from 1904 to 1921. In particular, he alleged that the high mortality rates could have been avoided if healthy children had not been exposed to children with tuberculosis. At the time, no antibiotic had been identified to treat the disease, and this exacerbated the impact of the illness. Streptomycin, the first effective treatment, was not introduced until 1943. 381
In 1920 and 1922, Regina physician F. A. Corbett was commissioned to visit the schools in the west of the country, and found similar results to those reported by Bryce. At the Ermineskin school in Hobbema, Alberta, he found 50% of the children had tuberculosis. 98 At Sarcee Boarding School near Calgary, he noted that all 33 students were “much below even a passable standard of health” and “but four were infected with tuberculosis”.In one classroom, he found 16 ill children, many near death, who were being made to sit through lessons.

The work is further complicated by a pattern of poor record keeping by school and government officials, who neglected to keep reliable numbers about the number of children who died or where they were buried. While most schools had cemeteries on site, their location and extent remain difficult to determine as cemeteries that were originally marked were found to have been later razed, intentionally hidden or built over. The fourth volume of the TRC’s final report, dedicated to missing children and unmarked burials, was developed after the original TRC members realized, in 2007, that the issue required its own working group. In 2009, the TRC requested $1.5 million in extra funding from the federal government to complete this work, but was denied.[6] The researchers concluded, after searching land near schools using satellite imagery and maps, that, “for the most part, the cemeteries that the Commission documented are abandoned, disused, and vulnerable to accidental disturbance”.

Oglala Lakota leader Crazy Horse, born on this day in 1849, was a famous war leader who participated in the Battle of the Little Bighorn and several other important battles of the American Indian Wars. According to the National Park Service, he fought in defense of Oglala land, but eventually brokered a surrender with the white leaders of government troops. The exact details of Crazy Horse’s personal life are shrouded in mystery, but he’s still remembered as one of the most prominent Native American figures of his time. His memorial, like his legacy, is larger than life–that is, if it ever gets finished. Here are three things to know about the historic site:

This is an Elders Poem

The Elders say the American Indian women will lead healing among the tribes. We need to especially pray for our women, and ask the Creator to bless them And give them strength. 

Inside them the power of love and strength given by the Moon and the Earth. 

When everyone else gives up it is the women who sing the songs of strength. 

She is the backbone of the people. So, to our women we say sing your songs of strength. Pray for your special powers; keep our people strong, be respectful, gentle and modest.

Oh, Great One, bless our women. Make us strong today.

In order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow – and it’s likely going to hurt.

Another poem

Raindrops and Rainbow

When the sunlight strikes rainbows in the air, they act as a prism and forms a rainbows. The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. These a takes shape of a long round arch, with its path high above and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon.

There are according to legend, of pit of gold at the end of the rainbow. People look but you will never finf it. When a person looks for something beyond their reach, our Friends may “say one is looking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I remember as a kid I looked for that pot of gold.

Others have tried to explain the phenomenon physically. Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by a reflection of the sun’s rays by the rain. Since then physicists have found that it is not a reflection, while  it is a refraction by the raindrops that causes the rainbow.

Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in vicarious ways. As a miracle without physical explanation.

I say read the Bible, it is written Genesis 9:13-16

The Lord said, “I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me (as in God himself) and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember my covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of a flesh.; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on earth.”

“Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the LORD.” PSALM 33:12

America was founded on godly principles rooted in God’s eternal Word. Freedom is God’s idea, and implanted within every human heart by the Creator who made them is the yearning to be free. Leviticus 25:10, inscribed on our Liberty Bell says, “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”

The golden, majestic appearance of our Declaration of Indepedence – the parchment paper, the resolute signatures of those who represented the voice of a new nation, and the rich content of this anointed document, bears testimony to the powerful faith which underscored the conviction on which our Indepedence is based: “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God that all men are created equal, and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…. appealing to Supreme Judge of the world…”

Further evidence of the powerful faith of our earliest leaders can be seen in the content of their state constitutions, penned by some of the same men who wrote the Declaration of Indepedence. The Delaware document, for example, written by Thomas McKean. A signer of the Declaration of Indepedence and the Articles of Confederation, and George Read, also signer of Declaration of Indepedence and the Constitution of the United States, says, “Every person who shall be chosen a member of either house, or appointed to any office or places of trust, before taking his seat, or entering upon the execution of his office, shall take the following oath: “I do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, blessed for ever more; and I do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration.”

The Seven Principles of the Judeo-Christians Ethic
When our Nation’s Founding Father gave us documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and others, they had to lean upon a common understanding of Law, government, social order, and morality. that understanding  sprang from the common acceptance of what has come to be known as the Judeo-Christian Ethic, which is the system of moral and social values that originates in the Old and New testament of the Word of God.
Whether each of the Founding Fathers was a Christian in not an issue. their writings, their statements, and their votes evidence that fact the majority of them embraced these great principles as the basis for a civilized nation.
Principle #1- The Dignity of Human Life
The Scriptures emphatically teach the great importance of the respect and preservation of human life. In the Declaration of Independence our nation’s Founding Fathers wrote that everyone has “unalienable right,” and that among these right are “life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” We Americans not only believe this for our land, but also we send our brave military men and women around the world to defend the rights of those who are threatened.
If People and nations do not grant ultimate respect and protection to both born and  the unborn, all other professed morals and values are meaningless. The dignity of human life is not just a principle of the Bible- it is the first principle of any civilized society.
Principle #2- The Traditional Monogamous Family
Our society has been based upon the belief that the biblical views of traditional marriage and family is the backbone of a healthy social order. Since the joining together of Adam and Eve, marriage has been recognized as a holy union between one man and one woman, and out of the union comes children- born into a home a father and mother love them, nurture them, and teach the how to become healthy, productive, andresponsoble citizens.
The plan of God, nature, and common sense is a man and a woman producing children within the institution of marriage. When the plan is lost, “marriage” and “family” become meaningless, and a nation and its people will follow the road to ruin. World history has proven it over and again. Preserving the traditional family is vital to the future of any great nation.
Principle #3- A National Work Ethic
Ingrained deep within the American spirit is the willingness and the desire to give an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. This independent  spirit has no desire to simply exist on handouts from government or to depend on the generosity of others. It is this same independent spirit allowed America to create the greatest and strongest economy in the history of the world.
Americans have had their challenges. the Great Depression of the 1930’s knocked us to our knees, but it did not beat us. together, Americans helped one another and lifted our nation back to its economic might. The powers of the world look at our nation and ask where that spirit of honest labor came from and where this work ethic originated. It came from the men and women who lived before us. Those generations were raised to believe in this third principle of honest work, which is found throughout the Word of God.
Principle #4- The Right to a God-Centered Education
We see in Proverbs 1:7 that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.” How can one understand the creation without first knowing its Creator? the answer is that one cannot.
Our Forefathers certainly understood this. For example, did you know that most of America’s oldest universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Dartmouth were founded by Christian preachers or churches? Harvard stated: “Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life.” Harvard’s original seal has upon it these words: “Truth for Christ and the Church.”
The early children’s text The New England Primer thought the ABC’s by having children memorize: “A- In Adam’s fall, we sinned all. B _ Heaven to find, the Bible mind.” Today’s youth are tomorrow’s America. There is truth in the statement attributed to George Washington: “Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail to the exclusion of religious principle. It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”
Principle # 5 – The Abrahamic Covenant
A covenant is a decision involving two individuals or groups statin that they will keep a promise or fulfill an agreement between them. The Book of Genesis records the story of God making a covenant with Abraham. The basis of that covenant was that if Abraham would follow God, obeying His laws and commandments, God would bless Abraham with generations of children that would outnumber the stars in the heavens (Genesis 15:5). Abraham believed God, obeyed his Word, and God rewarded him with many descendants, a nation of people now known as Israel.
This principle of the Abrahamic covenant states that if person or a nation obeys God, observing the moral truths found in the Bible, that person or nations will be blessed. If they disobey, they will bring punishment upon themselves. For most of our nation’s history, Americans have accosted the belief that good deeds produce good results and that people who were “God-fearing” in language and in lifestyle would be blessed by Him. That belief has been proven to be true time and again. The writer of Proverbs tells it plainly, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (14:34)
Principle #6- Common Decency
Simply put, this is the belief that a decent nation is made up of decent people. That nations, when faced with any trying difficult situation, will do the decent, right, and honest thing. And for the most part, that has been the record of our national history. For example, Americans have given their lives in wars on foreign soil so that others might experience freedom. Americans have worked to feed the world’s poor, to clothe the naked, and to aid the hurting. Americans have opened their arms to many of the world’s oppressed and given safe haven.
Engraved on the bronzed plaque on the base of the Statue of Liberty are these words from a poem “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus:” Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your taming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-test to me; I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” A World- renowned symbol of freedom, this statue stands to remind us all that America has indeed been, and continues to be today, a nation of common decency.
Principle # 7- Our personal Accountability to God
Perhaps the greatest restraint acts evil toward others is the knowledge that every person and nation will one day give an account for their actions to Almighty God. Certainly the Bible tells us that we awe responsible for our actions and we must be accountable for what we do or don’t do. It also teaches that there is a penalty for doing wrong and blessing when we do that which is right, noble, and just.
The great American stateman Daniel Webster was once asked, “What is the most sobering thought that ever entered your mind?” He quickly responded, “My personal accountability to God.” Webster knew that he would one day stand before God in eternity and give an account for his actions. The same applies to every man, woman, and nation.
A Call to Action
During some of the darkest days of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln reminded the fellow American that “we have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven.” To be born in a land of freedom, to live in a nation founded as “One Nation Under God” by those who served the one, true God of the Bible, is both a tremendous privilege and a great responsibility.
While we have much to admire and love and be thankful for in being able to call American our home, our nation is rapidly drifting from its biblical foundations. Our freedom to serve God and to promote the gospel in our land is disintegrating,
we are engaged in a great spiritual battle that threatens our country, our families, and our lives. Only God’s intervention will return America to solid footing and restore a moral nation that righteousness will exalt.
As believers in Jesus, we have His call to be “salt” and “light” to the world (Matthew 5:13-16). We must take seriously our responsibility to put God first, not only in our homes but also in our national affairs.
Here is a clear and honorable pathway that any generation of Americans can use to protect that which is right and change that which is wrong within our great nation:
Pray: Our Founding Fathers knew the power and purpose of prayer. From our nation’s beginning through times of war and tragedy, we have been called to pray that the hand of Almighty God might show forth His mercy and intervene with His grace toward America. Today is no different. Second Chronicles 7:14 instructs us: “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their land.”
Process. Within the God-given wisdom of our founding documents, we have been granted clear and certain processes for bringing about change concerning things that we perceive as wrong for our land. From the local municipality to the halls of Congress and the White House, imbedded in the laws and governmental processes of America are pathways for nonviolent moral, social, and political change. but first they must be learned and understood before they can be properly applied.
Persevere. When fighting for the right, we must never cease until we prevail. The battle is not always won by the strongest, the smartest, or the most elite, but ultimately it comes to those who persist and persevere. When soon-to-be President George Washington led his troops into battle during the Revolutionary War, he lost most of those battles, but through perseverance he ultimately won the war. As a result, we won our independence from the British and became a free people. Our Lord taught us that when we put our hands to the plow of a righteous cause, we are never to look back, but to persevere and prevails Luke (9:62).
All the resources of the Almighty God and His Word are available to us. He rules in the affairs of men, and nothing is too hard for Him. He is the sovereign King of the universe, with all power and authority, and He is compassionate, gracious, and ready to extend His love and mercy to us.
Let us band our knees and humble our hearts and pray. Let us be willing to be used of God to help turn this great nation back to Him. Let us stand in the gap and make our lives to be salt and light in our families and neighborhoods and workplaces. God wants to come and bless us, to forgive our sins and heal our nation.
Exodus 20:13>  “You shall not murder.”
Matthew 22:39>  “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Genesis 2:23-24> And Adam said “this is now bones and flesh my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and  they she’ll become one flesh.
2 Thessalonians 3:10> For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
Ephesians 6:4 > And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
Genesis 12: 1-3 > Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great: and you shall be a blessing. I will curse him who curses you; and in you all families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Galatians 3:7 therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.
Matthew 22:9 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.

Blessed is the nation whose God is LORD Psalm 33:12
The meeting of the Second Continental Congress up May 1776 was well underway in Philadelphia when a tall 44-year-old Virginian, Richard Henry Lee, stood before his peers and called for the Continental Congress to pass a resolution declaring their separation from British rule. This declaration would state that the American colonies would no longer be subject to King George 3 and his oppressive acts of taxation and intimidation. Yes, to those present it seemed to be a noble action by Lee, but little did any of the delegates realize that their actions would soon change the course of world history.
Congress did not vote that day but enlisted Lee’s fellow Virginian, Thomas Jefferson, to draft the Declaration of Independence for their consideration. Finally, after much debate and several revisions, on July 4, 1776, 56 brave patriots adopted the Declaration of Independence to form a new nation that was to become known as the United States of America – a nation dedicated to a new and somewhat radical proposition that all men wert created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This new experiment of personal liberty and human rights through representative government was uncommon, if not unheard of for its day. Ultimately, at great cost, the colonies won their freedom in 1783, and the American experiment was underway.
Naturally, many questions had to be answered for the new nation to survive. How would she acquire and preserve her freedom from the British and others powers who would seek to impose wills upon her? If independence was achieved, upon what principle of law and government would her constitution be formed? through what lens of understanding would she view the world outside her own people? These questions and many more faced these Founding Fathers.
Fortunately, for them and for us, the source for these answers had already been adopted and its principles interwoven into the charters of the 13 original colonies. That source is the book you hold in your hands today, the Holy Bible. It is the book that bound colonial America society together from Main to Georgia.
Our seventh President, Andrew Jackson said concerning the Bible, “That book, sir, is the rock upon which our republic rests.” Not only was that the opinion of President Jackson, but also the sentiment of countless Americans. On the whole, Americans are a people who love the Bible and the God of the Bible. There is no book more powerful than the Bible to shape the morals and values of men and nations to be right and noble and just. It has proven itself over and over again in the formation and continuance of the greatest nation in history, the United States of America.
While either nations have built their government upon the shaky foundations of communism, socialism, and countless other anti-God philosophies, only to see those foundations crumble, America stands without equal as a beacon of hope and freedom in a hurting world.  Our Founding Fathers delivered to us a system of government that has enjoyed unprecedented success: we are now the world’s longest ongoing constitutional republic. Well over two hundred years under one form of government is an accomplishment unknown among contemporary nations.
I have found a special edition of the American Patriot’s Bible, you will find a great volume of both information and inspiration revealing the strong cord of the Bible’s had influence that runs through the colorful fabric of our nation’s past and present.
Joining with the sacred text are stories of American heroes, quotations from many of America’s greatest thinkers, that present the rich heritage and tremendous future of our nation. if you love the Bible and America, then by faith read my book.
I have been trying to write a book that America can relate to, I pray and step out in FAITH, and GOD’s wonderful Grace It goes some where. In Jesus name Amen.
Much effort as gone into the quotes and stories included so that the reader can be assured of the validity of that which is recorded herein. To handle the Word of God in a manner is to do so with great care and respect, and that has been done by all who have been involved in this project. May God bless His truth within these pages, and bless anyone who reads it. May God continue to bless America!
Dr. Richard G. Lee; There’s Hope America
 Leadership Ezra: 8:21- The proclaimed a fast…that we might humble ourselves before our God…
Courage: Revelation: 12:11- ..and they did not love their lives to the death.
Genesis, Author: Moses
When written: Around 1440 B.C.
Theme: Beginnings
 Key Verses: Genesis: 12:2-3- “I will make you a great nation; I will bless your name great; and you shall be blessing> I will bless those who bless you, and curse him who cures you; and in all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Key Chapter: Genesis 15 – this chapter emphasized the specific promises of the Abrahamic covenant – covenant that is central to all Scripture. God promises to
1) give His people great land;
2)make them a great nation;
3) pour out great blessing over them.
Foundations are crucial to the success of any venture, from building a house to building a nation. When the Founding Fathers set about to establish the bedrock that would define America’s greatness, they went right to the source, declaring that human life beings are “endowed y their Creator with certain unalienable Right….
Genesis contains the foundational truth that God is the peace source and beginning of all things and our hope only hope for peace, happiness, and true liberty we all crave. In this “book of beginnings,” we witness God’s calling of a covenant people through which He would bring salvation to all the peoples of the earth through His one and only Son.
In The Beginning God…..
Apollo 8, the first manned mission to circle the Moon, entered a lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1968. The evening the three astronauts – Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and William Anders – did a live television broadcast during the ninth lunar orbit, in which they showed pictures of the Earth and the Moon seen from Apollo 8. at the time, the broadcast was the most watched TV program ever:
About six weeks before launch, a NASA official had called Borman and said, ” We figure more people will listen to your voice than that of history. So we want you to say something appropriate.” Appropriately, the Apollo 8 team ended the broadcast taking reading form the book of Genesis.
William Anders: “We are now approaching lunar sunrise and, for all the people back on Earth, the crew of Apollo 8 has a merge that we would like to send to you. ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light , that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.'”
Jim Lovell: ” ‘ And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. And God said, Let there be a firmament in he midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.’ “
Frank Borman: ” ‘And God said, Let the waters under heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas: and God saw that it was good.’ And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with a good night, and good luck, a Marry Christmas – and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.
“The Battle Hymn of the Republic”
In November 1816, after a visit to a Union Army camp, Julia Ward Howe, wrote the poem that came to be called “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” It came the best-known Civil War song of all Union Army as well as a well-loved American patriotic anthem.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lighting of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of the hundred circling camps,
They have building Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.
I have read the fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
“As ye deal with my condemners, so with you my grace shall;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on.”
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgement-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that , transfigures you and me:
As HE died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: “A well-regulated

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Defender: Genesis 14:14 > Now whan Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants…
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:
“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of hte free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Having flrd persecution in Great Britain, the Puritans had laws requiring every famly to own a gun, to carry it in public places, and to train children in the use of firearms. In1619, the colony of Virginia had statues that required everyone to ber arms. Connecticut law in 1650 required every man above the age of sixteen to possess “a good musket or ohter gun, fit for service.”
THe early laws of America are very clear about this. THe people were responsible for hteir own defense and freedoms and needed to be prepared to fight. Thomas Jefferson said, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right ti bear arms is, as as last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” At the time, there was no concept of a professional army, created and paid to defend the colonies. George Mason, called the father of the Bill of Rights, said, “What is the militia? It is the whole people. TO diarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”
With the approach of the American Revolution, the natural rights philosophers had established the foundation for self-defense. Every man’s life, they said, belongs to God, and to allow one’s life to be taken because one failed to defend it was wrong. This natural law to the right of self-defense, was also applied to the duty to protect one’s family, community, and national liberty, a sacred gift from God.
For the most part, the colonial churches, particularly New England’s Congregational congregations, believe that a revolt against tyrants, such as King George, was to obey God. It may have had its roots in the Old Testament accounts of Israel’s wars for freedom, but it became a powerful fire tht impassioned the citizenry. And it remains a belief that continues to influence Americans’ views about the right to bear arms today.
Protector: Genesis 16:12 > “…. his hand shall be aganist every man, and every man’s hand against him”
The Barbary Pirates
THe Barbary pirates were Muslim pirates who operated from modern-day Morocco Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, from the time of the Crusades until early nineteenth century. They often made raids on European coastal towns to capture Christian slaves to sell at slave markets in places such as Algeria and Morocco. It is estimated that from the sixteenth to the ninnteenth century, pirates captured 1 million to 1.25 million Euroeans as slaves. France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships in these attackes, and long stretches of coast in Spain and Italy were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants.
In 1783, the United States won its freedom from the British monarchy, which had been paying tribute money to the pirates, and in 1784 the first American ship was seized by pirates from Morocco. Two more ships were seized in 1785 by Algeria. In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, then the ambassadors to France and Britian, Sidi Adja, asking why his government was hostile to American ships. The ambassador’s response, which was reported to the Continental Congress, stated that it was their right “to plunder and enslave.”
After some serious debate over what to do, the United States chose to fight the pirates of Barbary than pay tribute, as did all the other nations who traded in the Mediterranean Sea. The decision was bold, and the United States Navy was born in March 1794. Six frigates were authorized, and this new military presence helped lead to the two Barbary Wars along the North African coast: the First Barbary War from 1801 to 1805 and the Second Barbary Wr in 1815. Naval victories in 1815 ended tribute payments by the U.S., although some European nations continued annual payments until the 1830s.
The tiny United States Navy broke a patten of international blackmail and terrorism dating back more than one hundred and fifty years. The actions of the United Sttes Marine Corps in these wars led to the line “to the shores of Tripoli” in the opening of the Marine Hymn. Due to the hazards of boarding hostile ships, Marines’ uniforms had leather high collar to protect against cutless slashes. This led to the nickname Leatheneck for U.S. Marines.
Freedom, Genesis 37:28
… and sold [Joseph] to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver
Taking Leberty for Granted
Dick Cheney, the 46th vice president of the United States:
It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.
 Genesis 45:5 Faith  “….for God sent me before you to preserve life.”
God-Made Rights of God-Made Man
Clarence manion, dean of the Notre Dame College of Law (1941-1952), stated concerning the Declaration of Independence:
Look closely at these self-evident thruths, these imperishable articles of American faith upon which all our government is firmly based. First and foremost is the existence of God. Next comes the truth tha all men are equal in the sight of God. Third is the fact of God’s great gift of unalieable rigths to every person on earth. Then follows the true and single purpose of all Ameican government, namely, to preserve and protect these God-made rights of god-made man.
George Washington placed his hand on Genesis 49:13 as he took the presidential oath of office in 1789,
Genesis 49:13 > “Zebulun shall dwell by the haven of the sea;
He shall become a haven for ships,
And his border shall adjion Sidon.
Autor: Moses
When Written: Around 1400 B.C.
Theme: Deliverance
Key Verses: Exodus 14:13-14 > “And Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid. stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accompish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.’ “
Key Chapters: Exodus 12 – 14 God’s powerful deliverance of Isral through the blood and through His power is dramatically depicted in these chapters.
On December 17, 1620, a small group of Pilgrims who had left England in search of a greater freedom to worship God dropped anchor of the Mayflower at Plymouth Harbor in what is now Massachusetts. These were some of the very first individuals and families in those soul beat the heart of what we now call the “American spirit.”
THeir flight from oppression mirrored a much earlier Exodus, when God led the children of Israel out of the bondage and oppression of Egypt and into a land that He had promised their forefather Abraham. the Book of Exodus recounts how through His mercy – and through the “bloodd of the lamb”God delivered them great success through obedience to His Word and will.
George Washington, the “American Moses”
Exodus 3:10 > “Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of  Egypt.”
“First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen,” said Major General Henry Lee about George Washington, agter his deth. He was surely that and more. Emerging as the most significnt leader in the founding of the United States, he was the essential man, the American Moses, the Father of the Country. At the three major crossroads in the establishment of the nation, he led our troops to victory in the Revolutionary War, he superinended the Constitutional Convention, and he was unanimously elected as the first president.
How, onw wonders, is it possible for so much greatness to be embodied in one man? After all, he was surrounded by a host of other courageous leaders, brilliant thinkers, passionate, orators, and gifted writers – Franklin, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Mason, John ans Samuel Adams, Hamilton, Madison – almost all of whom were far better educated than he. Yet Washington always led the way.
While much has often been made of his physical stature (he stood six feet two inches when the verage man stood five foot seven inches, and he weighted two hundred pounds), or his courage, charisma, energy, vision, calm demeanor, or wealth, it was his high moral t most historical sources commonly cite as the reason for his emergence as the supreme leader. Combine his sterling character and his genius in the area of leadership, and here was a man who could be trusted implicitly to lead over a long period of time and in the course of extraordinary difficulties.
Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, the second president of the United States, said about Washington: “He was… possessed of the pure, possessed of an extensive influence, but he never used it but for hte benefit of his country…. If you look through the whole tenor of his life, history will not produce to us a parallel.”
Thomas Jefferson wrote of Washington: “His integrity was most pure, his justice the most inflexible I have ever known. No motives … of freindship or hatered being able to bias his decision. He was, indeed, in every sense of the word, a wise, a good, and a great man. It may truly be said that never did nature and fortune combine more perfectly to make a man great, and to place him in the same constellation with whatever worthies have merited from man an everlasting remembrance.”
Service Exdous 12:14 >
“So this day shall be to you a memorial…”
What We Can Do for Our Country
In honor of the veterans of the Civil War, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who had been wounded three times during the war, said in a Memorial Day Address in 1884:
It is now the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each od us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country in return.
“Emancipate! Enfranchise! Educate!”
The ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment on December 18, 1865, completed legislation to abolish slavery, which had begun with the Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. At Lincoln’s request, Presbyterian minister Henry Highland Garnet was asked to deliver a sermon in the House of Representatives to commemorate the event on February 12, 1865.
For the first time in the history of the Republic, a black American spoke in the Capitol, and he delivered these powerful words:
Augustine, Constantine, Ignatius, Polycrap, Maximus, and the most illistrious lights of the ancient church denounced the sin of slaveholding. Thomaas Jefferson said- at a period of his life when his judgement was matured and his experience was ripe — “There is preparing, I hope, under the auspices of heaven, a way for a total emancipation.” the sainted Washington said, near the close of his mortal career and when the light of eternity was beaming upon him, “It is among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country shall be abolished by law. I know of but one way by which thiscan be done, and that is by legislative action; and so far as my vote can go, it shall not be wanting.” Patrick Henry said, “We should transmit to posterity our abhorrence of slavery.” So also thought [this] Congress….
Let the verdict of death which has been brought in against slavery by Congress be affirmed and exected by the people. Let the gigsntic monstor perish. Yes, perish now, and perish forever!… Let slavery die. It has had a long and fair trial; God Himself has pleaded against it. Its deth warrant is signed by God and man. Do not commute its sentence. Give it no repite, but let it be ignominiously executed.
Honorable Senators and Rrepresentatives! Illustrious rulers of this great nation! I cannot refrain this day from invoking upon you, in God’s name, the blessings of millions who were ready to perish but to whom a new and better life has been opened by your humanity, justice, and patriotism. You have  said, “Let the Constitution of the country be so amended that slavery and involuntary servitude shall no longer exist in the United States, except in punishment for a crime.” Surely, an act so sublime could not escaoe Divine notice; and doubtless, the deed has been recorded in the archives of Heaven!… Favored men – ans honored of God as His instruments-speedily finish the work which He has given you to do. Emancipate! Enfranchise! Educate! andgive the blessing of the Gospel to every American citizen!
Integrity: Exodus 18:21 > “…. able men, such as fear God….”
Character Matters
Noah Webster, known as the  “Father of American Scholarship and and Education” and author of the famous Webster’s Dictionary, stated:
In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect [party] ofthe candidate – look to his character. it is alleged be men of loose principles or defective views of the subject that religion and morality are not necessary or important qualifications for political stations. But the Scriptures teach a different doctrine. they direct that rules should be men “who rule in the fear of God, able men, such as fear God, men truth, hating covetousness.”

Matthew 5:3-11 > 3)”Blessed are the poor in spirit’
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4) Blessed are those who mourn,
For they shall be comforted.
5) Blessed are the meek,
For they shall inherit the earth.
6) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.
7) Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy.
8) Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.
9) Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God.
10) Blessed are those ho are persecuted for righteousness
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11) “Blessed are you whne they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
Harry S. Truman placed his hand on Matthew 5:3-11 and  Exodus 20:3-17 as he took the presidential oath of office in 1949.

Exodus 20:3- “You shall have no other gods before Me.
4- “You shall not make for yourself a carved image- any likeness of anything that is in heven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water inder the earth;
5-you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. for I, the LORD your god, am a jealous God, visisting the iniquity of hte fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me,
6 – but showing mercy to thousands, tothose who love Me and keep My commandments.
7 – “You shall not take the name of the Lord your god in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
8 – “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 – Six days you shall labor and do you work,
10 – but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.
11 – For in sixdays the Lord made the heavens and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
12 – “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
13 – ” You shall not murder.
14 – “You shall not commit adultery.
15 – “You shall not steal.
16 – “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
17 – ” you sahll not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor hisox, nor his donkey, nor anything tha is your neighbor’s.”
Honor: Exodus 20:8 – ” Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
A Church for Each Parish
In 1665, the legislature of  New York Colony enacted:
Whereas, the public worship of God is much discredited for want of painful [serious] and able ministers to instruct the people in the true religion, it is ordered that a church shall be built in each parish, cabable of holding two hundred persons; that ministers of every church shall preach every Sunday, and pray for the king, queen, the Duke of York, and the royal family; and to marry persons after legal publication of license….
Sunday is not to be profaned by traveling, by laborers, or vicious persons…. Church wardens to report twice a year all misdemeanors, such as swearing. profaneness, Sabbath-breaking, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, and all such abominable sins.
Devotion: ” And there I will meet with you …”
Reverence for the Word
William Cullen Bryant (1794 – 1878), known as the “Father of American Poets” and long-time editor of the New York Evening Post, wrote about hte Bible:
The sacredness of the Bible awes me, and I approach it with the same sort of reverential feeling that an Hebrew might be supposed to feel who was about to touch the ark of God with unhallowed hands.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Defender: Genesis 14:14 > Now whan Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants…

The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads:

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of the free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Having fled persecution in Great Britain, the Puritans had laws requiring every family to own a gun, to carry it in public places, and to train children in the use of firearms. In1619, the colony of Virginia had statues that required everyone to bear arms. Connecticut law in 1650 required every man above the age of sixteen to possess “a good musket or other gun, fit for service.”

THe early laws of America are very clear about this. THe people were responsible for their own defense and freedoms and needed to be prepared to fight. Thomas Jefferson said, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” At the time, there was no concept of a professional army, created and paid to defend the colonies. George Mason, called the father of the Bill of Rights, said, “What is the militia? It is the whole people. TO disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them.”

With the approach of the American Revolution, the natural rights philosophers had established the foundation for self-defense. Every man’s life, they said, belongs to God, and to allow one’s life to be taken because one failed to defend it was wrong. This natural law to the right of self-defense, was also applied to the duty to protect one’s family, community, and national liberty, a sacred gift from God.

For the most part, the colonial churches, particularly New England’s Congregational congregations, believe that a revolt against tyrants, such as King George, was to obey God. It may have had its roots in the Old Testament accounts of Israel’s wars for freedom, but it became a powerful fire that impassioned the citizenry. And it remains a belief that continues to influence Americans’ views about the right to bear arms today.

Protector: Genesis 16:12 > “…. his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him”

The Barbary Pirates

THe Barbary pirates were Muslim pirates who operated from modern-day Morocco Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, from the time of the Crusades until early nineteenth century. They often made raids on European coastal towns to capture Christian slaves to sell at slave markets in places such as Algeria and Morocco. It is estimated that from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, pirates captured 1 million to 1.25 million Euroeans as slaves. France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships in these attacks, and long stretches of coast in Spain and Italy were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants.

In 1783, the United States won its freedom from the British monarchy, which had been paying tribute money to the pirates, and in 1784 the first American ship was seized by pirates from Morocco. Two more ships were seized in 1785 by Algeria. In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, then the ambassadors to France and Britain, Sidi Adja, asking why his government was hostile to American ships. The ambassador’s response, which was reported to the Continental Congress, stated that it was their right “to plunder and enslave.”

After some serious debate over what to do, the United States chose to fight the pirates of Barbary rather than pay tribute, as did all the other nations who traded in the Mediterranean Sea. The decision was bold, and the United States Navy was born in March 1794. Six frigates were authorized, and this new military presence helped lead to the two Barbary Wars along the North African coast: the First Barbary War from 1801 to 1805 and the Second Barbary War in 1815. Naval victories in 1815 ended tribute payments by the U.S., although some European nations continued annual payments until the 1830s.

The tiny United States Navy broke a patten of international blackmail and terrorism dating back more than one hundred and fifty years. The actions of the United States Marine Corps in these wars led to the line “to the shores of Tripoli” the opening of the Marine Hymn. Due to the hazards of boarding hostile ships, Marines’ uniforms had leather high collar to protect against cutlass slashes. This led to the nickname Leatherneck for U.S. Marines.

Freedom, Genesis 37:28

… and sold [Joseph] to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver

Taking Liberty for Granted

Dick Cheney, the 46th vice president of the United States:

It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.

 Genesis 45:5 Faith  “….for God sent me before you to preserve life.”

God-Made Rights of God-Made Man

Clarence manion, dean of the Notre Dame College of Law (1941-1952), stated concerning the Declaration of Independence:

Look closely at these self-evident truths, these imperishable articles of American faith upon which all our government is firmly based. First and foremost is the existence of God. Next comes the truth that all men are equal in the sight of God. Third is the fact of God’s great gift of unalienable rights to every person on earth. Then follows the true and single purpose of all American government, namely, to preserve and protect these God-made rights of god-made man.

George Washington placed his hand on Genesis 49:13 as he took the presidential oath of office in 1789,

Genesis 49:13 > “Zebulun shall dwell by the haven of the sea;

He shall become a haven for ships, 

And his border shall adjoin Sidon.


Autor: Moses

When Written: Around 1400 B.C.

Theme: Deliverance

Key Verses: Exodus 14:13-14 > “And Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid. stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.’ “

Key Chapters: Exodus 12 – 14 God’s powerful deliverance of Israel through the blood and through His power is dramatically depicted in these chapters.

On December 17, 1620, a small group of Pilgrims who had left England in search of a greater freedom to worship God dropped anchor of the Mayflower at Plymouth Harbor in what is now Massachusetts. These were some of the very first individuals and families in those souls to beat the heart of what we now call the “American spirit.”

THeir flight from oppression mirrored a much earlier Exodus, when God led the children of Israel out of the bondage and oppression of Egypt and into a land that He had promised their forefather Abraham. the Book of Exodus recounts how through His mercy – and through the “bloodd of the lamb”God delivered them great success through obedience to His Word and will.

George Washington, the “American Moses”

Exodus 3:10 > “Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of  Egypt.”

“First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen,” said Major General Henry Lee about George Washington, agter his deth. He was surely that and more. Emerging as the most significnt leader in the founding of the United States, he was the essential man, the American Moses, the Father of the Country. At the three major crossroads in the establishment of the nation, he led our troops to victory in the Revolutionary War, he superinended the Constitutional Convention, and he was unanimously elected as the first president.

How, one wonders, is it possible for so much greatness to be embodied in one man? After all, he was surrounded by a host of other courageous leaders, brilliant thinkers, passionate, orators, and gifted writers – Franklin, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Mason, John ans Samuel Adams, Hamilton, Madison – almost all of whom were far better educated than he. Yet Washington always led the way.

While much has often been made of his physical stature (he stood six feet two inches when the verge man stood five foot seven inches, and he weighted two hundred pounds), or his courage, charisma, energy, vision, calm demeanor, or wealth, it was his high moral t most historical sources commonly cite as the reason for his emergence as the supreme leader. Combine his sterling character and his genius in the area of leadership, and here was a man who could be trusted implicitly to lead over a long period of time and in the course of extraordinary difficulties.

Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, the second president of the United States, said about Washington: “He was… possessed of the pure, possessed of an extensive influence, but he never used it but for hte benefit of his country…. If you look through the whole tenor of his life, history will not produce to us a parallel.”

Thomas Jefferson wrote of Washington: “His integrity was most pure, his justice the most inflexible I have ever known. No motives … of friendship or hatred being able to bias his decision. He was, indeed, in every sense of the word, a wise, a good, and a great man. It may truly be said that never did nature and fortune combine more perfectly to make a man great, and to place him in the same constellation with whatever worthies have merited from man an everlasting remembrance.”

Service Exodus 12:14 >

“So this day shall be to you a memorial…”

What We Can Do for Our Country

In honor of the veterans of the Civil War, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who had been wounded three times during the war, said in a Memorial Day Address in 1884:

It is now the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country in return.

“Emancipate! Enfranchise! Educate!”

The ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment on December 18, 1865, completed legislation to abolish slavery, which had begun with the Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. At Lincoln’s request, Presbyterian minister Henry Highland Garnet was asked to deliver a sermon in the House of Representatives to commemorate the event on February 12, 1865.

For the first time in the history of the Republic, a black American spoke in the Capitol, and he delivered these powerful words:

Augustine, Constantine, Ignatius, Polygraph, Maximus, and the most illustrious lights of the ancient church denounced the sin of slaveholding. Thomaas Jefferson said- at a period of his life when his judgement was matured and his experience was ripe — “There is preparing, I hope, under the auspices of heaven, a way for a total emancipation.” the sainted Washington said, near the close of his mortal career and when the light of eternity was beaming upon him, “It is among my first wishes to see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country shall be abolished by law. I know of but one way by which this can be done, and that is by legislative action; and so far as my vote can go, it shall not be wanting.” Patrick Henry said, “We should transmit to posterity our abhorrence of slavery.” So also thought [this] Congress….

Let the verdict of death which has been brought in against slavery by Congress be affirmed and exected by the people. Let the gigsntic monstor perish. Yes, perish now, and perish forever!… Let slavery die. It has had a long and fair trial; God Himself has pleaded against it. Its deth warrant is signed by God and man. Do not commute its sentence. Give it no repite, but let it be ignominiously executed.

Honorable Senators and Representatives! Illustrious rulers of this great nation! I cannot refrain this day from invoking upon you, in God’s name, the blessings of millions who were ready to perish but to whom a new and better life has been opened by your humanity, justice, and patriotism. You have  said, “Let the Constitution of the country be so amended that slavery and involuntary servitude shall no longer exist in the United States, except in punishment for a crime.” Surely, an act so sublime could not escape Divine notice; and doubtless, the deed has been recorded in the archives of Heaven!… Favored men – ans honored of God as His instruments-speedily finish the work which He has given you to do. Emancipate! Enfranchise! Educate! and give the blessing of the Gospel to every American citizen!

Integrity: Exodus 18:21 > “…. able men, such as fear God….”

Character Matters 

Noah Webster, known as the  “Father of American Scholarship and and Education” and author of the famous Webster’s Dictionary, stated:

In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect [party] ofthe candidate – look to his character. it’s alleged be men of loose principles or defective views of the subject that religion and morality are not necessary or important qualifications for political stations. But the Scriptures teach a different doctrine. they direct that rules should be men “who rule in the fear of God, able men, such as fear God, men truth, hating covetousness.”

Matthew 5:3-11 > 3)”Blessed are the poor in spirit’

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4) Blessed are those who mourn, 

For they shall be comforted.

5) Blessed are the meek,

For they shall inherit the earth.

6) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

For they shall be filled.

7) Blessed are the merciful,

For they shall obtain mercy.

8) Blessed are the pure in heart,

For they shall see God.

9) Blessed are the peacemakers,

For they shall be called sons of God.

10) Blessed are those how are persecuted for righteousness 


For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11) “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.

Harry S. Truman placed his hand on Matthew 5:3-11 and  Exodus 20:3-17 as he took the presidential oath of office in 1949.

Exodus 20:3- “You shall have no other gods before Me.

4- “You shall not make for yourself a carved image- any likeness of anything that is in heven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water inder the earth;

5-you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. for I, the LORD your god, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me,

6 – but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

7 – “You shall not take the name of the Lord your god in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

8 – “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

9 – Six days you shall labor and do you work,

10 – but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.

11 – For in six days the Lord made the heavens and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

12 – “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

13 – ” You shall not murder.

14 – “You shall not commit adultery.

15 – “You shall not steal.

16 – “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

17 – ” you shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”

Honor: Exodus 20:8 – ” Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

A Church for Each Parish

In 1665, the legislature of  New York Colony enacted:

Whereas, the public worship of God is much discredited for want of painful [serious] and able ministers to instruct the people in the true religion, it is ordered that a church shall be built in each parish, capable of holding two hundred persons; that ministers of every church shall preach every Sunday, and pray for the king, queen, the Duke of York, and the royal family; and to marry persons after legal publication of license….

Sunday is not to be profaned by traveling, by laborers, or vicious persons…. Church wardens to report twice a year all misdemeanors, such as swearing. profaneness, Sabbath-breaking, drunkenness, fornication, adultery, and all such abominable sins.

Devotion: ” And there I will meet with you …”

Reverence for the Word

William Cullen Bryant (1794 – 1878), known as the “Father of American Poets” and long-time editor of the New York Evening Post, wrote about hte Bible:

The sacredness of the Bible awes me, and I approach it with the same sort of reverential feeling that an Hebrew might be supposed to feel who was about to touch the ark of God with unhallowed hands.

This week I learned a little about myself. Scripture frequently mentions light in association with God. In Genesis, He called light good (1:3-4); in Psalms, David looked to the Lord for light and salvation (27:1); in John’s gospel, Jesus proclaimed Himself to be the light of the world (8:12). We find light mentioned in many other passages, and it continues in and through our lives today. But, how? This blog we will discuss:

Abortion Stop Barbaric New Abortion Laws Globally.docx


Missouri’s abortion ban declares ‘Almighty God is the author of life.’ Faith leaders beg to differ in new suit.


Jan 20, 2023, 3:09 PM

A Universalist Unitarian reverend stands close to the camera with a red mask over his face reading "abortion is healthcare."
Universalist Unitarian Church Rev. Tom Capo is a member of a coalition of clergy who sued to block Florida’s abortion ban in August. 
  • Missouri’s abortion ban completely outlaws abortion with limited exceptions.
  • The text of the law declares that “Almighty God is the author of life.”
  • Thirteen leaders from different faiths say separation of church and state is being violated.

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Thirteen faith leaders from various denominations are suing the state of Missouri over an abortion ban that completely outlaws abortion with limited exceptions — based on the premise that “Almighty God is the author of life.”

The clergy, who come from denominations of Christianity, Unitarian Universalism, and Judaism, said the abortion ban violates their religious freedom and subjects them to “the religious dictates of others.”

“In a years-long crusade against abortion access, state officials have weaponized their religious beliefs to control the bodies and deny the autonomy of women and all who can become pregnant, jeopardizing their health, lives, and futures,” the lawsuit says. “Many people of faith support abortion access not despite, but because of, their religion.”

There’s a long history of religious support for abortion rights, according to a 2022 report by The Law, Rights, and Religion Project. Some traditions, including the Presbyterian Church, Reform and Conservative Judaism, and the United Church of Christ, explicitly support the right to an abortion.

“The idea of a religious liberty right to reproductive autonomy is not something that came from lawyers,” said Elizabeth Reiner Platt, director of Columbia Law School’s Law, Rights, and Religion Project. “It came from religious leaders and communities, who have been explaining for decades that they see reproductive freedom as essential to religious freedom.”

It’s unusual for explicitly religious language to be in the text of a statute, but legislators often invoke religious language when they debate and draft new laws, according to Platt.

More than a dozen states passed abortion bans in the days and weeks following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade last summer. Missouri was one of the states that planned ahead. Under the state’s “trigger law,” passed in 2019, abortion became illegal as soon as the court made its ruling.

But Missouri lawmakers openly discussed their religious beliefs on abortion while writing the abortion ban in 2019 according to the lawsuit, saying things like “Life begins at conception. Psalms 119 says …,” and “God doesn’t give us a choice in this area. He is the Creator of life.”

There have also been more than a dozen cases challenging abortion restrictions on religious freedom grounds since the Supreme Court’s decision, according to Platt.

A Florida Jewish congregation, a group of Florida multifaith leaders, Methodist ministers in Texas, and Jewish and Muslim claimants in Indiana, among others, have all brought similar claims.  

Some have had initial success, “including injunctions in Utah and Wyoming based in part on religion arguments, as well as more detailed early rulings in Kentucky and Indiana finding that banning abortion violates religious freedom,” Platt told Insider. But there have been no final court victories or losses.

Historically, though, few courts have directly said there is a religious liberty right to abortion care. 

In a statement posted to Twitter, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who is named in the lawsuit, said he would “defend the right to life with every tool at my disposal.” 

“In Harris v. McRae, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected arguments like those raised in this case, and the Missouri Attorney General’s Office has won on similar claims at the Missouri Supreme Court,” Bailey wrote, citing a Supreme Court case in which the court rejected an argument that an abortion restriction violated the establishment clause. “We look forward to doing it again. I will never back down from this fight.” 

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Women’s Devotional Daily Bread: Scriptures are offen taken from the only Word that’s true. God’s living Word!

You are invited to come on a journey. A journey of love, and faith from our loving Heavenly Father, who has sent His only begotten Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Welcome to the Torah, also known as the Old Testament, the Women’s Daily Devotional is for all who have believed all their lives and even new believers; Even those just needing encouragement. We are all ready to embark on an exciting journey together through The Word of God, together we will talk about our daily lives. I feel most of us maybe to busy to take on a new adventure and a new relationship. A relationship with Jesus is the only relationship you’ll ever need to get through your busy life. Because you can talk with our Lord anytime and anywhere. He will be with you always. Our relationship with our Father in heaven is the most important relationship your have. He will not leave you or forsake you, NO, matter what! We are together in this. God is love and love is God. If you do not know God you do NOT know love. Love is not a feeling, its an action word. Its about doing what Jesus told us to do. TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE HAS LOVED US. There maybe so many things to do in your life invite Jesus in every part of your life. Give him control and your life will go a lot easier. I am not saying your not going to have problems; you will. Our problems are just a test of our faith. Me, my faith noboday can have that belongs to me. Just like your belongs to you. Points to the joy of a relationship with Jesus and the timeless wisdom found in God’s holy Word. Each reading will be based from the Word. Even passages and developed around a story of the Bible. Wisdom from the Word and asking for God’s understanding while reading His love story. There is hope in Jesus. You come to the Father through Jesus just as you are. Let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. Read Isaiah 55:1-7 > Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live.

If you are a women of today, your life is full – you may even say something that your life is too full. There are so many things to do, so many demands on your time. No matter what day of the week you begin your reading, you simply turn to a devotion for that day. Then for the next day, look to bottom of the devotion

Our Responsibility

Every day when I turn on the news, I see horrific stories of destructive wars, persecution, and mass shootings occurring around the world. Not only do these events anger me, bjut they also tempt me to lose faith in the goodness of humanity. I begin to wonder, Why does God let evil harm our lives of so many? After I began, God showed me that it is my responsibility to make the world better in whatever ways I can. Instead of allowing the evil of others to form violent thoughts in my mind, I can focus on doing the small things that God asks me. Instead of resending those whose lives are spent spreading evil, I can remember that the Lord said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay” Romans 12:19.

We are all affected in some way by atrocities that occur around the globe. Instead of focusing on the bad in the world and using violence to fight violence, we can focuson our ability to spread love and goodness. We can find comfort in knowingthat God’s righteousness will be th final word justice. Now when I become enraged and discouraged by an attack on humanity, I think, What can I do today to spread a little more of God’s love?

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