God’s Holy Word!

What motivates you?
It’s not what motivates me, it’s Who motivates me! God’s loving Words motivates me!

What has any one of us done for God, or given to God that he should have sent his Son, Jesus, to save us? We have done nothing to deserve salvation. We have done nothing to deserve any of the blessings we have been given. It is only through the unconditional love of God that any of this has been done. True, we can look around and see that others may be better looking or smarter, or healthier or wealthier than others. There will be those who seem to have more and we might feel cheated. But just as they did nothing to deserve what they have, we have done nothing to deserve what we have. God’s gifts are not based on whether or not we deserve what we have but the gifts we have been given fit into his plan for our benefit and the benefit of others. Many years ago there was a movie called “It’s A Wonderful Life.” In the movie the main character feels like he is a failure and that it would have been better if he had never been born. In the course of the movie, he learns about how his life has touched others in both major and minor ways. But each person he touched also influenced the lives of others. We don’t always see the effect our lives have on others, but God does. If we never existed, someone’s life would have been less for our not being there. The most important thing we have received is the gift of eternal life and none of us have done anything to deserve that. And so we pray as Paul did:

Grace, Mercy and all Glory to God


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