The Love of God

What countries do you want to visit?
Where ever God is! Jerusalem!

Jesus knew that the apostles would be persecuted for proclaiming the Kingdom of God and was warning them. It is also a warning for us. The apostles would proclaim the message risking death and were often persecuted, jailed, beaten and, except for the apostle John who died a natural death, were eventually killed. For two more centuries, the early Christians faced the same torture and death at the hands of the Romans. Most of us do not face the same dangers but the world is still not happy when we work to bring the Kingdom and its ideals to life today. I know that this is something we have talked about before and will talk about again, but Jesus wanted the apostles and disciples to be reminded more than once what the consequences were for those who believe, and we still need those reminders. Satan, Beelzebub, the devil, whatever we choose to call him is still active in the world. It can be so hard to recognize him! We face him in so many situations at work, at home, with our friends. Children and teenagers aren’t the only ones who are affected by peer pressure. Drugs, both legal and illegal are seen as the solution to pain. Drinking and driving is rampant. Road rage happens over something as simple as someone being cut off. Families are under stress, so violence becomes the solution. Workers can be encouraged to cheat their employers or their customers. “Everyone is doing it,” is a catch-phrase for giving in to temptation. To encourage doing the right thing is looked upon as not “being with it.” We can actually be punished or ostracized for living the Christian way of life. And so we still need to hear this message. Beware of those who can destroy the soul.

I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love: and I was to them as they that take off the yoke on their jaws, and I laid meat unto them. Hosea 11:4

Where the Lord leads us, He leads us with kindness. He does not burden us with the chains of slavery or the yoke of beasts. Instead, He binds us with love, cherishing us as His beloved creation, caring for our needs as we proceed through this life with Him. It may seem uncomfortable when He leads us away from the familiar, but we can be sure that where He leads us is good, and that He remains with us.

Lord, in my weakness I sometimes year for the things that I’ve left behind, and the life that You rescued me from. It is easy to forget how heavy the chains of bondage once were. Help me Lord, to take comfort in Your bonds of love, and to not forget that it is You who gives me comfort on our journey together. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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