If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. 1 Peter 4:14

Who was your most influential teacher? Why?

This month we begin a new theme on the topic of Sacrifice, which is fitting for this season as we prepare our hearts for Easter to honor and praise Jesus for His ultimate sacrifice. 

The dictionary defines a sacrifice as: “the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.” A secondary definition also defines sacrifice as “an act of offering to a deity something precious.”   

In simple terms, a sacrifice is something you desire that you choose to give up for a greater purpose or to a greater Person. And in reality, that’s what makes sacrificing so difficult! Because what is being given up is something valued, cherished, loved, and desirable. 

Yet because we are supposed to model our lives after Jesus’ life, we are called to sacrifice on a daily basis. But we find that God invites us to sacrifice our wants, desires, and plans in order to experience something richer, more purposeful, and more in line with His desires for us. 

However – because we are human – even when we know it’s what God wants, it doesn’t make it easier to lay down our desires and follow His plan. Thankfully, God has given us His Word to glean from. He sent others to pave the way and provide a roadmap that is both obedient and honoring to God. 

Throughout this month, we’ll learn from a few people in Scripture—Abraham, David, Paul, and Jesus—to better understand what sacrifice looks like and how we can pursue and submit to it in our daily lives. It’s not easy, but God will give us the strength to surrender, sacrifice, and put His love on display.


Nobody likes to be insulted or belittled. Yet, Jesus tells us to expect opposition and rejection. When others talk down on us for standing up for Christ, it is evidence that Christ is in us and His Spirit is working through us. When we share in suffering for His name’s sake, we share in His glory as it is revealed in us.

From His triumphal entry into Jerusalem to His last breath on the cross, Jesus’ final days were marked with joy, fellowship, grief, betrayal, pain, and death. But this death was not the end. Jesus rose victorious from the grave, securing a place in Heaven for all who turn from sin and believe in Him.

Salvation Is Won” reveals the story of Jesus’ last days on the earth from His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to His betrayal, death, and resurrection from the grave.

Father, please give me the perseverance to endure the mocking of those around me. Some days I want to run and hide, but You call me to stand firm. When others hurl insults at me, give me the power to respond only with Your love and truth. And as You work through me, please soften the hearts of my attackers so that they may see You and know You, too. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Nothing Is Impossible With Christ Jesus! Day 1

This has to be one of the most motivating Bible verses in the word of God. It sums up our Christian walk. In our own power, there are many things that we can consider to be impossible. But when we are with God, absolutely nothing is impossible. The Bible is filled with so many instances where God turned the impossible into the more-than-possible.

Abraham and Sarah were unable to conceive a child. They were both very old and neither of them was fertile. But when they encountered God, they received life in their loins and Abraham became the Father of many nations – starting with his own children.

When the Israelites were escaping from Egypt, they found themselves in front of the Red Sea. I’d like you to think about this for a moment. The Israelites were not in front of a pond or a river they could wade through. They weren’t even in front of a lake. The Israelites were faced with an entire sea. What did God do for them? He parted the sea in two and held it until every single one of the Israelites had crossed safely. It is very clear that that sea was not crossed in a day. Think of the great expanse. But God kept it open until they were on the other side!

Lastly, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was conceived through a virgin and the Spirit of God. This is a feat that still leaves many intellectuals dumbfounded in this day and age. “It’s impossible!” one would cry. Not with God, my friend. When God intervenes, all protocols are broken.

Through God and His wonder-working power the dead have been raised, barren wombs have been with child, addictions have been broken, lives have been restored, and people have received miracle provision. It is through God, the fate of our eternity was redeemed.

When you think of the numerous times that God has turned the impossible into a moment of possibility, you should become confident. There is nothing too big for God to handle. Look at who you are talking about! He is the God who created the heavens, the earth, and the universe. He knows every star by name.

1 Timothy 4:12: Day 2

When we are young, people often don’t take us seriously. It can be frustrating, especially if people are telling you to act like an adult and yet you are treated like a child. Here we see Paul encouraging Timothy to be an example. Instead of dwelling on the disadvantage of youth, focus on being worthy of being looked up to. Focus on maturing spiritually. Let your words and conversations reflect Christ. Pray that your character will reflect Christ, and above all, have faith in God.

LORD, help me to have the character that resembles You. Strengthen my faith in You, LORD. Help me to be content with my age and the stage of life I am in. Help me to do what I can do instead of focusing on what I can’t do. Conform and shape me into whom you want me to be. Above all, I want to please You. I want to do your will and live for You. Give me wisdom and insight to do so, and lead me by Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Proverbs 31:30Day 3

Face-value, earthly things will never hold a substantial amount of value. We live in a world that is more concerned about how people look, how much money they have, and the kinds of material goods they possess. All of these things will fade away with time. The thing that will remain in people’s minds for a very long time will be our characters and the virtues we possess. Men and women of God need to ensure that their characters and their virtues are godly.

Dear God, I pray that I never become caught up in the things of this world. I know that things like physical appearance and money are fleeting; they will not last an eternity. But the things that come out of my heart will. Lord, may my heart be a reflection of your light. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

1 Timothy 5:1 – Day 4

There are likely older believers in your life. Here, Paul tells Timothy not to rebuke his elders, but to come to them the way he would come to his father. Then, he tells Timothy to treat younger men as his brothers. Similarly, you can treat older believers in your life as your father or mother. Don’t be harsh with them, but come with respect and humility. With younger believers, treat them as your sibling. Do not taunt or be rude to them. Do not act as though you are better than them. Rather, treat them with respect that you would want to receive from those who are older than you.

Heavenly Father, make me respectful and humble as I interact with those older and younger than me. If I see something in their life that needs correction, give me wisdom and humility to address it. Lead me by your Holy Spirit, and do not let me do it on my own strength. Let me correct others because I love them and you, not for selfish gain. Thank you God that you correct me in love and not wrath. Let me correct and treat others how you treat me and how I would want to be treated. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 103:5Day 5

“Youth is wasted on the young!” How true is that statement! The older we get the more we long for the days of our youth, when we were more energetic and our joints didn’t creak every time we took a step. When we look into the mirror and see a new wrinkle or gray hair, we wax nostalgic for the days of smooth skin and shiny locks. In this passage, we are told that youthful vitality is not lost to us, not through God. He will renew us as the “eagle.” Eagle. Not sparrow, or swallow, or hummingbird. But the strong and mighty eagle, who can fly up to 10,000 feet, who has over 7,000 feathers to keep it warm and dry, who has exceptional eyesight and seems to soar effortlessly. The eagle is a symbol of strength and grace. Through God, we have the ability to maintain our own strength, stamina and vitality. Through God, we are renewed. Through God, we are made young again.

Galatians 6:9 – Day 5

We should always strive to do good in every way and every place that we can. Our actions testify to the world of the God we preach is a good and loving God. Check your actions and your thoughts and ask yourself if you are truly reflecting the nature of God.

Dear God, I ask that you help me ensure that in everything I do, I reflect your goodness and I reflect your love. My desire is for more and more people to come into your light and the only way they can do this, is by believing in you. May my actions communicate who you are, just as much as my words do. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Isaiah 41:10 – Day 6

God has gone to the ends of the earth to make sure that you will always know that, no matter what, He has got you covered. He will keep you at rest, He will strengthen you, and He will see you through the tough times. In everything you do, every trial that you face, and in every challenge, that comes your way, you should know that you have no reason to fret or worry. God is with you.

Dear God, I thank you that I can trust in you completely, never having to worry or fret when troubling times come my way. I thank you, Lord, that I can rely on your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Romans 15:13 Day 7

Having faith in God is complicated: in happy, positive times, it is easy to forget that God carried you along the way, and in difficult times it is easy to blame Him. I have looked at my faith from a narcissistic lense too often, desiring a reward for being faithful to God. I forget that faith is the reward. Believing in the Lord is what gives me peace and joy, hope and power. In happy times or times of any trouble, we are comforted by God (2 Corinthians 1: 3-4). Let us rejoice in His holy name!

Holy, holy, holy Lord. God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. The hope I feel for the future with you knows no bounds, my Lord, and I aim to please you with every moment of my life. Forgive me for my transgressions and doubts, but I pray to you with a resolve that I did not feel before. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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