Being With God

Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end.

Being With God!

BIBLE VERSE 🌟 Romans 8:15 (KJV)  For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of a sound mind, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.”

MESSAGE 👐👐( Read carefully)
   Praise God forever more. Amen. We’ll be discussing about, the term ‘ Fear’. What does this really mean. To be scared, no! Not that way, in our journey. Because in our journey of faith, fear is out of it. It has no place no space. Fear in our journey of faith, is a weapon, a mighty tool,a very powerful instrument the devil use against us. Let’s get a better picture of it. What’s fear, in relation to our journey with Christ? This means, to feel worried about a possible or probable situation or event. When going deeper, you’ll get to know that, fear is the exact opposite of faith. You heard in the definition, meaning to feel worried about the possibility of an event. That worry makes your fears come into reality. Faith and Fear are repulsive. One repulses the other. They don’t and can never work together. Fear brings limitations to our possessions in life. Fear shortens and destroys the effectiveness of the Spirit of God in us. Fear limits our destination and place of destiny. ‘ FEAR IS MORE THAN A WORD’! Fear it’s more than a four letter word. It’s power for the devil and a weakness to us. Yes, because it weakens how much power our Faith and believe can produce.
    Let’s dig into our opening verse for today. Wait a minute before you read it,try to carefully understand that verse, read it to yourself. Romans 8:15 (KJV)  For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of a sound mind, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” And now I want you to say to yourself, say to yourself, “I KNOW WHO I AM”, say it one more time, be bold as a lion when saying it. Declare to yourself, ‘I KNOW WHO I AM’, I think the devil still doesn’t get our point. Decree!!! I KNOW WHO I AM!!!!!! AMEN. This is who we are, what we are, this is what we’re made of. Hallelujah. This moment, when you’re able to do it, no one needs to remind you to speak in tongues. Hayaya. Amen. You see, it says we have not received the Spirit of bondage to fear. Which means fear is a bondage. It’s able to tie you down. Fear is not just a word. It’s a spirit. A spirit!! We’ve once discussed how spirits operates when it possesses someone. Listen, when fear comes into a believer’s mind. Or let’s just say an ordinary person. When it comes into that person’s mind. One of it’s most deadliest effect is, it attracts negative possibilities. It makes your mind, a source for attracting negative possibilities. One of it, is making you aware of your inability. When this happens, you’ll find it hard to move on, because it has decreased your hope, your faith in a thing you believed could happen. This is how fear can operate. If a boy, from a poor home. Maybe for instance,he slept, being tired. And while sleeping, he had a dream, and in his dream. He saw himself, graduating from an international university, growing up to be a very successful doctor, you know, get home and buys cars for his parents, and became very famous in his town and wherever he went. And woke up from his dream, just to remember that he was from a poor home, who couldn’t even sponsor him into a private secondary school. Now put yourself in that boy’s shoes. Tell me how do you feel. You will feel discouraged. Even if he received a faith-filled sermon before sleeping. Just that thought of him being poor destroys his hope. Fear revealedhis inabilities and limitations. He lost hope in what God can do. He begins to think on his limitations. Then after, his thoughts begins to reflect into reality. Brethren, repulse fear. It’s a spirit that attracts negative happenings into someone’s life.
   But God didn’t give us that spirit!! The bible says, ” But ye have received the spirit of a sound mind and peace.” Say that AMEN!!!  Because when we cry Abba father, Hallelujah!! The works of the devil becomes vanity upon vanity. Say that word again, ‘I KNOW WHO I AM’, ‘I KNOW WHAT I AM MADE OF’. Luke 8:50 (KJV) “But when Jesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole.” Oh God!🙏🙏 How I love this statement Jesus made. Jesus said, ‘Believe only’!! He said believe only. Which means don’t add more to the story. Only believe, cast out doubt,God didn’t give it to you. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  I trust in God, my savior, the one who will never fails. He can never fail. Why should doubt, why should I fear. It’s not of me. For I did not receive the Spirit of fear but of a sound mind that I may manifest my Faith, all times in life. Amen.


Being With God

Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end.

Everyday I begin thanking God for His gift life. He wakes and lays me down. My relationship with God is so much more important to me than anything else in my life.

Here are some Bible verses about putting God first:
Proverbs 3:6
“In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success”
Matthew 6:33
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”
2 Corinthians 5:21
“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God”

Other Bible verses about putting God first include:
Matthew 10:38-39
Matthew 13:44-46
Matthew 22:37-40
Ephesians 1:22-23
Colossians 3:17
Exodus 20:3
Proverbs 3:5-6

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