Biblical Meditation

What are your biggest challenges?
Meditation is my biggest challenge!

Who was the first person to meditate in the Bible?
Meditation is mentioned many times in the Bible. One of the first people shown meditating is Isaac, son of Abraham, in Genesis 24:63 which says, “And Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening

The Bible defines meditation as focusing on the Word of God and what it reveals about Him. The Bible mentions meditation 23 times, 19 of which appear in the Psalms.
Joshua 1:8 is one of the first times the Bible mentions meditation. It reads, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it”.
Psalm 1 and Psalm 119 both call people to meditate on Scripture. Psalm 1 explains that when believers meditate on God’s Word, they will be blessed with flourishing.
According to Abide, reading and studying the Bible regularly is what meditation means. It doesn’t necessarily refer to sitting in silence.
One tip for meditation is to slowly immerse ourselves in God’s word and read that same word over and over again. Another tip is to try praying scripture.

Indeed, unconditional faith in God is the only way in which we can become those whom God can trust. For it is only if all that I have, indeed, all that I am, has been relinquished into the hands of God by faith, that I can be trusted with those things.

Repost – – – Pastor Vlad Savchuk

God loves everyone the same, but He trusts people differently.

This trust isn’t based on random choice but is built over time through our obedience during trials and tests.

He might put us in positions smaller than our potential, just like Joseph, or He might allow us to face jealousy, false accusations, and rejection.

But one thing remains true: God cannot trust you until He tests you.

When we face trials and temptations, remember that God is watching, not to catch us failing, but hoping to see us stand firm so He can trust us with more.

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