Christian Patriotic Woman

This post contains one of humanity’s greatest treasures. No one can deny that the Bible has profoundly affected civilization. It has true epic stories with life-changing power. That only comes from Lord God Almighty. The images have left their imprint on human history, especially in cultures touched by Judaism and Christianity. The American Constitution was writing from this belief.

This is an interesting story from the first Book of Kings, and will continue tomorrow. Ahab is the king of Israel and he wants a neighboring vineyard that the owner doesn’t want to sell. He goes home and tells his wife, Jezebel, that he is too sad and angry to even eat. She devises a plan to get Naboth killed, and this passage is the result. Do you ever wonder why passages such as these are included in Scripture? I know I do. Are they included as warnings, or are they there to let us know that history of Israel was not without its scandalous behavior? We are aware that Jezebel was a wicked woman. She plotted the death of Elijah – even though she didn’t succeed – but she was successful in getting Naboth killed. She got people to lie about him, claiming that he had cursed God and the king, and they stoned him to death as punishment for his crime. There were other kings and queens of Israel who sinned and led others to sin. And there were good kings and queens as well. But we need to remember that we can be seduced by leaders who make us believe that what we are doing is the right thing. This happened in Germany during the Holocaust; it has happened in Northern Ireland, in the Middle East, in South America. It can happen anywhere! We need to be watchful and not be led astray just because someone is in a position of authority.

Human Trafficking Survivor; God and Country, Without God There is No Country/ Judeo-Christian / America Belongs to God

Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you?

Yes! Being a Christian Patriotic woman, means being born free in the country in the world built on Judeo-Christian principles and not being killed for those principles.

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Author: Delana Forsyth Zakrzewski

Thank You Father God in Jesus name for hearing my prayers, thank you Jesus for loving me, and thank You Holy Spirit for living in me in Jesus name Amen

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